Caesar in Gaul, with introduction, review of first-year syntax, notes, grammar, prose composition, and vocabularies

발행: 1918년

분량: 739페이지


분류: 미분류









Surrenderis Vercingetoricis Caesar In colors, .... Frontispi e Chario Race in me Circus aximus xii Gallic emtins xxii Roman Legionar Soldier xiv

Castra Romana XXXV

Genera View of Siem perations xxxvii Hannibal vi

Caius Julius Caesar The Assaminationi Caesar 44 B. C. In colors) Caius Julius Caesar Imperator IV Ita ancipiti proelio diu atque acriter pugnatum est IBesanςon Vesontio) IConference be een Caesar an Ariovistus Κing of the Germans 48 Iam amplius horis ex continenter pugnatum est 86V Reliquos sub corona vendidit 4 milites nostri in castra inruperunt DoLanding of the Roman o the Coasti Brittin In colorS To Druid Sacrifice I44 Eari Germans 48 Alise-Sainte-Reine Alesia) 63 Caius Julius Caesar Consul 7OGnaeus ompeiusmagnus 88





T HIS is a book of exploration, adventum, an Conqueri. It telis the stor of some of the mos thrilling event in J the life of ne of the greates me in histor Caius Iulius Caesar, the Roman It is his own account of his explorations and conquesta his own description of his fiere tabiles illi the MDcivillae Gauis ho occupie what e noWknow a France, witzerland an Belgium, it the barba ous Briton o England and with the savam tribes then im habitin Germany The curtain os centuries is dram sidean we se a in a movin picture the daw of civiligationi Europe two thousan years ago. e lear of the strange custom oscit inhabitant and of the method by hic theywere subdued reduce to order, and mugiit unde the ovemmentis Rome by the extraordinar enero an generalfhipo one an. The time of this rama is the interva be eenthe ear 58 and 49B. C.

Rome in iis early histor was a monarchy; ut four hundredyears efore Caesar' bire the las of the ings, Tarquinius Superbus, ad been expelled, and a republica formo gomemment had ahen in place of the kingi rule. In Caesar'stim Rome was a great commonwealth. Torio longed a ui, utar prori es, est the countrie surrounding the editerranean


Sea, and this meant, practicatly es the civilige worid. The

the nobility, or aristocra tDmaten, and the democratic, Προμular, parin populamen. Be eenthes parties there had long beena bitte suila The optimates, forthemost pari, had therapper hand, exercising their authorit throuina senate of si hundred men, allostimates. The two great politicalleader during Caesar's early years were Sulla for the optimates, and Marius for the populares. The rivalr belween these men and these parties resulte in omethin farmore graVe than a mere political Contest. The kept Rome in tu ollis stris and loodshed. Both leaders ought the command of the war against Mithridates, in os Pontus, in Asia inor. Sulla prevalled. Dum in his absenc in the east, hundred of his adherent a Rome, includin many eadin senators, ere ut o death by the orde of arius. Sulla, returning retaliate wit simila camnam the friend of arius nowaeing the victims It was the Custom of the Romans, in times of peril, o elec a temporum dictator, ho ad absolute power. Sulla, o in contro ofine politica siluation caused himself proclaime dictator