장음표시 사용
36. XXX. L. 20. horrisse crnefactum te prope busto. When clos hythou didsi turn to an She hue o thy appalliu funeral
L. 29. fuerit, it illam been. Sive erimus seu nos fata fuisse velint M. Sofuere, p. 49, t. 13.37. - . 2. aliae, sor alius, nother archaism of the word occursbelo alid ex alio. p. 38, penultimate line rei, aliou syllabie, as in Lucilius, p. 26, l. 6.L. . Et tamen haudquaquam, etc. The urgument is afortiori in flee me have no thought for life and et theti by no means do hos first eginning throughout our ram mander sar aWaydrom their senSe-produeing motion SP ho mucti les thought then an, have in death. L. 22. disiectus occur here Hly.
L. I4 frigida pausa. CL hahespeare's aestio in coid obstruction L. 17. Quid tibi tanto operest y What hast thouso much atheart γ' L. 19. stratis, acceptably α gratiis, the form used in Plautus und Terenee. L. 20. pertusum vas like that of the Danaids. L. 22. plenus vitae conviva. f. Hor Sat. I. i. 119. Cedat uti conviva satur, and Ep. 1 I ii. 214. For ther echoes of Lucretius in Horace s. ab OVe, non domu neque uxor mitti Linquenda tellus et domus. etc. belo quam tu cecidere cadentque. Wit Ars Poet. 70, and No. XXAii. l. 2, Witti Odes I. 26, 6 See more in Munro L. 24. quae fructus. So inneXt Puge l. 9, perlanctu praemia abhinc, Domultis timosorthros future time, a very rare USe It Oecuryonee inPacuviuS. 38 L. . balatro, raScal Git. abble by metathesis Domblatero, to pratei αεD. L. 16. assedum mage Sis, etc. Munro quotes passages in Cicero here sis thuS X eSSe irony. L. 17. incilet, rebulae, an ante-classical Ord. . l. materies opus est This Se of Opus S a predicat is commouin Lucr. L. 24 alid uti archai formos aliud. Catullus but not Lucretius uses ulis for alius.
L. 25. usu, i. e. Sufructu CL Cic. Tusc. i. 39. atura aedit Suram vitae, unquam pecuniae, nulla praestituta
die. Mundi pium is tho Absolute Wuership Wheuce thedivisio in Roman la os res mancipi und nec mancipi. L. 8. Erit, etc.
os ab is lilis that os stur ab Romanis M. L. 10 ludiscetur, the deponsent ludificor is commone in Cicero L. 20. dum percipis, tili Such timem yo apprehend. AuisVent Xpecte direaten asciscit oecupied the period os atting. Roby 1663.
. Rhet. I. i. 5, ου δει τον δικαστὴν διαστρεφειν εις ργῆν προαγοντας ἡ φθονον η λεον. μοιον γαρ α ει τις, μέλλει χρησθαι κανονι, τοῖτον ποιησειε στρεβλον,
the Silani, fountatus spuriing rom the head of Sileni. 1 T. XLI. L. 17. Et quantum est P. I l. 14. is the numerous imitations of this poem e. g. by Vid, Martiat, Statius, in ancient, Herrie an Comper in modern
Catullus represent himselnus potntingint an dira iSing, t Some mest Who ere Withaim ut his villa ut Sirmio, the Phaselus no laidumbeside the Benacus o Lugo di Garda, whieli ad carrie hi fro Bithynia o Italy. Munro, Critieisis undaluei lations os Catullus, Where a translation d analysis of this Oem are given. The VOyage, described in reversed order, Wakbegun ut Cio or Myrtea, Where Catullus joine it Do Nicaeu, heu hedon Bithynia in B. C. 56. Heli ad the ach brought round Dor Amastris o Cytorus in Paphlagonia through the Bosphorus, und the coastedalong the places numed, to the Cyclades, an haesit carried by the Diolcos ovo the Isthmus os Corinth. Munro diffsrafro Ellis in a separatin praeter ire in omittin thacomma at Thraciam, hic he talaeso an adjective mitti horridam Propontida; c inunderstanding inde of time neXt, Catullus, res a been Suid first goin o board his achi in the Propontis d in readin novisSi me sor novissimo, theremoteSt ea, to tansWer o ultima eae origine is inde and n larime, anSWering to euch ther a primum-deinde novissime in Cicero. He explain it os in thir an last stage of the onrne When the pinnae reaches the mouth of the o.
L. 24. loquente, etc. CLAS in a poplar grove When a ight Wind shalaes lisping of the innumerous leas, and dieS, Eae hissing in his eighbour' ear. Tennysou The Princess. 49 L. 1. Pontica f. Horaces Pontica pinus, Silvae filia nobilis. fore burifer So Et iuvat undantem buxo specture Cytorum. Georg. ii 437. L. 5. imbuisse palmulas, handselled herilades. ἐκαι a. Cf. Illa rudes cursu prima imbuit Amphitritem Cat.
lxiv. 10. Imbuit auctor opus. Ov. Hoc facetae carmen imbuant aures. Mart. vii 26. L. 8. area, ete. i. e. Whether suiling Wit a ros minxoneither taeli, o falliti Straight besore the Wind. Munro. utrumque pedem, the heet or opes ut the corners of thesail.
L. 11. Sibi esse facta, da been offersd. It would besaci erant in oratio recta L. 13. fuere. See o P. 36, l. 29. L. 17. tuae, of Ou, as Appears rom tam te basia multa basiare, here te musti the Objeci.
L. I9. Iasarpiciferis, laSer, irιλ :κον, probabi RS dulciS, ne of the two Linds suum resin homethe plant Thapsia Silphium. renis sto Cyrenae, here of the district Cyrenaica Gene rati Cyrene. L. 20. Oraclum, raret of the place, but so sed in Cicero,Pliny, and Tacitus Iovis, .e Hammonis Battus founded Cyrene B. C. 631.L. 26. curiosi, trying. Ut ipSe noSti curiosus. Hor. Epod. Vii. 77.
cur in tho Odysse xvii. 51 l . Cf. ολβιε γάμβρ' αγαθος τις
L. 12. Sic etc. res trutyrusHira me may be the servanis os love so ruinis the sire, etc. Eo Ellis. L. 21. Syrias, etc. The plural are notrused geographicully, butrus in alias naviget Illyrias, quoted by Ellis. L. I. irinio, no Sermione, o the S. coasi os Lacu II. IvBenacus, ago di Garda. L. 3 uterque Neptuninus, i. e. in either capaci tyrus uter Ollalaesi inland sheet os mater stagna Ormen. L. 7. Solutis curis Hypallage or poeticui varie ty. The iudratherethan the cares generali hein SI Ohen O u Set ree. L. 8. peregrino labore, cloi undergone in oreign lautis. L. 12 hero, ubi us alWays Wit gaudeo in Catullus. L. 13. Lydiae, Suali explaine of the Setti ement maden ea theio by the Tuscans traditionali truce to a Lydianori n. ut Munro suggest vividae, comparin Martiat, X. 30 12. viVa quies. See p. 307 l. 12.L. 20. claras Asiae urbes, tho great cities of the province ILPM Asia, e. g. Smyrna, Ephesus Halicarnassus Hor. P. I. i. Theseae mouid visit on hi Warto Rhodes ΝΟ. XLII. . L. 1. vigescunt, deel bristi.'L. 3. longe, do a distancer accordin to Ellis, ii quotes G2 longe jam abieram, Domaerenue. L. 5. Comiscius, probabi the poet mentioned by Ovid, Trist. i. 25, Wit Catullus, and ther poets, it leve Coruiste parque Catonis opUS. L. 6. me hercule et Ellis quotes three ther instances in Catullus os Such dactylic hiatus.
62. XLVII. L. . allocutione, παραμυίνον, Or os comsori. Cf. Epod. Xiii. deformis aegrimoniae dulcibus alloquiis.
L. 10. Sic meos amores Is it thus ou reat tho tota 6 m lovs 3 Ellis thinti Catullus had aheu Cornifieius into his confidonee tabout Lesbia. L. 12 Maestius, more Oving, Wit more os sympathy. 'Ths allusion is to Simonides Θρῆνοι, a stylo in hic hespecialty excelled. Ceae neniae. Hor. d. ii. I. The Mest three tangas of the od of Sappho, henue thiqis translated are a solioWS Bergli, Poet. Lyr. 1867 Ἀ- Φαίνεταί μιοι κῆ νος ἴσος θεοισιν
But here is he, thsarida nomer, That musti made a Wis e re noon pShe enters glomin illi the oon in Edon o iis bridat boWer. In Memoriam, sub fin. L. 10 prodeas. Thi Sula is rare in Secon Person, exceptin Where the subjectris indesinite Roby L. -G. 1596. L. 26. Usque dum tremulum, etc. Till hoary ago hali steal O thee, Wit,loitering step, and tremblin linee, An palsiexhead that eVerient, Τ ali in ali hings nod assenti Martis. L. 17. tempus, in the singular, Pone of the two templemi, rare, ut cf. Virg. Aen. ix 419 Ut hasta Tago per tempus
Aegean o Phrygia, and in a fit os sanatteal Denzy enrois himself amoti the Galli, the mutilate priest o Cybele. Henc the change of genue in l. 6. Se a very sul introductio in Ellis. He remarks that in scevery hic hevisited se p. bl l. 18hSupplied Catullus With Some partis his inspiration. For the nobi Galliambie metre, of Whiel thicis the onlyextant specimen, See Ellis, p. XXXVii. 57. I. Typanum tubam Cybelles uuro propoSes Typanum ac typum, i. e. a medullionis Cybele orna Attis Ellis un- derstand a contrast With the se of the rumpet in Romanrites initra, properly the mysterieSos Ceres L. 8. terga taurei, i. e. nambourine L. I3. Sectam rule. L. 16 citatis. Ellis joins,it aere iovings Stirred by clanging copper. erae, i. e. you mistress s iud may be the right realing, he Says. sacra sancta, by the lalter their inviolabili tyris meant. 58. - . 5. animam agenS, gaSping. 'L. . assulae occur noWhere else Seein P. 48,l. 13. L. 10. Sine Cerere, 'abstinenc homiread Was partis the
59. - . 3. Patria, etc. Ellis remarlis oti the completely Greelictast os seeling in the solioWinclines.
Archilochus L. 6. Durae ShapelineSS. L. 7. ephebus, With special allusion to the ephebeum, theexercising-TOO in the gymnaSium. L. 8 decus olei the pridem the resiling Sehool. L. . limina tepida, Warmin or populous, Warmed by the ερα ria Who lepi a the Vestibule Plato spealis ot κομαησεις δε ιυραις. f. aristis et in tepido limine somnus erit 3 Prop. I. XVi. l.