Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


Booxav. THE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 281should ea Christ,aut noctiar Jupiter, unies that the whomilie multitude sinem toto god are also demon, Lastly isther aliouldae placod in themidst ono horis evidenti suffering hom an attach of a demon, and tho prios of tho Delphian Apollo, the wil in tho fame manne drea tho nam os God; and Apollo Will a quichi depari irem his pries a the spirito the domo fromine an and his godaeing adjured and puto flicti the pries Willae forisve silent Thereiore thedemons, hom the achnowledge to e objecta os execration, are the fame a the godario hom the offer supplications. I the imagine that, areon orth o belles, et them belleve Homer, ho associale tho supremo Jupiter Wit tho demons and also the poeta an philosophera, hora a olthe sameraeings at ono time a demons, and at another time asgods, s hichisames oneris true, and the ther false Forthos mos miched spirita, When the are adjured the confessthat therare demotis When the ars orshipped then salselysa that the are gods in orde that the may lead me into error' and cali them Waydroin the knowledge of tho true God, by whic alone eterna deat can o scaped. They are thesame lio, for the ahe of overthrowing man, havo founded Various system os orahi sor themselves throuo different regiona, unde salse and assumed names, however, that hvmight deceive For ecause the were unablo by themselvesto aspire t divini , he took to themselves the ames olpo exsul hings, under hos tities the might claim for them-selves divino hono s; hicli error may bo dispelled, and brought to the light os truth. For i any one destres to inquiro further into the matter, let him assemblori se horum Essed in callinisori spirita homilio dead. et them cali forth Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan, Mercury Apollo, and Saturnus theiathar o all. All ill ansWer iram tho loWer regions and

There is probabi a resereno in Iliad.L 221, here Athene is repre-aented Minoincto Olympusa. δ' Οὐλυμπόνδε βεβηκει

δωμα ἐς αἰγιόχοιο Διος μετὰ δαίμονας ἀλλους.

Ut erroris hominibua immittant.' Per diversa regionum. There is another re ing, perversa religione perverted religion. The referene icto necromanu, o calli ramine spirita es ino Mad by

magi rite


are containta in the divino secreta. CHAP. XXVIII.- hos and Du religion, and of superstition. d since thes things are so as, hau shom, it is lain

that no otheriopei liis is set besor man excepi that, layingaside vanities and wretcho error, ho aliould iso God, and servo God excepi ho renounco thia temporaryclis' and train himsed by the principies os righteo nem for the cultivationisi true religion. For, are create on this condition stat epa jus an duo obedience to God who create us that me inould know and fosso Him Hono. - are bound and lied

received ita name, not a Cicero explesne it, hom arefullygathering, for in his secon boo respecting the natum ofth god he thus spealis: For notini philosophera, but ourancestor also, separated superstition imm religion. For MyWho pent holo dus in ruere an sacrifices that theirchildren might surrive' them, mero calle superstitious Butthe who handie again, an ascit mero caretuli gathere allthings hic relate to tho orini of the gods, were callia religious hom caretuli gathering a some mere assed elegant iram cho in ovi, an diligent hom caretuli selecting, and intelligent tram underetanding. For in ali these Worda there is the samo meaning of gathering hic them is in tho mordreligio : thus it has comerio pas' that in the namea supe stilious an religio , tho ne relate is a fauit, tho ther

Therocia anotherasining qui do Deo patro omnia, et de filio laeuisa est multa; aut inicia manifesti erroneo . Solis Loes, Mis xvii. 3 Thiaria tuo eternia, that thermiolano. Theo in oesy true God, and Jesus Christ, hom Thou haat non religendo.' There is lituo do i ita in truo derivatio es 'relligio' is troin resigere, not hom religare Aocordincto thia, the primarymeaninita. 'tho duelli oma a joci, and oontinuallyaeo tincto α' Superviatis, et inpera titiosi


Booxam TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 283belong to mise' o sensetes this interpretation is, o ma lino homilio alter itinis. For is both religion and superstition are myged in the orini of the fame gota, thereis litti or mlhermo disserenoe bet-- them. For What causemili ho allego hyae hould thin that to prvince for thehealth of sons is tho parti a religious man, but to do the samo te timescis the partis a superstition man His it is an excellent thin to prvince ho Muc more sorio desit more

frequently Iicit is ella d it at thorarat hour, then it lawel in do it throughout the dv. Dono victim rendera thadeit propitious, it is plain stat man victim must renderiimmore propitio . cause multiplied services obligo rather hanollend. For hos servant domo appea to us halesu Whoare assiduous an constant in thoi attendance, ut morebel ed. Why, therofore, hould he M in fauit, an receivea name hic implies censure, ,ho either oves his children more, o sufficientishonour the gods andae, o the contrary, be mised, ho oves inem ess this argument has ight also from tho contrary. For is it is rong to pra and sacrifico during holo days, herofore it is ron to do oonce. Dicis fautu frequentlyrio isti for the preservatio ofour children, heresore he also is superstitious h conceives that Wisti even rarely. Ο wh should the nam os a fauit boderive from that than hicli nothin ca bo iste more honourable nothin more just For acto his Ving that

the who diligenti tari in hand again tho ining relatin toste oratii os the god are calle religio Grom thei car tuli gathering ho is it then stat the who do this osten in a aflos the nam os religious men, hincit is lain hominei ver assiduit that the more diligenti gather homthings is hic tho god are orshippod lWhat, then, icit ' rub religio is sto cultivatio of the truth, but superstitionis that hic is falso. Di mines

Demerentur,' inesta unde an obligation. Criminia est.' vitiosum.


Superstition ain, and ignorant of ancient goda.

But since o find that the ancient god ais Were consecrated in the fame manne alter their death, therefore the are superstitious Who worahi many and false gods m,in the other hand, Me religious, Who mahemur supplication to tho one true God. CHAP. XXIX.-of the Christian religion, and of the union os Iesus rest the Futher. Some ne may perhaps as hoW, When We say that κε morallipone God only, e evertheles asser that hero are Wo, Godiho Fathe and God the Son: hic assertion has drive many into the greates errori For hen the things hic Wo vaeem to them probabie, the conside that sciat in his one potnt alone, that, conses that there is nother God, and that Heris mortal. e have Hready spo nisi His mortali et o letis Mach concerninginis uni . Whenos speis os Godtho Fathe and Godalis Son, o do no speis of them as different, nor do e separate ach: ecausa the ather cannot exist Without the Son nor can the Sona separated hom tho Father, since the nam o Faster cannotae give vithout the


Son nor ca the Sonaeaemite mithout the ather. Since, therelare the Father ahes the Son, and the Son the Father, they both have ne ind one spirit, ne substance but theformerycis ascit mere amovereo in Auntain tho alter a astream flowing sortii rom it the forme a the sun the lalteras it mero a V extende fram the sun. And sincorae is

Horis no separate Dominim justis the stream is no sep rate from tho fountain, nor the ransrom the sunt so themater of the fountain is in tho stream, and the light of the sunis in the rv justis the oleo cannot e separate hom homouth nor the strengili oriand rom thoiody. When ther fore, He is also spolien o by the propheta a the and and strenni, and word of God there is plainlymo separation for thotongue, Whichris the minister of speech, and theamd, in hichthe strengthris siluated ars inseparabie portions of the body.

W may use an example more closely connected With us.

Whe any one has a son hom ho speciali loves, hocis stili in the liouse, and in tho power of his sather, althoughao concede to him the nam an poWer os a master, et by thscivit laW the homo is one and ono person is called master Sothis orld is thoino house of God and therion and the Father, Who unanimousty inhabit the worid, are ne God for the one

tho Son is in the Father, o tho Father loves the Son, and the Father is in tho Son formo faithsuli obus the wil of tho


CHAP. XXX.-Ofavoidias heresias and superstitio , and whatis the oni true eatholicishureh.


overcome by thera more poWersui, referre is secede Withthei supporters, than to Endure hos set ver siem, Ver

is the predictioni false propheis concerning Whomaoth thetrus propheis and he himself had foretoid, fel a V hom thohnowledg o God, and teri tho truo tradition. But ali of


288 LACTANTIUS BOOK IV. these, ensnared by fraud o demons, hicli the ought to havo foreseen an guarde against by thei caretessnes tost thenam and Worahi os God For hen the are callo Phrygians, or Novatians, o Valentinians, o Marcionites, or Anthropians, o Arians, o by an other name, the havoceased toae Christians, ho have lost the nam o Christ, an lassume human an externa names Thereiore it is hocatholicishureli alone Whicli retain true Worship.

This is thoriountain os truth, this is the abod of tho salth, this is sto templo os God into hic is an ono hali notenter, o hom hicli ii any shalliso ut, o is estrangedfrom tho hops o lis and ternat salvation. o ne ought toflatior himself it perseverin strife For tho contes is respectinclis an salvation, hicli, unies it is caresuli and diligenti hept in ieW, ill o tost an extinguished But,

hoWever, ecause at the separate assemblies of heretic callthomselves Christians in preserenco to thera, and thin thattheir is tho catholicishurch, it must be known that the true catholicishurc is that in hic them is confession andis pentance, Whic treat in a Wholesome manue the in and

ras Phrygiana mere the lollo eram Montanus, tho launderes a re in in aecon century. Qia suppoaeda have been a native of Ardaba, o the ordera ol Phrygia, on hic account his sollamem erecalle tho Phrygian or Cataphrygia heretica Montanus ave himselfout for tho Paracletem Coisortem homi a d promised to send. Themost ominent of his follomera mero Priscilla and Maximilla. The Novatiana mere the follomera es Novatus, in the hir centu . The assume to themselum tho illo o Cathari, o the pure. The refuse to re-admi to thei communion inoae ho had ono fallen aWay, and allowoctio placerior repentanoe. Tho Valentiniana mere tho solio eram Valentinus, an Egyptian holounde a me in in aecon century ma Vatem omeWhat reae ledine Gnosticae oria Mahat Christiad a Maventro spiritualiody, audamumod nothinitio the Virgin My. Tho Marcionite mereri IollaWors of Marcion, a heretici ine secondoentvry, ho hel the Orientia belle o tW independent, terna , -- existin principies, ne o good, the ther o ossi e applied his doctrino in Christiani ma chiel opponent a Tertullian. ras Anthropiana held that Jesus Christ mas nothinibu man ἀνθρωπος). Thia mor is omitte is som editora, a Lactantius rote helare the ian heream diai d a renga. Thicis directo against in Novatiana Se precedin noto on tho


relate thes things in the mean hilo for the saei admoniation that nomne ho destres to avoid error Vae entanoedi a reater error, hile hocis ignorant of tho secreti os thotruth. AsterWards, tu a particular an separate, h, me illmore fuli and copiousty contend against ali division o fals hooti. It folio cinat, since me have spolien incienti onthe subjecti true religio an misdom, me discus tho subjecto justico in tho nex book.

Ponetrala, the interioris assi amor temple. Uberius.' thera rein verius,' more rub; but in readiu es the textri prefer te.


it, and thin himsol eontaminate an bound by inexpiabio milici he hoes patienti read or hea thes things. demand hoWever, fram this man, is it is possibie, by the right