Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


nuntiavisua coram ipso aicut pueri; ' an a in Septuagint,

thia remarhablo translation. The meaning of the pMaagoris plata, that tho M aiah mould aprinifrom an obscure Murce. Homo in plaga possitus. The Septuagint, ἀνθρωπος εν πληγὴ ῶν. Aversus est.' So iam in Septuagint, ἀπέστραπται το πρόσωπον - οὐ Somo havo sup sed that there is a resereno to lepem, Wh Were compelleri coverahela faces.' Le. dormimaeli,' a thoughmo ero bearing the punishment of Hia

Infirmatus eat. Doctrina paria nostrae, thmo metion.


252 LACTANTIUS BOOK IV. is thalmo didiso rest o the Sabbath, but labonred for thogood of men thalme abolishod circumcisioὸ statino ookaWay the necessit os abstaining Do the fles of sWine; in whic thing the musteries of tho Jowish religio consist onthis account, thereiore in res os the peose, Wh had notoet withdrann to Christ, ero incite by the riesis to regardΗim a impious,aeca sine destroyed the obligation of thelaw of God thoughine di this no byinis Wn judment, but according to the wil o God, and after the predictions of the propheta. Formicali announced thatine mouid ove ane iam, in these term : Theclaw inali go forin os Zion, and the word of tho Lord homuerusalem. Andrae hali judge

Non vacareti


Ego vindicabo in eum.' Vivam praesentemque legem.' Anoster readiniis, per Moysen,' by mea. The quotation is not hom Isaiah, buctio Jer iv. 3, 4.


254 LACTANTIUS. Mox IV.FO that circumcisionis the flesti is plainly irrational since, is God had so illedrit,me tot so have forme man from the ginning that he hould e without a for hin. ut it, a figure os this secon circumcision signis,ng that thoareastis toto laid bare that is that w ought to lis With an penand simple heari, since that par of the bod Whichris circumcised has a in os resemblane to the eari, and icto belreMed Wit reverence On his account God ordere that itshould bo laid bare, that by this argument m might admonishus notato have our reas hidden in obscuri that is, no toveil any shamesul deed within tho secretam conscience Thisis tho circumcision of the ear of hic the propheta speis, which God transferred rem in moria fles to the wes, whichalone is aboutri endum. Fonaeing desimus os promoting urius and salvation in accordance Withmis οὐ goodnes' in that circumcisioni halli set besoreos repentance, that is, layopen uriearis that is, is, conferamur sin and mae sati factio in God,- e stat obtain pardon, hic is dente tothos Who are obstinate and conceat thoi fauits by Him .ho

regaria o the ut aes appearance, a man does, ut theinnermost secret of the heari.

Tho sorbidding of the es of s ne also has tho fame intention; for henio commande them to abstat hominis,mo ille that this hould e speciali understood that the inould abstain Domistas and impurities. For this animalis filiis and uncisan, an neve loota prio hemen, but pro uates irael to the arthisit ita holo od an face it is alWay the lave oscit appetit an Aod nor during ita liso caesit inord an other service, as in other animal do, hichoither allota a vehiclo for riding, or id in the cultivation fine talia, o Mammamons by thei nec cara burthenso their bach or furnis a covering With thei stans, or abound

Involutum. ' Thus Seneca Non est tibi frona ficta nee in agenam

voluptatem sermo oompositus, ne cor involutum.'


mas administering the province os Syria as overnor, and

Ingurgitat eoano, itu ea into in mire Per figuram. Subinde, drom time to time. ' Legatus.' his titio ma gium, in tho timo es ino Roman emperora, to the governora in by them into in provinces Pontius Pilate, Procurator es Judaea, hich va nova separate province, but a dependenues the provine es Syria, hie at this time go med is Silanua.


against these expression Osinis, as ill-omene and impious.

and when the executionere themselves contende about Hisgarmenis, the cast tot amon themselves formis tuuic and

punishment Was entirely Roman the modo os deat Roman in executionera Roman soldiera There mere in diatinc triata, no et e thoiaemiis Sanhedrimo a chamo ol impiety the ther bes e the Roman wvernor

on a charge of tremon.


uttere no voico Dominis mouili, a thoughrum ero umb. Thon tho liste Him, in tho midst belween , malefactore, who ad been condemne tor robbery, and fixedraim to thocmss. What canes here deplore in orareat a crime o in What word cana lamen such great wichednes. For, arono relatin the crucifixionis Gavius, ,hichiarcus Tullius Iollowod up wit at the spirit and strength of his eloquence, pourinitori ascit mero the fountain os est his genius, proclaimin that it Was an unWortis dein stat a Roman citigenshouldae crucified in violationis ali iam And althoughmo Was innocent, and undeseruing of that punishment, et II Wasput o death, and that too by an implous an, ho Wasignorant of justice. What shali I say respecting tho indigni of this cram, on hic tho Son o God was suspende and naileda' ho ill o found so eloquent, and supplied with

Do tunica et pallio. Tho tunica Visa the inner arment, the pallium V a manu or cloah Thua in proverbia phraae, tunica Proprior pallio. Gavius a crucified by Verres. Sumus.' Tantis affluentiae ubertate. 'asa. l. 6 6, quoted hom in Septuagint.' Le of the amitera; r. ia μαπίσματα, χlo a Mith thoianae Pa. xxxv. 15 16. The quotation is from tho Septuagint, an differs .idely hom th authoriaed Engliin vertion. Flagella,' aiad to indor men deaerring the amurge inaedis .

Ignoraverunt.' Minera rein ignoravi, Iane rit not.


roburis tho land of Judaea in these verses: For)Ou, ente


ness, nor spolio guile issimis mouth. Wheres oras halloblata ' many, and shali divido the spolis of the strong cause Ηo a deliveredis to Math, and was rechone among the transgressors an He bore in sin es many, and was desiveredu on account of their transgressions.' David also, in theminet

Respecting this, hoWoer, Moses himself more pliani sporiis his effect in Deuteronomy: δ' and Thy lis inal hangua Negaverunt. other readincia' necaverunt, 'hey putrio death. Isa liii. 8 10 12. ah quotation is madorimm tho Septuagint. Consequetur. In the Grais κληρονομησει inali inherit.' Ps. civ. 21, 22. Jer ri. 18, 19, quoted froin the Septuagint. Sin malitiae' other readinita se sine macula, Minout apoti Ad victimam. the various explanations seo Polela Synopsis. Some suppos that there iam referencs to the corruptionis laod by Misonoua ood othera at in meaninita a substitutionis Mod foramin. Mother explanation is that in mor translate brea donoto fruit, a in in Engliin authorlaed version, lexu deatro the trae, vit,ino fruit thereos.' ut se Polo omine Passage. Thia explanation appears altogether lanciful and unWarranted. st Deu xxviii. 66.


and the shali look on me, Whom tho pierced.' Also David in the inent fidit Psalm : The pierced miliand and myfeet the numbere ait, bones therstemselves looked and stare upo me thendivide my garmenta among them an duponi in Vestur the did ast lota.' It is evident that thoprophe did not spea thes things concerning himself. Forhe was a Ling, and neve endure these sufferings; ut the Spirit o God, ho mas bout o suffer these things, after 1050 years spolio by him. For his is the number os ears from tho eignis David to tho crucifixion o Christ. But Solomon also, his son, ho bulli Jerusalem, prophesie that this very cit Would peris in revenge so the sacred cross: μ But it e turn amydrom me init the Lord, and wil not