장음표시 사용
Boo iv. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 241 CHAP. XIV.- of the priasthood os Iesus foretoid by the propheta. Frem hic thingscit is evident that at tho propheis do- clared concerning Christ, stat it aliould come o pascat ometime, that ein bor With a bod, of tho ac o David, Hoshouldauild an eternia templo in honour o God, hic is called the church, and assemble ali nation to the true orshimo God. This is theriaith fui homo, thicis tho evertastin temple andis an ono at no sacrificed in his, o milliso have thorewardis immortality. An sinco Christ a tho bullder of this great and terna temple He must also have an evertas, in priesthood incit; and there an o no approach to thostirino of tho temple an to the sight o God except throuo Him .ho bulli tho templo David in the 109th Halm teaches
ment os Tarquinius Superbus. ut the were again isted an deceived in the fame manner, in supposing that thesaining mero potan concerning Jesus the son o Noe, ho a tho successor o Moses, o concerning Jesus the iopries in son o Josedech; to hom non of thos thingawhic the prophe relate mas uited For the wera neverelothed in Sthrgamenta, since one of them Was a moSt ρο-
nes have maintainediis fiathfulneas, is, When sent in abollinthe falso goda, and to asser in existinc of the ono God mhad introduce another esides that ne Thia mould have been notrio proeliam ono God nor in do the mor o Him .ho sentita, butuo dischargo a peculiarissice formimself, and toseparatomimself hominim homino came in reveat. Whic account,aecauserae a sociaithsul, becauserae are
244 LACTANTIUS. Boo IV. evertastin Priest, and the honour os supreme ing, and thoauthorit of Judge, and the nam o God. CHAP. V.-O the life and miraeles of Iesus, and testimonias
Pedum vitio affictos. In eloquium aermonemque solvebat. Insinuabat auditum. perso maculis,' .e lepere.
P illi animi. Plana erit.' shallis intelligibio
mphinus, foenumque inpellex. Ad circumscribendo oculos.' ieero iam mea the reum- aeriptio Vrio denoto draud and de it.' Laboraro. Pedi a mare ingremus.' ' Mat xiv. 24.
Some, resuted by these testimontes, are accustome to have co se to the assertio that these poems wer no by the Sibyla, but madem an composed by our Wn riters Butae mill . assuredi no thin this ho has read. Cicero, and Varro, and other ancient,riters, Who mae mentio of the Erythraean and
mas signified. iasib, tho Erythraean Sibyl says that it ould
In solido. Io Virg. Georg. ii 231: altequo jubebis In solido puteum demitti. ' Virg. AEn x. 765. Mati viii. Harh iv. Lae viii. Cicero, de Natura Deorum ii.
There ors the were neglected for many ages; ut the received attention after tho nativit and passion o Christ ad revealed secret things Thus it Was also illi the ulterances os the prophela, hichisere read by the eople of the de s for 1500 years and more, but et Meremo underatood unti aster
For the propheta spolio finim nor could the things hichthe sat have been in any Way underatood, unies the hadbeen altogether fulfilled. AP. XVI.- in the passionis Iesus Christ that it was foretolae I come noW to the passion laeis, hicli is osten ast in ur
visited and tormented with remarhable punishment that Lmayinon that this very passion as undergone byruim in accord- ance missi a great and divine plan, and that goodnes and truthand wisdomare containe incit Hono. Forcismo ad beotimos happy on the earth, and had reigned through alimis lita in the reates prosperi , no is man would either havo b
honour: hichris the case illi those ho are destituis of truo divinity, homot onlydoo vj to peristi te riches, an finit pomer, and the adVantages arisinifrom the benefit of another, but even consecrate them, and noWingi do servico to the memor os the dead Worshippin fortune hen it is no e tinguished, hic the wis neve regarded as an objectis morini even he alive an present illi them. For nothingamong earthinthings cacbe venerable and worthy os heaven but it is virtve lone, and justice Mone, hic canae judged a
Iacuerunt. Interpretatus esti' The pagans u raidod Christians that inervorini in a mau Who, putrio deat ama alave. Suspiciunt,' vieminin admiration.
tho multitudo floched in Him, the sa. themselves despised and deserted, and that Which was the crowning potnt of their guili blinde is soli an error, and unmindies of the instructora sent hom heaven, and of the propheis, they caballe against Ηim, an conceived tho implous designo pultingraim todeath, and torturingraim of hic the propheta ha long
Foraoth David, in theaeginningis his Psalms, foreseeing in
Pa. i. 1. 'lad. ii 12 2. In traductionem cogitationum nostrarum. Traducιio 'cia some- times sed achere, to denote ex aure in ignominy. Immutatae sunt. Nugaces. In the Greis it i εἰς κίβδηλον, as a comterlesti
250 LACTANTIUS. Boo Imond of the iust, and boastet thalas has God sor his athor. Letos see, thereiore i his ord be me; et u prove Whatend lis stat have lotos examino him it rebuhes and tormenta, that κε may iso hi meehness, an provo his patience letos condemn him to a hamosui east. Suchthings have themimagined, and have gone astru For heirown follyaath Minded them, and thendo notonderatand tho mysteries of God.' Does homo describo that implaus designentero into by the wicis against God so that he clearly appeam is have been presenti ut from Solomon, hocior told thes things, to the timo of thei accomptishment 1010years interventa. e seim nothing me add nothing. Theywho performe the actions ad these accounts they, against Whom thes things mero spolien read them But even no tho inheritor of thei nam an guit have these accounts and in thoi dati readi sis echo thoiriwn condemnationis for
Quae ventura sunt iliu Reverentiam. Sacramenta Dei. Sordidum. Ps lxxii 6, 7, quoted hom in Septuagint. Sino cujusquam auspicione. Iaa. iiii 1