Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


horis also God that he manis his heavent authorit imposeupon men the necessit os obedience nor God untes hecis clathe with a mortal oh that by carrying ut his preceptato thei completion in actions lis may in othera by thonecessit os obedience Buliani thereior appears that hewho is a Dido o lis and teacheris righteo nes mus havea ody, and that his inachin cannot themiso bo fui and perfeci, unies it has a roo and foundation, and remain firmand fixe amon men and that he himseli must undergo mea es of fles and Ody, and display in himself tho virtuso inita hecis a reachor, that he may teaincit at the sametim both is motas and deeds Also, he must e subject todeat anxiat sufferings, sine the duties of Virine are occupied mitti ius enduring of suffering and tho undergolaideast allWhich, Ma have aid a perfeci teacho ought is endum, thatho marinata in possibilium theses ing ondured.

Thiacia med a in ovium is his to .hom tho preceptris addreaeod. In this and thodollamin sentanees there is a dialoguo Minem in Macharand tho tauot. Praecepta sua factis adimplendo. Virtutem in Maecipere.


272 LACTANTIUS. Boogam CBAP. XXV.-O the advent of Iesus in the fesh and spirit, thates might be mediator belwem God and man. Let men thereiore learn and understand why the ostmigh God, henme senimis ambassador an messenge to instruct mortias illi the precepis finis righteousness, illed that Heshouldio elothed with mortaliuesti, and bo afficies it torture,

belare said), Η Would no have been abierio afforda manis ample o goodnem time had been man only Η Would nothave been abierio compellen to righteousness, unies there hadbeen added an authorit and virtu greater than that of man. For, since mancis composed os fles and spirit, and tho spirit must eam immortalit by motas os righteousness, the flesti, sincerit is earthly, and thereiore mortal, Maws it irael the

spirit inhe t it, an leadscit hom immortalit in death.

Thua, Η . viii. 2 Christris apaenil minister of thmaanctuary, and tho truo taberniscle. amaring a humandathe and mother. μεσίτης, a mediator, one Who Manda bet Mn in partim to bring themtogether. Thua 1 Tim ii 5 Therocia one God, and one mediator σιτηεο betWeen God an men the in Christum .' In tho piaue to ths Hebre a Christ is apaenis Mahol mediator of tho neu covenant.' AndGal. iii 20, a mediator is notis one: ' ina very idea es a mediator implies that ho standa het eo in partim a a reconciter. Emereri, 4 earn or oblata The mord is vectalla applied is aiadiera ho have aerved thei time, and armentiuod to theis diacharm.


Boox iv. THE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 273 Theretare the spirit, apari rom the flesti, could ymo means be a guide to immortali rior an sinco the fles hindera thospirit rem following God For it is frail, and liabis to sin; but sin is the ood an nourishment of death. For this cause, there ore, a mediator came-that is, God in the flesti hat tho flesti might be ablo to solio mim, and that Hemio rescuoman rom death, hici has dominion ver the flesh. There-sorem clotho Himself,ith flesti that the destres of tho fleshbein subdued II might teach that to sin a not the resulto necessity, but of man's purpos and will. For, have onemeat an principat strumle to maintain illi tho flesl, thoboundies destres of Whicli press pon the foui nor allo it toretain dominion, but mali it the flavo o pie ures and sweetalluremenis, and visit it illi evertastin death. And that womight be abieri overcome these, God has opened and displayed torus the wayis overcoming the flesti. An this perfeci and

absolutet complete ' virtuo besto sis thos Who conquer, thecrown and re vard os immortali . CHAP. XXVI.- of the emas, and other tortures of Iesus, and of

the Aure of the iam unde the law. havo spolien os humiliation, and Dail , and suffering whymo thought fit to unde o them. No an account 'mus bo ahe of the ros itself, an iis meaning must borelatod. What the Mostmigh ather arranged from thea ginning and ho Η ordaine at things hic mere accomptished nolint the foretelling by the propheta, hic precededand was prove truo in Chris aut also the manner finis suffering tseli teaches. For hateve suffering Η unde ment mere not without meaning ; but the had a figurativo meaning and great significance, achad also those divino orks hichino performed the strengin and ower of hicli ad somo eight indeed sor the present, but also declared fomethingior the futuro. eavent influence pene tho ves of the


Boox IV. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 275 strengis prefigured that by the instructio os righteousnem His doctrine mas about in puris inoso defited by tho sinins ossius and tho lemistes of vices. For tho ouo tres to

thoiodies of the doad as thesia prostrato an cassing themaloud by thola ames, Η brono them bach hom death. What is more uitable o God What moro mortis of the Wonderis ali ages, than to have recalled ths life hie has

giveris life and depressing thei mula homineaven to earth, runcinio the nares of terna deast. The actions thereiore, hic He the performe so the present, ere representationsos futura things; tho ining whichmo displayed in injured and

Elephantiaci,' thos afficted mith elephantissis,' aliud os leprosy,

eovering the ain With incrustationa reae ling the hide es an elephant. Reaigname,' to have unaealod ori nect. Figuram gerebant.' acerbitates et amaritudines.


276 LACTANTIUS. Boo IV. His passion, hich Was arsh and severe in iself, gine to iis sample of the latur torments hich virtve irael proposes to

comin into tho mout o ou teacher affordexus an exampleo pressures, and la ure, and miseries. Ali,hic things mustbe unde one and suffered by thos Who solioW the truth; since

and Lord os allatio living.

But Wit referene to the cross, it has great forco and meam ing, Whicha mill nomendeamur toraliom. For God a I havebelam explained), Whenmeia determine to et man ree, sentissmis ambassador to the eari a teacher o virine, homight both by salutar precept train men to innocene' and by moris and deed besore their might ope the way os righteousness, by Walhing in hich, and solioWin his inacher,man might attain to eternat lite. O therelare assumed a body, and was lothed in a garmentis flesti thaim might holdiuti man, sor hos instruction He had come, examples of Virtus an incitement toriis practice. Bnt whenmo had inorded an exampis os righteousnes in ali the duties oscilla, in orde that He might each man also the patient ondurance os pes and contemptis death, is hic virtuo is rendere perfeci and complete He came into the hand os an impious nation, hen,


and rotan, should bo rendere unsultable for rising again. That also was a principat cause hy God hos the rosa, b eauserit ma necessar thatino hould e lifled, on it, and the passion o God ecomo known to ali nations. For since he hocis suspendedisponis roscis both conspicuous in alland higher than others, the ros Mas speciali chosen, Whichmight signis thatio ould bo so conspicuous, and so aised


tribes, hom in rising of tho su even in his setting, Was about is como unde His ings, an to receivo o thei forineada

Thaisigni amorem sed in baptiam. The account, Ex xii , in ea no mention es colouri sit ut apol' is equivalent to vit ut Hemissi.



crosa, and of dem s.

At prosent it is incient to ino What great ossicae thopo er of this sign has How great a terror this sign is to tho demons, he will non in ahal se hen adjured by Christ the flectiom thes dies .hich the havo besi ed. Foras Homimself, hen He was living amon men putrio fliotali tho demons bymis nota, and restored in their forme senses the minia of men whic had Men excited and maddoned by thela Metates attacis; so no His solio re in the nam of thola Master, and by the signis His passion banis the fame polluted spirita smin men And it is no dissiculta provo inis. For,henthe sacrifice in their gias, i an ono bearin a maris for head standa by the sacrifices area no means favo ablect Nor camine diviner When consultia, ovo ansmers. ditiis has osten been in cause of punishment in iched hings. For hen ome of thei attendandi ho mere of ur religion Were standiniis thoi master a tho sacrificed, havin thesim place o thei foreheata, the caused tho god of theirmastera o flee, that thermight notae ablorio observe futuro event in the entralis of the victima. And when tho ooth- sayers understood this, at the instigationis tho fame demonsto hom the had sacrificed, complaining that profano men ere presentis the sacrifices the drovo thei princes inmadness, o that the attache the temple of tho god, and contaminate themselves by true sacrilege, hic Was expiated by the severest punishment on in par of thei persecutore. Nor, hoWever, areat Lmen abis to underetand ven fram this, eitho that this is the true religion, hic contain such great

are auspici s.


28 LACTANTIUS. Boo IV. pomer sor overcoming or that that is false, hic is no ablo tohold iis ground orno com to an ongagement. But invisa that the god do his, no through fear, ut throughaatred os though it,ere possibis io any one totate another, unies it o him ho injures, o has the poWer of injuring. ea trub, it Wouidis consistent With thei majes in visit thoso hom the hate Wit immediate punishment, minor than to fleo hominem But since the can either proach thos in hom the inali se the heavent mark, nor injure those homino immortal sign as an impregnablo Wali protecta, they haras them is men, and persecute them bytho hand of thera an is the achno ledg the existence of

these demons, e have overcomo for this mus necessaribae in trus religion, Whic both understanti thematurei demons, and underetanda thei subitety, and compei them, anquished

refuted by the testimontes of poets and philosophera. ut filio do nes en in existenco an malignit os demons, What remain excepi that the amrm that there is a disserenoebetwoenuod an demons ' et them thereiore explain torus the disserene belween tho tW hinti that Wo vanos halis tot morshippod and whatrioae held in execration whether they have an mutuat agreement, or are reali opposed to ne another. I the are united by some necessi , homahali me distinguis them hocstallis unito the honou and worahi of eachaint of on the other hand therare enemies,lio is it that tho demons domo fear the gods, o that the goti cannot putrio flight the demon, Behold, sommone excite istho impulso of the demon is out os his senses, aves, is mad let cload him into the templo of the excellent and might Jupiter; or sinceraupiteranoWa no hoWrio cum men, into the fano of Esculapius or Apollo. et the pries of either, in the nam os his god command tho. Wiched spirit to como ut of the manethat can in no a comerio pass. What, then, is the pomerii the gods, i in demons are not subject to thei conuolt ut, in truth, the fame demons, he adjured by tho nam os thetrus God immediatet flee. What reason is thero h inv