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HE poets,ho ctourishsed during the period of tW centuries embraced by this Book fati naturallyunder one of tW heans, uecording as thereither adopteda popular style, and uimed ut satis*ing the multitude, or appealed more an more to thoriaste of the educate lam in proportion to the greater development of poetic genius amoug the Romans. Deficient a the riters of the forme classire, heu compare' mit the Augustauage, in relinement an in culture, the invariabi exhibituaces os the strengi an dignityi character denoted by the almost uutranslatable term gravitas thei remuin aresiamped by the expresSion o patriolis and the reat characteristic qualities of theis race. The riter Who constituto the secon clas ure sar more artiStic. Terence, hyliis pure Latinity and his Elegant humour, troveri train undeducate ather han solio the aste os his couutrymen; Lucretius, ho Seem to ithdram himself rom the di oscities to the alme Seenesis natura beauty eXeel in his statolines of thought, and the peculiar pomeri e poSSesses of describin his object frequently by a Single ord; hile Catullus is uuequalied in the Xpressionis emotion aud in
the marvellous clearnes an Simplicit os his angvage. In spite of the saei that the olde Writer exhibit strength os intellectoather thati Verba elegance, it se emen et toembod in his collectio Some Specimens of thei remnins, that theriise of Latin poeir might be trade ascit mere Domita cradie to 1is maturit anxiis decline Some ma form talome estimate of this classi poetry and the Wit os Plautus no doubi saltsrahor of the Horatia standard. Butae hisus it may the perion cannot justi be termed a barre one, whic produee so an different ranches o literature. O tragedy on comed uni epio poetry, no light e rismere expended. It is to the Same ource that the bogin- ning o satire, the peculiar produc o Italy, areo botra ed. There is Something Stirrin and Vigorous and praetica about the holeis these Wo centuries. The rugge Saturnia meaSure gave place unde Enniusto the Hexameter, and to the imitutioni Gree modeis, areform homever, hic ha to e carrie in th face of a Strong opposition that recalis the controvers belmeen the Trojans ' an reselis ' in the nys of ur W Henry VII. The poets of this perio mere notondistinguishedin public assaira, peaeelabor military. Naevius himself servedin the First Punic War Whicli helelebrated as diu Lucilius in the Numantine ar. Ennius A an ye-Witnes osa the Siege of Ambracia, the subject of ne of his plays, and describsed in the ut book of his Annal dedicato toM. Fulvius Nobilior, hom he accompanted in his Aetolianeampnim B. C. 189. It wa to suc me that Rome med, in great mensure, the rude aud unpoliShedlegitining of her
Satira quidem tota nostra est Quintilian X. I. 93. Parry' Terence, Introduction, p. xvii. See Haliam's Middie Ages, Vol iii. p. 468. Liv xxxviii. c. - 11 ut a se scant fragmenta remat of the Ambracia, and of this portio of the Annales.
. iterature, and there is no neexto provo ho muel, Virgiladeb te to the nationa epius Os Naevius and Ennius, audio he had stored in his memor the dictionis Lucretius and Catullus. Wordes vortit' arran gemon os this epitaph is solioWed. I. I. Helives the sui schemo es the Saturnia metre thusa
is in ita in Plautus, Capt. 199). Ita, his-wise nn ubi utiVesrom the stem a r o. s. aliu-ta, therwise. Pupillon, Comp. Phil. h. vii The nam Of the metro connecis It wit Saturnus o Sae turnus sata , the patroni SoWing. Os iis irregularit an de ma be formed by the Statementiliat in the whole os aevius Epic o single lino could bes ound as a Dorma specimen Onit Structure. This epitaph is charaeteri ged by Aulus Gellius ac plenum Superbiae Campanae, Whende aevius is held to have besnb birili a Campanian, though of Latin extraction. Besides his Punici in the Saturnian mensure), Naevius Wrote DramRS.
I. a Tragedi ou Greest subjecti Crepidatae , os hic me
laudari a laudato viro. and 'male parta male dilabuntur ' b Tragedies on purei nationa subjecti Praeteaetae). γο-
. See sonae good emark on iliis subject in Cruttwel smistor of Roman Literature, Page 273. For a tali account os the Early Roman Poets, consul Dunlop, Histor os Roman Literature, vol. I. Omnisen, Hist. Om. Ol. II. . iv. Vol. III. h. iii Meri vale, Hist. Rom. Ol. H. h. XX ii subfin Sellar, The Roman Poets of the Republici eble's raelections, XXX ii.-XXXV. Browne Histor Os Roman Classica Literature, k. U. h. v.-iX Macaulay, nys of Aiacient ι Ome, re face. Lucretius, Munro, Introduction to otes, II. Te uste an Cruit ell, istories a Latin Literature Words orth, Fragments and Specimens, Early Latin.
thing ut tho illos of tw of these re main Alimonium Romuli et Remi, and Clastidium. Ι. Comedies Pulliatae 3
Togatae , of hic Titinius and Afranius mere tho hies representatiVeS, me have nothing est ut fragments. Naevius die ut Utica in exile, about 1944. o. As Ennius diu not comes o Rome ill 204 the ea in Whieli ho entinio exile, the complaint in the las line of this epitaph an Scarcely have been aimed at him, though Merivale's remarhaon it holi good, here e compares it illi the epitapho Ennius on himself No xiv of thiS Anthology, p. Id . di Would appea that Naevius a the cham pio of the old Roma literatur . . . he contendendo the rude purityof tho id language assaile in sor an substanee by in-noVtation o ali fides, an ho fel that with himself that purit Would perish. It was it this Deling, assuredly, that he composed for imsol in epitaph filio mit amournsul presentiment of this impendin change The
The go Orcus, Recordin to ordAWorth, is perhapit, considere us a re aper, und the trestsure-hous is that in Whic heratores his harvest f. Longlallo , There is a reaper, hos nam is Deuth. The Aulularia talae it num Do the money-pot aulula, diminutive os aula, olla. s. ausculor sor osculor in Plautus, Plaudo e lodo, caude codex , discovered by the miser
Euclio. Molitiro borrowed the lotis 'Avare, an manystrohes os humour in it, rom his play. In his passage Strobilus, the flavo o Lyconidos the Over os Euclio'sdaughter, describe ho he found the reaSure. The Onclusionis the tu is tost, uni it is conjecture that his muSter et posseSsion Oscit, uni restores it a conditionis obtaining his davgliter in murringe. L. 5. Pisi qui colunt esto supero. For the ut traction, cs. Ter. 1. I. Eun. iv. 3. II. Eunuchum quem dedisti nobis, quas turbas dedit. Colunt, 'inhabit, 'hunc domum colo, say the Lar Familiaris in the prologue of this play. Fici, agneri hin ks that Plautus mixodip tho Greeli stories of the gryphesmith the heli ela current amon his countrymen bout tho
L. 8 declinavi med. The d is probabi the ablativa d
Quod ille undiatim vix de demenso Suo Suum defrudans genium, comparSit miSer. The pittanos, hic he fro his ulloWance, by Atintinghimself, has jus manage to erupe together, Ounc byouuce. The term 'genius ' seem to have no exactranglisti equivalent in his sense, the opposite o hic is indulgere genio. - I. Hegio, uti Aetolian, hos son has been talae prisone in Wariet Hen the Aetolians and Eleians, has purchaselinAetolia prisoner Philocrates, it his lave Tyndarus, inordest recover his son by an exchange. The muster and StaVe have agree to change places, and Philocrates is thus sentiae value oui as a flave. In his cene Hegio dis- covem the deception rom Aristophontes, nother of the captiveS.
L. 6. Juvit. The oldest formis th perfeci res probablyreduplicaten like the Gree πέφυκα, fu-fui, Whic itSel may have been hort for fu-suvi. OrdsWOrth, ch. XVii. 15. The must not e consid0redis representin the nos fui, sinceri rui a Pupillo potui out Comp. Phil. h. viii. . 'Nossumus Romani qui ovimus ante Rudini, Was Lambinus' re ading of the lineis Ennius, Annales Vii . L. 9. dierectum Go anni hunge i Lilio tho Groseli, οὐκ ἐς ς ὐορον; ες κορακας. The deriVation di-erigo seems est, referrinxit to the out-stretchen arm os a malefactori thecross. See Ramsay s Mostellaria, p. 95. L. I 0. Tu subsultas f. ρχμω ὁ κοιμία φοβω. -AeschChoeph. 161.L. II. Alide, i. e. Elide. L. 13. ipsus Other simila archaic form are ollus, Mundiu Ennius and old inscriptious, unctistus in Plautus.
L. . ut processerim. et so that Phavo wallied straight into tri day' put m Dot incit . The perfeci denotes that the result stili lusis. L. 13. med. f. Ompage 2, t. . L. 14. Illic is a nominative Therubridged particle e thus appendent ille an iste is referre to a Stem O, perhus a Uuriet os quo-Williu demonstrative meaning, there. Pupillon, ch. VIII. L. 15. nucriteum, etc. I 've Ost the ut he'scissimo the hel in iis laee, literalty for a pledg0. Wit tholar pigueri f. temperi, the est utleste formo theloeati Ve. L. I 6. Ita mi stolido sursum vorsum os sublevere inciis. Foo that Pisast 'verast them au m face it theirpaint right up to the romur his is notheris Plautus' favourite phrases to e res a tricli playedis a person es. ducto bove . Here the figure is alien Doma rutili dWho salis flee uti has his sace lachened. In ursum vorsum the Semn Wor is redundant, RS UrSum, Sub-
b. IV. aetatem, rit m lila. Sometimes sed adverbialty anugo, andis common in Plautus an Terenue. Iamdudum,
L. 2. viduam. Singie,' husbandless, divorced, notis ido . f. Penelopam quae tam diu viro vidua caruit Stichus I. 2. The vi denote Separation, a Te in
juva, O me Castor uvet Aniath used generalty by Women in a Ver se places by men accerso Perhaps the Vulgarformis areeSSo. I Gyrier. L. Id ita rem natam esse, that matters have come tothis. f. pro re nata, and e re nata, inde the circum-
sormonSus, quoties sor quotiens, trimestris sor trimenstris. 7. I . . Usquin, i. e. usque ne, HaVe o been et up tono p a common Salutation after abSen θ.
L. . natus nemo seruat, icit a sulcis in the house to taliocare oscit. CL intus serva, Aul. 42.