Caesar in Gaul, with introduction, review of first-year syntax, notes, grammar, prose composition, and vocabularies

발행: 1918년

분량: 739페이지


분류: 미분류


certaini exhibite a care an anxious solicitude so the wellare of his own soldiem, an a for arance Wit thei mistakes thatis remainatae Their love so hi and thei devotion eret chin and complete. His readines to ardon his formerenemies hen he was master of the worid was more than merediploma it ather hows a large magnanimit an a fine qualit os merCy. He a fond of athletics, a splendi horaeman, an in tanger ithout ear A eeries leader of men, he is considere is many the foremost character in history.

Caesar rote an books, ut only two have furvived the 'Commentaries o the Gallic ar ' and the ' Civit M. The forme consist of eight books the lauer of three Thelas book of the ' Commentaries V was o writte is Caesar, buti Hirtius, ne of his ossicerS. The narration in both work is direct vigorous, an Clear; S CeSSive Vents are presented it dramati an graphic power. is high literar qualit is the more remarkable henwe remember that he wrote the ' Commentaries V hastil as asor of ourna in the ids of his mos Strenuou Cam ignS.

In the followin pages are presente suci, paris os Caesar's Works as are mos enteriaining an inspirin to the generalreader. The stor wily spea forcitself. The Gallic is 'has a peculia interest for us emus it reat of the eoples in hom e re mos familia an from hom mos o us derive ou ancestry It mulis, in a sense, the eginning of modem history. Active, keen-sighted, and truthlal, Caesar givesus suo insight into these nations a serves to exples many f


thei present politica in socia peculiarities. The selectio fro the 'Vivit War V relate the climax of the long strumlefo suprema tWeen Caesar an Pompey, hic culmi redin the batile o Pharsalia, ommy's tot to Egypt Caesar'spursuit, and the stir in evenis that folio ed his arriva there.

6 B. C. Propraetor in Spain. 6 B. C. Forma the ira Triumvirale. 59 B. C. Consul. 58 49 B. C. Proconsul in Gaul.



I MAUL The province to hic Caesar a assigne a proconsul in 584. C. Metherameement of the triumvirate comprised Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpine Gaul, an Illyricum se maria in hegimning of the bookin. Cisalpine Gaul, o Citerior Provincia, had been subduexandreduce to orde by the Roman long efore Caesar' time. The inhabitanis ere fuit in accord illi the Roman

ernment, an upo them the overnor relie larget for his imops an SupplieS. Transalpine Gaul, in iis narrower sense calle also interior Provinciam Narbonnes Gaul, had more recenti Come under Roman dominion It inhabitanis, hile subservient to Rome, still retaine in great par their own CUStomS.IBD icum ha been adde to Rome in I 68 B. C. It was a femtile ounu an a considerable oum o supplies, but requirediitu es Caesar' attention. The nsubdue territor nonhis Caesar' province be eenthe D enees and the ocean o the ne fide and the Rhine and the Alps o the ther, as known a Fre Gaul Libera Galli . It was inhabite is various tribes, wild, arithe, an turbulent, agreeing oni in thei defiance of Romanrule Their numbers ere great, and the Counu Wa Soam, tangemus, andinexplored Although his great territor wagno unde his authorit and was ouiside of his province, Caesa

underiso ita subjugation arias of formidabie proportions.


Themavis eremo est o the fame plane o civiligation. Τhos that were ne est to the rovince ad ecome ome-what civilige through contact it the traders, ut hos in the norin ere stili barbamus. Their ouses ere ut ofcla and wood, thalched with stris an branches. The mised the Coarse grains, butane litu a ut me cultivationis fruits. The kept large herds, and live to a great extentrum meat.


Ο quaintance it Britat Mons it Caesar, thoum Phoenidan traders ad visite the iam centuries efore. The eopte that he found there differe but litu fro thoseo norinem Gaul. Caesar mine some victories, ut maden lastin conquest in the hori time that he re inedinere Britain a no invade again by the Roman foralmos a undred earS.

German was for the Romans a counu Wild, unknom, and ut o mystery. The found it necessar constanti toprotect heir boundaries against the German tribes long the in and Danube Caesar et them in severa batiles, ut his hie objectoas to rive German invadem hom Gallio territory, to defend the Gallic frontier, an to inspire the Germans it a rea o Roman might. As in the case of the auis and the Britons Caesar isthe firs writer o ove an account of Germany and the Germans. His description of this country an iis inhabibanis, in Book IV in VI of the V Commentaries, ' is fullo inter t.


Caesar, or an his genius could nes have performe his great orco conquest,ithout a Mell-uesne amy. His laes

ere unnumbered the countr Wa strange, ast an dissiculi, with miles o forest an swamps me perils ere great, and the hamships innumerable Against such odd he had a forceos ni a se thousan men To understand the amelous emcienc of his arm we must know o it Was organized, in Roma method of wariare, and the meaning of the frequent militar term that Caesar emptos. I. THE LEGIONThe malles division of the Roman arm Was in centur , which, as ita nam indicates, was made u es Immen; two centuries made a maniple of O men three maniples madea cohon of O men an te cohorta made a temon of6co men This umber, o Ger, is ni theoretices, for, a the fige of the legion a constanti diminished by diserae an batile ithout ein replenished in actua number of soldiers a much smalle tha this Each o Caesar' legions Contained, o an Verage, a ut 36- men, an iis divisions ere a follows:

The legion o a ut 36 Men was the regula uni of the insanu force of the amy.




curione . 3. ΗΕ AUXILIARIES

By the wor auxilia Caesar means the infanu forces that were enliste from allie an su, jec states A number of these auxilia were enmiled with his regular amy. The were the so-calledlighbarme soldiem milites levis