Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


Iaa lari 18, 19 ris quotation is again ahenarum the Septuagint.


Suo tuli. xli., here an ange meaaurea in temple an Rev. Δ, horo an anges directa Johito me uro iti

i Tho Seripturis do notis e montion of the deat of Iaaiah I is suppoaod that there is an allusion to it in Heb H 37. Iaa. i. 2, 3. Filio gonui et exaltavi. Thiaria quotod frum tho Septuaginti

Thia is quoto hom in Septuagint literalty havs Walched sor,

ouatodierunti Metatum.' Therocia considerable dissereno in the readings of this pareage. The texi, a gisen bove, deviate conaiderabi iram the Septuagint, hic is more early expremo by the readis of theroditiona Inoamum facta est metatura falsa, acribae consual sunt. Pi . ord is esten vaeda represen Endneas.


Boox iv. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 233whommo haled, thaim might notaesos the way o salvationagainst them for eve aut might give them a re opportunityo following God that the might both gain the re ard o litai tho fhould follo Him Whic many of them do, an havo done , and that the might incurrili penalty o death by their fauit is the should roject thei Mng. mordered Him ther fore to bolor again among them, and of thei seed, test, timoshould e bor o another nation the might be abierio allego jus excuse homilio a sor thei rejectionisi Him; and atthe fame time, that thero tot be no natio at at under heaven to hicli the liopeii immortalit should bo deniod. CHAP. XII. O the birth of Iesus froin the Virgin o His life,

death, an resurrection, and the testimonis of the propheta respectis these things.

Therelare homoly Spirit o God descending rom heaven, chos the holy Virgin thalmo might enter into he womb. But she, Minifilled by the possession o the Divino Spirit,

ymen are represented aa Minyenemiecto M. The enmitnia on manyaside but is pertiate in must, emo his enemy. Se Rom. v. 9. 10, and Iaa. iiii. 10. Se insinuaret. Divino spiritu hauato.'

So Virgil, Georgio iii 274:

Et saepe sine ullia conjugii vento gravidae, mirabile dicis. 'This theor of the impregnationis mares by the min&Wa genera among

the ancients.

Thia amage domino occur in the ruings of Solomon, o in the oldriatament. Iaa. vii 14.


234 LACTANTIUS BOOK IV. bear a son and ye inali cali His name Emmanuel. What canbo more manifest tha this' his a read by the JeWs, hodonised Him. I any one thinks that thes things are invented by us, is him inquire of them, let imoahe specialis romthem the testimon is suffcienti stron to prove the truth, whon it is allege is enemies themselves. ut He Was nevercalled Emmanuel but Jesus, hocin Latin is called Saving or Saviour, becausem comes bringing salvation to ali nations. Butarthis nam the prophe declare that God incarnate masa ut to comerio men. For Emmanuel signifies God .ith us;

Him.' ut tho Savio ris, a We have saidaefore, Jesus Butin another plaeo the sam prophe also thus proclaimed: Behold, uni us a child is bora, uni us a Son is oven, Whose dominion is poninis aliouidera, and is nam is called Messenge of great counses.' For ominis account He Was sent

Salutaris, sive salvator.'


account, Maus ΗΘ a bor of man. For inco it is soarrange is God that the samo Christ should tWice como tothe arth, onco to announc to the nations the ne God then

os a man and tho conditionis mortalitrime might teac menrighteousnem; and when, havin complete the command of God Η had revoaled the truth to the nations II might also suster death, stat He might overcomo an lay open the other mort also, and thus a lenn rising again Hemio procredis His Father borne Hostis a cloud. For the prophetisaidi addition An came even to the Ancient of dus, and was

o dus, hos ago an origin anno bo comprehended forΗe alone a from generations and m Willae alWays to generations. But that Christ, astermis passion and resurrection, Was about to ascenda God tho ather, David bore linos in

obtulerunt eum, iresented Him. Quod eam indui haberet in terra. other re inita deberet, but the present is in aecordanem it tho Myle of Lactanti . Infero reaignaret. ' Acta l. eloud re ived Him out of thei ai t.'


tWo ways that even noWme has an evertastin dominion, when ali nations an ali languages adoremis name, confess

advent, a Wea an. AP. XIII.-O Iesus, God and man and the testimonis of the propheta concerning Him.


performed the irail of the man, froin the passion hic Hoendured on What account Herundortoo it I Will mention adiitio later. In the meantime, o learn rom tho predictions os the propheis thalme a both God an man composed os both natures Isaiah testistes thatrae a God in these motas : AEgypt is earled, and the merchandis of thiopia, and tho

Sabaeans, me of stature, shali come over unio Thee, and shali bo

ἀπάτωρ and ἀμητωρ. - Η . vii 3, here Melchisedec is a type olchrist. Ex utroque genere permiatum.' Though in Goctein and the man-hood areuesnod together in one person iniuriord Jesu Christ there iamo conlaunding of the two naturea: ach is hole and perlecti While Neatorius held that there mere imo persona in Chriat, utyche fel into the opposite error, an inuo that tho tW nature mero in Uende togeineraario formine mixed nature ne expremion in the textriamo very clear.

Fatigata est AEgyptua. Thia lari endrom the Septuagint.


is for eve and ver a sceptro of righteousnescis the sceptro


ha been compelle to spea tho truth, he nomappeared tolea betrver of tho M and of himself, uvies he had is a deceptive falsehood, conmale stat hic the truth ad e, torte laom him. II says, therelare, statine id intaedperform Wondersu Woris, et o is divino pomer, ut is magic. What Wonder i Apollo inus persuaded men ignorant of the truth, whon tho J-s also, morinippers a therseemedio Myo thomost High God onteriaine tho fame opinion, though the had very anhelare thei ves hos miracles whicli the propheis had foretoid in themas about to appen, and et the could not be induce by the contemplation fauch poWerario belleus thalmo Whom tho san was God ninis account, David, hom the especiali read above the other propheta, in the wentPsevent Psalis thus condemn them: Rende to them thei deseri, ecause the regata no themork of the Lord.' Both David himself and ther propheis anno ced that of tho hous of this very David Christ shouldbeior accordin to the flesh. hus it is rition in Isaiah: An in that anthem shal be a moti Jesse, andine hoabat aris to ut ove in nations iniim shal tho Gentiles trusi and His rest shallae glorio Tond in another placer' Thero inali come forti a rod ut of tho stem o Jesse, and ablossom shal grow ut o his mot and tho Spiritis Godahal rest poninim, the spirit o wisdom and underatandiunthe spirit o counsol and of might the spirit o knowledge and

Ps. xxviii. 4 5. Iaa. i. 10. Iaa. XL 1, 2. Flos. Quotod hom ino Septuagint, ἀνιος. Implebit eum spiritu timoria Dei.


shali e to morior a son andinis hous stiali bo established, and His kingdom for ever.' ut the reason hy the Jews didnotonderatand these things was his, ecause Solomon theson o David uili a templo for God, and the cil Whic hecalle frem his omnisame, Jerusalem. Therelare the r ferre the predictions of the prophetario him. No Solomon received the overament of tho hinoom rom his atheriimself. ut the propheis spok of Ηim ho mas then bor after that David had siept with his sathers. Besides the eig of Solomon a no evertasting for he reigned fori years. In the neri place Solomon a neve calle the sonis God, but

2 Sam. vii 4 5, 12-14, 16. Fidem consequetur,' solio iniste Septuagint πιστωθήπεται. Hierosolyma Acthough derived DomἈερον an Σολομων. ut Solomon a no the launder of the city. The nam is probabinderivod minSalem, of Whic cit Melchisedec maching. Some derive it frem Jebus the ancient nam ut the cityxand Salem.

Non est fidem consecuta, ove.

' Ps cxxvii. 1.