Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


tW tabernacles, was rent into tW paris and the sun suddenly


and Endured. CHAP. XX.-O the departur os Iesus into Galile aster maresurrection and of the wo Testamenta, the OH and tha

Theroforemo en into Galiles formo ason illin tosto. Himsol to tho Jews lesime inould lead them to repent-ance, an restore them imminet impiet to a found mind), and opens tomis discipies again assembled the writings of holy Scripture, that is in secret of the propheis; hicha foro His suffering could ymo means munderetood for theytes of mm and finis passion There remos , and the propheta ala themselves catl tho law,hich was oven to tho

Joma a testament for utiles tho testator hal have died, at tament cannot e confirmed nor can that Whichris ritten


Boox IV. 'E DIUINE INSTITUTES. 263 have been pened that is in myster os God could notaavo been unveiled and nnderat d. But ait Scripturo is dividod into imo Testamenis That whichpreceded the advent and passioni Christ hacis, theclamandilio propheta-is called the old; ut hos things hic mero

writte aster His resurrectio are med in Ne aestament.


'The divine race of the Nessed heavenlyue a.


266 LACTANTIUS. Boo IV. e ma refute thos also horum to mise, not Without inin to themsolves, and who detrac hom in credit duo is divinethings, letos disprovo their error, stat the ma at lennii perceius that the fac ought is have been a me hom stat it actuali . . An although With good judges sither testu

montes ars of suffcient Weight Without argument' or argumentsmithout testimontes, me hoWever, are not content Wit the oneor the oster, since, are supplied mith both, stat me mayno leave oom for any one os depraved ingenuit eister to

roveat his majesty ut he was led as ne ithout strenginio triat, mas condemne as ne ho a gestu, as ut todeath as ne ho a mortia. Ι Will arefult refute thesethings, nor illa permit any one o bo in error. For thesethings vere dono by a great and Wondorsu plana an he whoahal underatand this, illiso ovi coas to Wonde that GodWas tortured by men, but also vili Milyraeo that it eouid not

Ut naturas immortali quidquam decederet.

a Citra.'

Protem Des.' me expromion denotea ne hora va himael in his rea character, mithou any vestiuisae onoeiamenti Therocia anotherre in prolemi Deum. Divinitate.


contrar to nature, that ali animal are subject to these asse

What, therofore, ill that instructor do, i these ining shallia objecto in him homwillas deprivo tho sol Willod os an excuse uiam ha teain them is Mod besore thoi vos that

lato praeceptis auia fidem detrahat. Coninmacibus. risisenti a lactis.


2c8 LACTANTIUS BOOK Iv. he eaches things hic are possibie menco it comes topass, thatio ne obus the precept of the philosophera. Formen refer examples ather han ords, ecauserit is eas tospea, but dissicultri accomplisti. Would to heaven that theromere a many Who acted et a there areolio spea molli But the who ove precepti, Without car in them ut into

action, are distrusted ' and it the stati e mon, ill bo do-spised as inconsistenta' is it shallae God Ho illae met withtho excuse of the halit os man' nature. t remaliis that word should bo confirme by deeds, hicii tho philosophersare nablorio do There re since the instructor themselvesare Vercome by ths affections hic the say that it is urdui in overcome the are able to train no ne to Viriue,

whicli thensalsely proclaim; an for his cause the imagine

that no perfect Wis man has as et existed that is in homine greatest virtus an perfect justico ere in harmon withtho greates leamin and knowledge. An this indos mastrue For no ne sine the creatio of the mori has oenauch excepi Christ, ho both delivered misdom bymis mord, and confirmedmi teachinga presenting virtus to the Ves of

CHAP. XXIV. The overthrowing of the arguments bove med

Come, letos o consider hether a teacher sent hom


it would bo unablorio attain to the highest viriue, an to resistali vices the materiat os hic ara containe in ur odij organs. ence it comes to pass, that an earthi teacher cannot be perfeci. ut a teacher hom heaven to hom his divino nature ives noWledge, an his immortalit gives viriue, mus o necessit in his eachin also, as in the things, bo persect an complete. ut this canno by an means happen, unies he aliould tacto imael a mortat My. An thoreason is it cannot happen is manifest. For i ho hould

come o me a God notu mentio that morta ves cannot

mysteries. Visceribus.' omnium excusationum via . Evius.


that he may λ- that ovo in fles is capabis of virtuo For obstinac cannota refute excepi is example For thethings Uch in diac cannot avo any eight unlem Ouinali bo tho fidit to practis them; Mauso the natur of menis incline to finita, and Wishes to sin nodioni With indulgen , but also it a reason te plea. It is efiitin that a masteran teacher o virtuo hould mos closely resembi man, thatis overpomering si h manteac man that si may b ove po ered by him. ut is hocis immortat, heia by no means propos an example in man. For there mill stand forti someone persevering in his opinion, and wil say indoed dono sin, Minus yo aro re homoliis Ody; o do notcovet,aecause nothiniis needed by an immortal buta have neod of many things for the support of this liso. do nottiar death, ecauserit an limo no poWer against ou. udespis pala, ecaum ou an suffer no Violence But L amortes fear both, ecauso the bringopon me the severest tortures, hic the weanes of the fles cannot endum. Ateacher o virtuo heresor ought in avo taen Way this excuserimm men that no ne V ascribo it in necessit thath si , raster than to his οὐ fauit Themiam that arieacher

ino flesh. cum ratione.