Eclogues; edited with introd. and notes by Wilfred P. Mustard

발행: 1911년

분량: 187페이지


분류: 미분류


PATRONS AND FKIENDS 23 An he had ther good frien d a Mantua in aride

Ceresara,' Baptista Fiera, si Anorea ante gna si an Mario Equicola. δ' ut he had atready macte an friend in Bologna, an Florence, an Rome. At Bologna, he wed mucho Gio Baptista Refrigerio an Lodovico FoScarari Who have been mentione above, p. 12), si and he wa onintimate ternis illi the novelis Sabadino β' With Count Andrea Bentivo glio si Antonio anti gi ' and Filippo Beroaldo. - frienos macte a Rome, e have atready

the Turk. An a et ter froni ioviano Pontano, uiae , 490, Suggest that Mantuan ad trie to erilis his id in celebratin the exploits of his patron de principe vero tuo illustrando bonam tibi Promittere Oluntatem Possum; verum quid promittat, cui nihil omnino est quod et in penu non deero tamen virtutibus fortissimi ac magnanimi ducis V printe in the olom edition o Mantuan's collecte poenis, 15 Oa). The ex Catholic Encyclopedia H. 276)States that it was through the exertions of his forme discipies, the arquis and the Cardinat, that Mantuan was elected Generali, his ordor. ' o hom the revise Eclogues ere dedicated Sept. I, 408.

For Some account of him, Se P. I 2I.

δ' Who is prat sed as a physici an and as a Poet. Prophaeum pro Gallis expulsis, L. V Boloma ed. , 5 Oa, Ol. 375). See, utSo. I UZio-Renter, p. cit. 54-57. A SumptuOus edition O his Oenas asprinte a Venice in 337. . The wel known ainter His kill is celebrated in Silet ae, II b. . Secretar to sabella d Este. In a letter of Nov. Io, SOS, he expresses his rea lines t repl to Baptista' detractorS.. The two frien is to hom he dedica ted the irs Parthenice. Or

. For hom he composed the De Patientia.d Cf. Beroaldo' lette to the editor of the collecte poenis, Bologna, Soa: Gaudeo ipse mecum et gestio, quod talem virum non solum familiariter noverim sed etiam habuerim Confessorem. 'See also Mantuan' poena De reditu Philippi Deroaldi iuvenis iteratissimi ex Gallia Silvae, VII, ).


24 INTRODUCTIONOliviero Carasa Cardinal os aptes and to these e liould

add Pomponius Laetus. 'mio Giovi alio Pontano β' and per-haps also Alessandro Cortes '' and Petrus Marsus.' At

Floren ce he had ver distinguished frie nil in Pico della Mirandola both the unci and the nephew an Angelo

Poli Ziano an his corresponde iace hows that his frien d sh ip vitii these men as illi Beroaldo was no meret a format matter, ut Someth in very rea an intimate. In a letter o Mantuan Jan. 3, 490 Pico anSWer arequest for the o an os a copy o Philostratus V en tibi Apollonium, quem si tuae virtuti tuis in me ossiciis non deberem, deberem certe vel his litteris quibus eum magitas. tantus in illis amor, tanta humanitas. V ' In a secon letter,

Mar. 20 1490, he has o spe a o a passage of hiloStratus, and of a passage in the Book of Genesis:

de Apollonio Thyaneo nihil sentio magis quam quod tu Sentis super qua re Scribam ad te plura, cum erit otium, et quae tibi erunt fortasse non ingrata de diversitate translationis nostrae a littera Hebraica in tertio capite libri Geneseos, ubi de Eva agitur et serpente, sic

equidem en Seo, etc.

si To hom the pigrammata ad Falconem professo have been submitte sor criticism. In the Epistola contra Calumniatores e scalled mihi familiarissimus V Lyon ed. ISI 6, sol Aa, vi . . Pontano is mentione in compli mentar fashion in the secondbook of the Trophaeum, here a me carries the ne v os ornovo to in Ferdinanil Pontanique ora poetae ' accipit.' His letter o Mantuan at ready cite benins Et initae Romae memor sum amicitiae, et ingenii tui excellens vis momentis paene singulis id esset tu doctrinae vel summa etiam cum admiratione meminerim tuae an eius ego obliviscar quem Latinae Musae non memorabilem modo verum maxime etiam admirabilem et nostris faciunt et facturae sunt

saeculis. add that he is enditi sonae amples of his historical work, and will sendisonae of his ther composition later. An Mantua acknowlediles the recein os sonae of the se poenas in Silvae, VI, I. Pontano is mentione also in Tolo meo's pologia erat enim ille vir Poetae nostro sic addictus, sicut constat ex eius epistolis, ut eum loco numinis habere videretur Ibyon ed. Is I 6, sol E, e).6' hos de ath he hewails in a poem ad dresse to Hermolaus arbarus, Silvae. III, hevalter' Keporto ire Paris I9os put Cortese' death in I 09 But Hermolaus Barbarus die in I 403. Mantuan wrote a si x-line epigram n his oration In die Sancti Stephani primi martyris, describi nil it breve sed magnae religionis opus. V And it a through his recommendatio that hespeech a prin te a Rome, . 40O.' Quoied by Florido Ambrogio, P. Cit., 78.



An the messages at the lose eem to mahe the litti circle Complete saluta Beroaldum Politianus tuu eSt totuS. In a thir letter, Sept. 19, 1490, he has enthusiasti pratSeso Mantuan' religious poetry, and ask for the return fhis rectous Gree author

Olim ad te, optime pater, non scripsi, sed interim legi quae tu scripsisti, divina scilicet atque sanctissima illa tua poemata, in quibus ea rerum maiestaS, is splendor est eloquentiae, ut certatim in illis palmam sibi vendicare verba atque Sententiae videantur . . . OCunum dixero, delectari me adeo lectione tuorum carminum, ut fere quotidie, cum me vel taedium vel fatigatio ceperit, in illa quasi in hortum deliciarum solitus Sim secedere unde animo tanta SemPer oboritur voluptas ut nihil cupiat magis quam iterum fatigari, ut iterum recreetur. Philostratum de Apollonii vita, si satis illo esuSus, desidero, etc. 63

An the closing ord are vale, et Beroaldum noStrum saluta. V Mantuan' repl to this hir letter Oct. l l 90, is printe in the ologna edition of his collecte WorkS, 1502 Hodie mihi in sacrario nostro cum Beronido, ut Saepe soleo, fabulanti redditae sunt litterae tuae. V A fortite hilostratus, e says Philostratum tuum prius lectione eius apprime delectatus tradidi Beroaldo perlegendum. ' An his letter Ends vale, et olitianum nostrum Salutato. V In a lette to the ounger ico della Mirandola, Oct. 29, 1494, he say at the lose V Cupio enim tecum SSe. ut oSSemus Studiorum tu meorum et ego tuorum particepS sse. ' An another of his letters to the Same correSpondent, Jan. 3, 495 end with the message bene valeat Domina tua, Cui me commendo. ne hori letter froni oligianoma be quote entire:

Nec dubito quin me abs te, nec exigo quod sit incommodum; Sed nec ossicio litterarum metior amicos, quippe quod et ab inimicis praestari solet gratulatione tua quod philosophiae sim deditus ipse mihi medius fidius ita gratulor, daturus ut operam sim quo possis in dies magis merito mihi gratulari sed adulescens hic tuus consilio nostros fuisset usus, magis fortasse suis rationibus ConSuluiSSet nunc quoniam consilio noluit ni frustra augurium x credo nec opera iam h I. P. Mirandulae Concordiae Comitis opera, Boloma, 496, foll. 43, 5O.' Ib., foll. 64, 6 I. In Iso Pico submitte one of his poem to Mantua for criticis Florido Ambrogio, p. cit. IO4 .



volet uti verumtamen ei cu Di scribas ut a me ex Pectet Omnia tui quidem causa nihil enim molestius luam fuisse hunc inihi abs te

And stili others h may be mentiolied iere re Carsor a Mactat avelli, of errara. '' er nardo Ili nabo, os enice,' Georgius Merula, Hermolaus Barbarus. iov. Pietro Arri-vabene, Bishol of Urbino '' Pamphilo asso. o Modena , ' and the German schola Thomas Wolf. r. φ

Mantuan chieved distinction in vario us sields- sacrae theologiae doctor Philosophus insignis. Poeta et orator Celeberrimus, ' a Trithemius Abbot of Panheim could a inl 94. ' Trithemius mentions also his proficienc in Greeh - Latinae linguae decus et Graecae clarus interpres and Paulus Jovius malles specia mentior of his interest in Hebre v. Indeed Jovius says that his interest in Hebrew- insatiabilis Hebraicorum studiorum cupiditas inter

' Omnia opera Angeli Politiani, Venice a 408 fol. , 5. '' o hom e could appeat for nanciat hel p. in the poeni ID.

suscepto theologico ragisteris. 6 To whom the second Partheitice a dedicate i. An it was probabi out o complimen to this embo that the mi ire of thetenti Eclogue a named lenibus V. 6 mors Georgii Merulae . . . tristitia me alfecit . . . Hermolai et Politiani duorum illustrium virorum Limentabilis Occasus attulit

et mihi et omnibus litteratis rave cordolium V Letier o Pico dellii Mirandola the Votinger, an . 3, 493).'' o hom a poena Sil ae, I 6 is sent illi a gis os ine. 7'To whoni Siloae, , , is ad tresse l. In the fourth book os Pamphilo' Epigram Brescia d. I 400 there is a Poem os ei Oleen lines ad tres sed to Mantuan it closes illi the words: o felix copia laudum i quas aliis laudes vis dare tu tibi das . V The r si si epigram os the seconi book a re ad tressed to Paride Ceres ara; and then come three noli de ait os Poligiano, os Pico della Mirandola, an os Georgius Merula. Ti ho visited ur i,oet a Mantua in the ear Isoo. An epigram prini ed a the end of the Sit ae nologii a d. I soa is entilled IuThomam olfum Decretorum doctorem ac a dis S. Petri et Michaelis

Argentinensis Decanum qui habebat Basiliscum mortuum iocus.7 Cataloxit Scriptorum Ecclesiasticoruin p. 1 Johaunem a TriIEu heim, Coloniae, I 53I.


in excolendis Musis curam ac diligentiam remittere

cogeretur. N allis ritings ere XCeedingi numerous, and included both pro Se an verse. ' Sabadino, ritin before 483, mentions his or in philosoph and ives a lis of his earlier Latin poenas. ' Trithemius, ritin in 1494, has a longe list, an ados V vivit adhuc in Italia celeberrima opinione ubique nominatus et Varia conscribit. Apari rom the Eclogues, his poenis include ei gh bookso Silvae, subitaria carmina, three book De Srι serum temporum Calamitatibus,' ano even poenas ach entilledi Elo ia irorum literis illustrium, Basel ed. I 577, P. II 7. 7 Dr. H. H. Furness, the editor of the Variorum ha esleare, vivescit as his opinio that Mantuan ,rote nothing ut eclogues ' LLL, IV, 2, 3 . ut Filippo ero aldo could say of him in I soa

fecundus prorsus artifeX, utpote qui versuum millia plurima condiderit, adeo ut Musae, ut Apollo, ut Dionysus, ut di omnes poetici

nullum hoc saeculo indulgentius fovisse videantur V Leiter to the editor of the collecte poenis, Bologna, soa). Lilio iraldi says extant illius versus paene innumerabiles V De poetis nostrorum temporum). And the amo unt of his literar output came to e almost Proverbial cf. es pres-Dinees di Seigneti de Cholieres 1587 : mire uous que Baptiste Mantovan 'ait est habile honime, qu'illi'ait ait aucune hos 3 Ses euures te nou tesmoignent treSlabor-ieux, et ean imoin il estot carme V Pari ed. Ι 879, p. 57). Indeed, his rother Tolo meo could say of him: qui tanta conscripsit de poetis loquor quanta nemo alius Latinorum V De licentiis anti-quctrum poetarum, Lyon ed. I 516 fol. k ii). Et quale, sequendo in ii studii delia sacra philosophia a doctrina de subtilissimo coto, a scripto in quella pre eximie et restante V Nooella UM . Et Suburbano, a residentia de ' oratore et de poeta, LO- clamo, a Morte contemnenda, et Cola, a Porreta, Pre tuti scripte et dedicate a suo carissimo Refrigerio simit mente a Calamita dinostri tempi, a Vita delia regina di teli et attre sue excellentissime

opre, quale Sarebben troppo ungo a numerare.'

T i The Silet aes are arrange in ei gh book in the olom editionos 3oa. The Antwer edition os 376 mahes fou books. Eariter editions of his collecte poenas ad been prinie c. 400 place and date no stated), an in I goo a Cologne). Another edition incomplete, ut illi copious commentaries was published by Badius Ascensius, PariS, 3Ι3. The mos complete editio of his orks asissue at Antwer in I 576. 78 Printe a Bologna in I 480. O Jan. 29, 48Ο, our poet riteSfroni Mantua to his frien Refrigerio se Librum nostrum de calamitatibus hyemare aput nos oportuit, rudi et si minus iliorum meis



Partirenice of hicli the rs contain three book on thelis of the lessed Virgin . ' the seconi devote three bookSto the stor of St. Catharine of Alexandria,' ' hile theother deat illi St. Margarita, St. Agatha, St. Lucia, St. Apollonia an St. Caecilia. ' An there are simila poenason the lives of Lodo vico Morbioli, o Bologna,'' DionysiuSthe Areopagite three books in,' St. George '' St. Blatse two books and St. Nicholas os olentino three books . 'si There is a book of Epigrammata ad Falco=iem,' si booksentitie Alfonsiιs,' sive book of a Trophaeum pro Gallis

tamen Oti responderet me et illum simul videbis.' Mean while, he quo te a Sample passage, hirty-nine lines rom the lose of the secon book Sylva vetus Dodona timet, gemuere Molossi i rura soli,' etc. There is a S. op of this et ter in the Librar of the Universit os Bologna. The poem is mentione in the clos in novelo Sabadino' Porrottane, a collection hicli is commoni assi edto the ear I 478.JT Published a Bologna in I 48I- Bononiae aeditum iii id. Feb. M. CCCC. LXXXI V ascis state at the en of the poeni in the olomae dition os 488-but doubiles circulate besore t was iubiished V, like Shahespeare' sugre Soraneis amon his priuate friends. V The Apologeticon hicli is prefixed states that the author has consentedio ubi isti it longis precibus expugnatus. V This poeni also is mentione in Sabadino' closin novel .Jt, Writ te a Rome apparenti in the summer os 488), and printed a iologna in I 489. βλThe Caecilia a writte to late to e include in the reat Boloena edition os Iso a. It was prin te a Milan in so7. 8- Dedicate to Innocent VIII I484-0a . . Here, as osten, identi sed illi the oly martyr os Gaul, Dionysius, the rs Bisho o Paris. The poem is dedicate ad Iasredum Carolum Mediolani Vicecancellarium et Delphinatus Praesidem. V It was prin te a Milan as early as 5O6. 3 Dedicate to ian laconio Trivulgio, Graia Marshal os France Piritate at Milan as early I3Ο7. 8 Firs prin te a Milan in so0 the dedicatio is dated Mantua, July O, ISO9. 8 Print edis Bologia salon with the wo poenis o Roberto a San Severino x in I 80. 87 A theological poena. hicli describes the ourne os a o ungi q3 Alsonsus thro uni Purgator and the errestriat Paradi se There is bries an rather vanue account of the conquest os Granada I 4023 at the eginia in os the si xth book. In the fifth book Bologii a d , ISO a sol. 3o3 b there is a resereno to the de alli os the poet' sather early in I 404 .


MANTUAN'S ORAS 29 expulsis,' an Obiurgatio cum exhortatione ad capienda arnia contra in deles ad Potentatus Christianos ' an Exhortatio ad Insubres et Ligures, Si book entille Agellaria,'' astior poem Ad Iulium Secundunt Pont. Max. ,' a poemi e bello Veneto anni 5Ost, and welve book De sacris diebus hicli se forti and Xplain the various ainis Days

O his prose orks the mos popular Seemo have been the De ita beata ' and the three books e patientia. 'ε

' Whicli refers to event of the eam 15O6. ' Dedicate to eo X crowne Mar. II, 313 , and irs printeda Lyons in I 316. Among the late poem prin te a Lyons in I 3I6there are two choruses rom an un finished trage dy. These e re prin te a Milan in SII, long illi the Vitae suae Epitome thereis a cop in the Librar of the Universit of Bologna. In a letterprin te in his editio Mantuan writes to Antonius Sabinus, of Imola: Dum pridem luderem uitae meae Epitomen Ant: ab vir. litteratis s. tu Mediolano ueniens me reuisisti. Tibi ergo tanquam hospiti pro eniolo hospitali carmen id dono daturus libentius si esset longius atque limatius. Addo etiam duos choros ex tragoedia olim a me inchoata sed non consumata cui nomen est Atila tunc inter schedia mea casu repertos.' An other lette is added in hich i. Matthaeus Bandellus, C. ordinis prae. V rite fro Milan ex aedib. Gratiarum calendis decembris V urgin Sabinus to have the Epito me printed. i r . . . 'α--ε s eis a uiati s αε Σι ' Prin te at Alos in I 474 at sa δε - λ eo p Firs prin te a Brescia in I 407 per Bernardinum Misin tam Papiensem, ii Cal. Iunias V). The care sui artici in Niceron's Memo tres PariS, 734 , XXVII, 23, ive the date os composition asI498, ecause of the Statement III, 29 agitur enim nunc a Christo annus millesimus quadringentesimus nonagesimus octavus. V An sothe ex runs in Ascensius edition Paris, 313. ut his sentencemus have been irought up to date V by Some ne ho prin te thul reatis in I 408 for both the rescia edition os 497 and the Venice editio of 409 have nonagesimus septimus.' An what Mantuanactuali ruro te in his passage mus have been omethin disserent stili for ach of the se early edition includes a letter rom Helias Capreolus to Ioannes Taberius Brixiae, iiii Nonas Decembres

i 06 V whicli states that the reatis has been rought to rescia by



Trithemius writ in in l494 mention also an introduc tori in subtilis coli a book os irationes elegantissimae, Vara pologia pro . Petro in three books) ' and V epistolae multae ad diversos. V Some of his later orks printed at Lyons in Si 6 were, Tractatus de loco conceptionis

Christi 'i causa diversitatis inter interpretes sacrae Scriptura . Epistola contra calumniatores, DiaJogus contra defractores,' Contra eos qui detrahunt ordini Carmelilarum apologia. γ'

HIS POPULARI TYHe rote illi the reat est uene and rapidi ty ' and severa a id to have published more thaia 55. 000 verses Hetelis iis inaself that his poena on the Blessed Virgin-a poena o alio ut 900 ines-Was the work of tW years V duorum annorum lucubratio V and that his l00 lines onSt. Catharine os Alexandria ere rittera in orty ays meret by Way os improvin the time in an en forced summe vacation. δ' ' ut in spite of this rapid production his vritings ere very popular, and he was halle by many os

Pietro a Novellara, and asks that it e printed. The fac is that

the composition os ille De Patientia extended ver a considerable period of ear S.

sed Pietro a Novellara, ho ad been charged illi heres Florido. Inhronio, p. cit. 79). The disco very, a Mantua, o another un-

iectorem, ' i. e. no earlier han Iso. DoneSmOndi, P. cit. II, Io). ' Poema omne carptim composui, cursim absolvi, non sere alit' r

quam canes aiunt bibere in Aegyl to Epistola contra Calumniatores. Lyon ed. Is I 6 sol. Bb, vi).300 Quadraninia enim et non anal lius diebus luis absolutum Psi. dum propter aestivum iustitium negotiis intermissis curamus otia canicularia salubriter cum aliqua studiorum fruge transigere.' So. too his three ook on Dionysius ille Areopagite ere ritiei in year lucubrationi huic annum imi endi.


MANTUAN'S POPULARITU Ilai Contemporaries as a se coni Virgil. ' In w9 Erasmus could spea of him Christianus Maro, ' an adit

et nisi me fallit augurium erit erit aliquando aptista suo concive gloria celebritateque non ita multo inferior, simul invidiam anni detraxerint. habet, habet fortunatissimus Carmelitarum ordo quo sibi placeat, quo cuncto Provocet.

Even efore his death, a portrait bus of him as et upat Mantua beside ne of Virgil and ne of the arquis

essere emulo e Se cossi e licito dire equiperare et divin Marone suo conterraneo V NOPella LXI). Sebastian Murrho could rite in thepre face to his commentar on the fir si Parthonices c. 403 eius me delectatum ingenio quo concivem suum Andinum Vergilium facile consequitur et aequat),' etc. Trithemius considere hin theequat o Cicero in prose of Virgil in verse qui metro Virgilium. Ciceronem rosa aequat, ne dicam superat V quo ted in the Antwerped. I 576 IV, 29Ι). Thomas Wolf, r. had a igh opinion of the Eclogues in particular quae eruditorum sententia totae sunt aureae. in quibus videre licet id quod in Theocriti et Maronis carmine maxime admiramur V Leiter o akob imp feling, Feb. 24, 3ο3). Filippo ero aldo ranked hi nexto Virgil proximus longo quidem intervallo, sed tamen proximus V Leiter to the editor of the collecte poems, Bologna, sol). An Teo filo Folengo Merlinus Coeaius y could write just o seriously, it is hard saymons quoque Carmelus Baptistae versibus altis iam boat, atque novum mant, fecisse Naronem gaudet, nec Primo praefert tamen illa Maroni,

namque Vetusta nocet laus nobis saepe hodernis, Macaronca XXV, Π.

Leiter o Henr o Bergen Olera omnia Leyden, 7O3), III, 1783 P. S. Allen, Erasmi Epistolas Oxford, 0O6), , 63. Thisam agin judgmen Suggest that Erasmus a more concerne d illi Mantuan 's religio us tone than illi his ori manshi p. So, in anotherle iter III, OS), e contrast the Carmeli te poet illi the lagan Marullus : an in a thir he writes malim hemistichium Mantuani quam tres Marullicas myriadas . V his ast et te is ad dres sed toJal ob imp fel in Basileae postridie Purificationis. Anno XVII V).It is apparenti no include in the Leyden edition os the opera omnia, ut it is prefixe to Mantuan ' De Sacris Diebus in the Strass-bur edition os 32Ο. B Baptista tera in I 3I4. The are no in the Museo Patrio a Mantua They ere et o an arch hich oine Fiera' hous tolli Convent of S. Francesco Lugio-Renter, P. cit. 56-37 . Theyare mentioned in Scipio Masset' account of thes arquis Francesco,


32 INTRODUCTIONber os his o via orde r. and prompti reprinted in many European cities. he canon o an Augustini an monastery

in est phalia could say, hortly be fore 500:

ut vere de vobis David prophetasse putetur ubi inquit, in milem

terram exivit sonus eorum et in fines orbis terrae verba eorum, revera in fines orbis terrae egressa sunt verba super mel et avum dulciora vatis praestantissimi sacri ordinis Carmelitarum Baptistae Mantuani.d Annali di Mantova. XI, 6 quo ted by Florido Ambrogi O, p. cit., Io3 presso S. Francesco si scolpita a sua immagine tra quelladi Virgilio e di Battista Carmelitano con que Si verSO

An an En listi travelle could repor in I 6o8 ver the a te os the Franciscans Church is to e seen the triae statue os that amous Poetan Orator Baptista Mantuanus a Carmel ite Frier orne in his Citie.who ourished Anno 1406V Coryat' Crtidities, Glasgo ed. I9OS. i. 267 . Paulus Jovius has hal look like an in accurate stor of the

fame monument: Federicus autem Princeps marmoream em diem cum laurea posuit, quae in arcu lapideo iuxta Virgilii Maronis simulacrum, pia hercle si non ridenda comparatione conspicitur V Elogia et irorum literis illustrium, Basel ed. I 577. p. II 8). An this staternent received due comment frona Petrus Lucius, Carmelitana Bibliotheca Floren ce, 303 fol. 5 Ceterum suod ad eius statuam marmoream attinet ea Mantuae velit nolit ovius pie conspicitur in arcu triumphali e regione Franciscanorum monasterii dextrum Virgilio, sinistriani Mantuano clarissimi Mantuanorum Marchionis latus claudente, cum tali elogio argumentum utrique inkens si saecla coirent. The three usis a re not os martile, ut os terra-cotta.J C s. surther, Lilio Giraldi' reniari quas ei statuas Mantuani rexerunt V De poetis nostrorum temporum, ed. . othe, Berlin, 894, P. 25 .

A et ter rom Badius Ascensius to the Carmeli te Laurentius Burelius Lyons, ut 26, 402 states that the alter has rouniit toIbyons an excellent Italian books-nmong them, vario iis ortis os

Baptista Mantuanus Philippi Deroaldi rationes et Poemata, Lyons,

I 402 sol. 2). See also, L. Thuasne Roberti Gahu in Epistole et orationes, PariS I9O3, II, O. Leiter to the Carmeli te Prior at Dolonia a prin te in the editionos 3o2. The date is mutila ted by the printer anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo pridie Nonas Februarias ut the writers mention a Deventer reprint of the De Pati ntia sirs iarint ed in rescia. 407 . s. Mantuan ' Epistola contra Calumniatores le-cuntur ubique libelli mei, et videntur esse totius orbis iudicio approbati non omnes tamen, sed qui iam pridem sunt editi ac Bononi nepor Benedictum Iectoris impressi sere enim in totum Christianismum Pervenerunt, quacumque Ctina lingua est dis Iusa . . . veniunt