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Ι. LIFE O CAIUS IULIUS CAESAR Hsor an unlimite period, and reorganige the overtiment wholi in the interest of the optimates These Venis occurre betwee 88 and 8 IB. C., hile the o Caesar aspassing rom his Melit to his inestent year.
These circumstances attendin Caesar' muthius have had much to do with the shapingi his ideat an career. Caesar's
famil longe distincti to thenobility for the Julii traced theirancestry ac to the Trojan AEneaS, ho was repute to est son of the oddes Venus. But something of the independ- ence an selfreliance that oldior so much in his later militaryan civi victorie is hown by the fac that in spite of his polibices inheritance hic marhed
in his youm, to attach himself to the fide of the populares. In his raeventeent 4ear he
marrie Cornelia, the auratero Cinna, ne of the mos prominent letaer of the pari ofΜarius. Sulla, in the eight of his power, ordere hi tod orce her Caesar, a mere outh, defied the great dictatoro Rome, an refused On his account he was oblige tolem Rome. Sulla a last through the influence of Caesar's friends, although against his own judment, consente to his rerum. Via him come bach, i so o wili,' was his remark, 'lut this fame oung man wil some da overthrow the notabur fores se in him many amarius.'
Caesar' early life was, no oues, like that of the veram Roman o nobi birin. His education probata di notdiffer materiali from that of hundred of thers. Caesar aspired, as id ther Roma bos, to a distinguished career.
th politica and the military. e must be et educate in agenerat V. Then e must e verse in the law, in states- manShip an in oratory, or eis in the an of r. f he were traine in both disciplines, o much in bener The outhful Caesar devoted himself to the stud of Greeli, rhetoric gram- mar, Philosophy, and oratory, Studyin for severa monssis a Rhodes unde Apollonius, themost amous te her of the time. e also gainedsome Valuabie militar experience in Asia inor,
an distinguished himself b his valor in saringa comrade' life His educatio for the highest
the consulfhip; ut there ere three successive ossices that were usuali hel a preliminar to this, hos of quaeStor, aedile, an Praetor. The quaestor hamio do wit the public treasury the collectiono revenues, dis raemenis, and the like. Under Sulla there Were Went quaestors, ten ein assigne to uties a Rome, an te attache to the armies of the provincia govemors. The aedile a concerne with the care o street an putalicauildings, the superintendence of commerce, and the administratio of the great public festivals he Roman were ery
fond of spectacula games, an to Min the favor of theseopleio future elections the aediles osten incurre enormou personalexpense in thei presentation The number es aediles was four. The praetor a concerne&wit the administrationis justice, an represente the consul in his absence. Under Sulla thenumber of praetor eight.
But it a to the ossice of consul that the oun Romanlooked forwardis the consummatio of his politica efforis. There ere tw of these ossicers, elected acti ear, and themidance of the republic a largely in thei hands.
Aster either the praetorshimo the consulfhi it was customary to appoin the e praetor or e consul to the governorshipes one of the Roman provinces Such omcers were calle pro-Praetor o proconsul accordin to the ossice hicli the hadheld. Such appotnimenta afforded great opportunities to amasswealth, an for his reason were agerly ought. For the aheos gain unScrupulous method were ite emploe in the administrationis these ossices. The provincials were imposed O in Various ways, an extortion a common. any of the provincia governor returne to Rome it enormous iches. But aside homini unisi means it a quite possibi tomahethis ossice an unusuali profit te one.
Caesar doubiles looked forwar to a politica rather hanto a militar career. His militar training ha been oni incidental but he had made caresul preparatio for the fiet os poli
capacitfh played with the highest stahes for securing the favor of theseopte Athe had litile means of his m, he horrowed enormous sum o the strengthisi hi ossice and his prospecta,
and presented the more magnificent games that Rome had everknown He lest the aedileship as e rem ked in est, linmore than a million doli scies than nothing. In 63 B. C. he was electe pontifex maximus, an ossice that carrie great prestige an dignit' though it a no in theregula co se of civi honore. aliis ossice he hel est his lila. In 6 B. C. he was praetor, an during the folio in year serve a propraetor of Spain. ut he was no stame in unde the load os debl that he had contracte durin his sedileship and was in ange of ein detained a Rome his creditors To meet these obligations he horrowed a large sum fro Crassus, the richest man in Rome.
Whil engage in his uties in Sminae mine a militaryexperience that was of mea value o him in his future campaigns, and like se ad money nouo is a Mihi debis. In the ea 6 B. C. he returne to Rome and no fixe his attention o the consulfhip. Pompe had justreturne victorious hom hemithridati War. He ad been identified it the optimates, ut, ecause of their ealous effores to curiali his power, he wac coming estranged CaeSartook advantage of this altitude to forma alliance illi him. With them the associale Crassus, ho represente themoneyed interesis, and thus a forme a mos powerfulpolitical alliance, commoni calle the Firs Triumvirale This as ne of the shrewdes o Caesar' moves for his individual influence at this time a farcies tha that of the the two. It is eas to se ho unwelcome this alliance was to the optimates Backed by the triumvirate Caesar mine in Consulfhip ithout dissiculi for 59 B. C. Durin his ea os ossice he made many aluable an humane reforms, clite' in the interes of the lower classes, an in genera distinguished himself is his is an modis emment.
7. CAESAR IN AULCaesar' resties enero an ambitio could nes, o murae,
ernorahi os aut for sive years This districi consistedo what were nown a Cisalpine an Transalpine Gauland Illyricum, and the office
presupposed the protectionifth nonhem frontier os Italy. The relative positionis these territories may be een homine amat the eginning of the book. Caesar' term fossice as ovemor o Gaul, beonnini in EMB. C., Safter ess extende to ten ears, an it is of the sistringevenis of these ears that Caesar telis us in his book.8. II CIVI WARThe meement of the triumvirat by hicli Caesar ecamegovernor o Gaul assigne to Crassus the province of Syria, and to Pompe that of Spain. However, nolint the harmonybut even the existence of the triumvirate came to a mehes e. Crassus as hille in aule in his province Pomperi
made sole consul in a B. C., em to e intensely ealous of Caesar' reputatio an influence, an finalty lai plans todestro him. To this en he made an alliance Min the senate, with whicli his forme friendi relations ha been reest lishecl 'hei common haue o Caesar. Caesaria laid plans t runcior the consulfhi a secon timefo the ear 48 B. C. e could easti do his for his term asgovernor ould expire in B. C. The Senate, MShin to re-vent this, ordere him to distan his arm before the regularciose of his ossicia term They knew that is the could oncem him o Rome as a private illae Without an ar , theycould crusti him. This a me mos critica time in Caesar' career, an onestat clearly shows his decisio an murage. Instea os com-μying it in senate' demand e prompti gathere his devote me an descende o Rome. Pompe and the senatoria forces ere panic-strichen and fled to Brundisium, heno the falle acros the Adriati to Epirus. In fixi days Caesar ad himseli master of Italy, and fore autumn, ad ut down est oppositio in Spain, where Pompe had numerous adherent an an arme force. Soon thereaster he folio e Pompe acros the ea, and Completet crushed hi in a batile neu Pharsalia, in Thessaly on Augus 9 48 B. C. Pompe ne to Egypt and there tost his life is assassination. The remnant of the Pompeia forces ere conquere in Wo batiles, ne a Thapsus in Africa, and the ther at unda, in Spain.
On his retum to Rome Caesar a master of the worid. ewas ad imperator, hic Conferre on him complete militaryauthority, and dictator formite, hicli ave imal politicalpower his vesting of dominion in one man was the beonning
io the establishment of the emplae unde Caesar' grandnephewand adopte son, Octavianus, after ard Calle Augustus. Caesar continue the beneficent constructive or that he had em in his consulfhip. e made many reformaci the interes of modis emment, and egan the constructio ofman remaristae public ores.
I spite os ali political disturb- ances the Romans ad always en proud of thei republican institutions and rom in time that
in Tarquin ha been expelledine had repudiate me idea of
myalty No Caesar' unlimsted wer an his readiness in singit em to ree apprehensionan suspicion There ere rumor that he wante to be ingin name, ache already was in f t. This resulte in a conspirac toras sinat him, the leader of which were Brutus an Cassius. These me and thei accomplices, in the nam of the republican liberty, calling themselves in fac liberatores, attache Cae- in during a session of the se te in therides the fifteenth of Μarch, 44 B. C., and si bed him to death with thei daggere.
Nomne an e intereste in the life and wruingsis Julius Caesar Without the destre es knowingio this great man looked. Suetonius, the historian who wrote a ut one hundred and fifty
years later, oves us his graphic picture. e says that Caesar a tali, stender, and handsome, With Sha , darta es, a Sallo complexion, a large nose, refine seatures, an a thicli, sine nech. Η add that he was partiali bald, and bein sensitiveto his deformi , sed to draw the hair forwar to the Crowno his ead; and that, o account of this baldness, he greatly appreciate the privilem grante him by the senate of we inga laurei math. But perhaps ur mos satisfactor knowledge of his formand eaturescis mine fro coin and the portrait busis a statues that have come down torus. Some of the best of these
a thorouo scholar, eli verse in lanmage and literature. ewrote a gramma whil in the idst os a campesgn as an orator e might have rivale even Cicero his generalfhiphas neve been surpassed in addition, he was ithout dou me greates politicia an statesman o Rome There is noquestio that he was ambitius, ut he exercise his ambitionfor the good of the state as et a for his own advancement. Strange a it a seem rom his life o conflict he was incline to eace, an engage in armnly lienis deeme itunavoid te. Caesar has been accuse of crueli and various vices. Judged mur moras standard he was doubiles farcirom perfeci, uti is certain that he was a man os rem katae self-control. is