Caesar in Gaul, with introduction, review of first-year syntax, notes, grammar, prose composition, and vocabularies

발행: 1918년

분량: 739페이지


분류: 미분류



6. THE OFFICERSa. Imperator. he chie ossice Was the dux belli, ho after his fini victor was calle imperator. b. Leoti The lemti,ere aio mi me of senatorial rankwho acte a a board of adviser to the Commander Caesarhad te of these ossicera The were somelimes ut in Charge


o legions and ometimes sentis ambasSadore, accordin tolli order of the generat This ill account for the wofolduse of the wor in the Commentaries. 'C. Guaestores. The quaestores ere ossicer elected annuallyby the eople. A quaestor attende each imperator in his province an looked after the an lothing, quipment, and the like of the oldiem. α Tribsini. In eac legion ere si tribuni militum. Minof them in turn had command of the legion The wem Smalty oun men ithout experience, some of them Domine


nobility, and owed thei appotniment to family influence. Thela inessiciency was such that Caesar transferre their militar sities to the uiati, an empi e them in an

ministrative capacit . e. CenturionD. The centum, a the nam indicateS, a the Commander of the century Thus there were two centurions in inchmanisse, sicin inch cohon, an siri in acti legion These ere the ea leader of themen and were promostd from theranks for theirighting qualities. The fim centurion of the fidit cohort was called primus, or primipilus, and was alway an ossice of unus abili



morning reveille. The tuba, orirumpet, a a Straight dee tone hornis brass, more inanthree lae long whic gave thesignes for attachir retreat. The Same Signat was reperied by the comu, o hom, a circular instrument,ith a harmione. The lituus, a brassorumpet a ut four feet long itha curve joint a the end was used by the caValry.


the waist was a leatheraeit, bound with metes, and wit strim



o protectin meta tangi in front. The cove in for thefeet was a lo boot se P. Ioa).θ. The Armori The defensive armor, esides the lorica, consiste es a helmei and shield. The helmet was ad ofiron o leather strengthene Min brass, ope in front, an adorneri With a white crest se P. 74). Adornments of this character ere hat Caesar calis insignia The hield was rectangular, about four feet long and wo feet wide. It was ad of ood, a Stirati curved, illi meta around therim an also in themiddie. In the center a ameta knob, in umbo, sed both for divertingweapons an for triking lows. The regularnam for the hiel is scutum Se P. I 28).C. The mapons The weapons es offense were the wor an spe . The word, gladius, as about two laettong, stratot and wωedged. It was hun from a bel passing e the lest shoulde to the right hip. Therapear, suum, Sed foris ling ather than for thrusting, as Sicor me laet

long It consiste of a stron iron han fitte into a Moodenslias a ut four feet long The pilum iso the place of therisse in modern wariare. Ita eight was a ut three OundS, an it could e urled illi indi effeci.

ΝΟ- est mattera discussed in sections se the illustratio of the legio in stadie facta page xxiv.


grain for a da was a ut two povnds. An alloiment of a ut o Pecks was made very fifteen Vs. his regula diei might e varie by foragin oris purinas hom the tradem in followed the r . The oldie was mi a the rate of twelve an a hal centa a V, a ut the sua datly age of laborem a Rome. D ductio was made hominis for laod an equipmen furnishectby the state. The discipline a strici. unishments for in- subordinationi neglectis dui consiste in degradatio homrank, dismissa iro service, istholding of pay, extra SSign-ments of labor, reductionis rations floretan or me Math.

There ere also various reward of merit.


square. A mali force of soldier unde centurions a sentatim to selectis sit for the cammand o tali it ut Two bisectin lines ere drawn a right angies to acti ther tomar the positionis the four gales the portas Ptoria facing the ene , the forta decum a in the rear, the porta princi-

salis dextram the right fide, and the porta principalis sinistra omine test. Be een the galesin the right an leflua atroad Street called in via principalis. The omam par of the campWas allotted to the soldiem, the rear part to the officer and their


attendandi. A Vacant pace a ut ne hundred feet wide astest ali about the inside of the encampment. In an Pen quam nea themiddie was the tent of the commander praetorium . As oon a the legion arrive o the spo selected the soldiers em the constructio of the cam See p. 32 . Aditch, fossa, usuali nine eet id an seve feet dee was ducat around the quare, and the ut therefrom, thrownon the inside, as uil into an embankment, DO Sixto ten feet hira, and wid enough on therio for standin mom. O this at was erecte a breas ork, vallum, made illi thestatas that the oldier carried Aster the campisas fortified, in quarters of the oldiers ere ut up, hic Mere miner

behin another, each followed by iis own impedimenta; ut ii

amenem Was neu most of the legion in fightinxtrim, that is, Without paclis, en aheta in an unbroken line, followed by the combine tamam train impediment , an one or two legions maesed the rear. When the legion were,ithout e umbrance an henoe ready for fighting the were sal to e expeditae. Se page 43.

triplex. The re line of the legion a forme o laur horis and ac of the iners of three. In ac cohor the
