장음표시 사용
to have sunEdepply in to tho literatur os the time. Throughout the Aenoid, and speetuli in tho alter Oolis. Virgilinvest With a hi nil o sanctit the Aegenda legi nning of Rome. The path murti Ed ut O her- regere imperio Populos, ' the lineis latur heroes detulled by Andhises intho Sixti Booh ohe eremonia used in proclaim in War, truced hae to the earliest times onytheriam ou de ed en- gravedispo the hie id of Aeneas, ali illustrate his patriotic Sentiment of the two perhaps, finest similes in the holerange of Latin poetry, One is derived Do the arran gementosi Roman legion, themther is a glorification o Romoeas themother of a long lineis illustrious men. Nor merea themthor
We cannot et ter conclude the introduction to this periodthan in the following mord of the late Professor Coningtom: - I tho Augusta age is uiit is ullomed to ei common cons0nt, the epoch of the persectionis artas applied o Latinpoetry that 0rsectio is centre in Virgil an Horace. Ovid, the hir great representative poetis his time, Suffitienti indicates that even thema deoline ad egun; undTibullus an Propertius, though Dee ro his mulis, ures arcet os sum cient emineuce Oae regarde a muster in theraehoo of style. ut Viro an Horaes, lilio Sophoclesum an Gree poets.constitute the type by Whie me estimate the poetical ar of thei nation the mean hic everythingelse Elther eXceed or salis hor of It is no that me consciolast fg upo an qualities in them hicli attractisur14. Marte nostro, Cic. Q iii. 7, et saepe 'Cornua commoveτe disputationis tuaμ, Cim De Div. II. X. Georg. i. 279, p. 83, Ut saePe, etc. Aen. i. 85 Qualis Berecyntia mater, p. II 8. Cf. to Georg. iii. 346 on secus ac patriis acer Romanus in armis, etc. p. 90 l. i. Cf. Horace, Od. m. 3, v. 2, 4 5. Carm. Seculare ἰ Pro P. V. 6 p. 202 .
admiration, but ather perhapsin the contrary that hereseem to se nothin prominent About them the variova requisite os excellence are harmoniousi blendod mithout exaggeration, and the min receives that satis suetion hieti resuses aske ho it came to pass. Their stylo is suffcienti characteristi notato repet imitation, though,ithmany of iis most successsul imitator the proces is do ubilessmaint intuitive: et on the ther hand it is no so peculiar a to render imitatio an actis ridiculous presumption. Less frequently pictoria than that hic precede it-thestyle of Lucretius aut Catullus-it is ut the Same time more artistier single sentences are o devote to the uniformdevelopinsent os a particular effect but a series os impressionsis produce by appeat made apparent lymithout an principi os sequence, to the disserent elements of the ind, Sen Se sancy, se eling, O memory, and therias O reducingiliem to harmon is est to the reader' sympathiginginstinet. It is a pomer Whicli appears o dea mitti languagenoti violetice, but by persuasion, not Straining O torturingit to bring ut the require ulterance, ut Heluin to itiand ns it mere, followiniit humovi S. Language is notoet studien or iis omnisulae that Datur belong to the post- Augusta time of the decline of poetry but it has risensrom subordination into quality, and the te to despotio Supremac is butast shortine On thes poetr of the Augusta Age, se Dunlop, History
Roman Poets of the Augusta Age, Virgil. 71 Lx11. L. 4. Cymaei, i. e. ore tot by the Sibyl os Cumas T. 6. Vivo Astraea, ho quille eari in the ironruge. L. 10. apollo. The reat ear as, Recordin to the Sibylline oracles, one of ten cycles the last one ein that of the sun-go Apollo.
L. I. de s hoc aeri this lor os the rege mill egin 72. xii. life . inibit is sed absolutet a in ineunte anno tecon D, B. C. 40, the ut of the reat o Brundusium het een Octavian, Antony, and Sextus Pompey, brought About by Maecenas und Pollio' mediation, and regarde by Virgilas the inaugurationis, ne era. L. 4 irrita, Se facta L. 5 deum, divis, etc. Octavian and his ead in partigans. . . bacchar, foXgloVeci colocatium, Egyptiante an acanthus, bruti k-ursine. a. 4. luto, Wond. 73. L. . Talia saecla, etc. f. Catuli lxiv. 326. Currite ducentes subtegmina currite su Si.
L. 9. Cara, etc. dear hoot os a divine breed, mightygermina futuro Iupiter. Munro. As to hocis meunt by this hildior in Pollio' consul Ship Whether an dealis imaginar representative os thesut e race, Ora son os Pollio, C. Asinius Gallus see Meri vale,ch. XXxii. an Sellar' Virgil, p. 148. The alter te is helda Dr Kennedy the sorino by Merivale. This Idyllcis imitaton Do the Thalysia o Theocritus. It 74. LXII is interestin Do the personat ange incurro by Virgilsrom the centurion lio clui med his laud. Varus p. 75 l. 8 is L. Alfenus Varus, ho succeede Pollio a GoVernor of Gallia Cisalpina, an sither could nodior Ouid uot proteet the poet. L. . quod nec bene vertat. s. nec sit mihi credere.'Nec is o sed forme in PrayeTS. L. 13. Chaonias. Se bet O , o p. 77,l. 3, and P. 89, t. 17.L. 1. qui Syataeres i. e. Mould Sin hoW the round was Id. vered. f. Phaethontiadas musco circumdat. Ecl. vi. 62. Sili qui perjuria premis, etc. Martiat p. 296,l. 13 . L. I 0. Cremona had supporte the republica Side. L. 14 et me fecere. Cf. Theoc. Vii. 37, και γαρ ἐγω οπαγ
76. LXIII. . . . numeros memini et recitarem si verba tenerem. L. 3. antiquos signorum ortuS FO antiquorum by Enallage cf. p. 65, l. 13.L.M. Dionaei, i. e. descended fro Dione, mother of Venus. Cf. patrium sidus p. 24 l. 1 . L. 10. Oblita, passive . Cf. mercato cultu, p. 184 l. 13, and note . L. 11 lupi. f. Plato, ReP. i. 336. κω προσλλάπτων α τρν
Τh0oc ii 38. 7i LXIV. L. 3 Strymoniae. The Strymon a frequented by eranes. Notide Virgil's use of geographica epitheis Oimbellis his poetry CL Chaoniae aquilae, aboVe, P. 74 l. 13.78. LXV. L. I 6 sublimem eaepulsam, prolepsis f. p. 62, t. 10. ita here is ita turbine nigro, a partiel os tranSition, εἶτα, innitthen. So r. Kennedy. Se his remaris o the perleet struetur of these lines. 79. - . I. humilis, causative, laying How. CL Securos
latices.' Aen. i. 25. Mansiue cuminum. Hor. P. I. 19, 18.
80. LXVI a. 12. iterum videre Philippi Perhaps Philippi Leheld a secondiatile: but vitii Thessalmis erroneousty transformedio Emathia, and Haemus is in Thrace, Whilo Philippicis in
Macedonia. Seei p. 265, o clXXXVii. L. 20. Di patrii, eto Romulus is specifled asino of the di Indigetes, Est asine of the di patrii. . L. 22. iuvenem, aliout 28 years old, heu this mas 'illen. St. - . 3. Euphrates. Antonius Was resistin the Parthians. L. . Addunt, the quichen thei speed Dom pace tospaee. Alludin to the seven circulis, called spatia addo in kmAδοναι, to advance See ennedy. 82. LXVII. i. 6. Tot congesta, . g. Volaterrae, Populonia, Cortona, Anxur, Signia, Cora, orba, Setia, Tusculum.
L. . Lari, ago di simo. Benace, Lago di Garda.
L. 26. Ascraeum Hesiodie. L. 3. in denso ubere, etc. In lose-plante Duillainses 83. LXVIII. the vine is noctes uetive. Κ. . . in unguem. The Xacturrangementis the quincun is enut. s. ad unguem factus homo, DO the sculptor assin his nil ver thestatue to detecton na εξονυπι ζειν . . . Ut Saepe. s. Lueretius, P. 3l,l. 7, Sq.L. 20. vomit s. the term vomitoriarior the pening in 84 LXX.
L. 0 sacra fero, Sacerdos sum. Horace' Musarum b. Sacerdos. M. L. 26. Acherontis s. LucretiuS, P. 35,l. I. L. 30. fratres, Sc Phraates and Tiridates quarreis. L. I. coniurato, Viso the custom of the Dacians to dra 86. mater Do the Danube, hen abouia Under tali nn Xpedition, and s earinit notri retur illi thenhad conquered. Mori Vale. L. . tabularia. He has noriarm contracis, the record os whie mere hept in the archives. At Rome thes best Enown of the tabularia Wasin the orth-West of the Forum. L. 10. Sarrans, i. e. Tyrian Do Sarra, the old nam GTyre. L. 13. enim, to emphaSiZe the recedin Word, 4edoubie ascit s. M. L. 16. Pustor ab Amphryso, i. e. Amphrysius, the Apollo 87. LXXI. H. ιο of the Greelis. aes Turnus Herdonius ab Aricia Liv. I. 50 See the peningis Euripides Alcestis. L. I 8. Omnia, etc. So Chaeritus hau complained.
Notico the unusual sense of agmen, Panorm notis themarch, and See ennedy' note. L. 6. redit Rhodope, etc. Rhodope in Thrace, after un- ning east, turas straight to the noridi For medius haring this larce, se Kennedy On medium mare,' Open Sea. Eel viii. 58. L. 20 vertere, intramitiVe, RS OlVo, ingemino, praecipito.
L. 8. Quid labor CL. Lucretius, P. 32, t. I. m. L. 14. Ni traham anerem. Perhaps the res conj is accounted sorinthe sit in forsitan. m.
L. . premens, itant in g, as in Georg. ii 346 premes virgulta. Nescum papaver, alender. Reseri in to the tenui tyos the stulti, leaves, petuis, etc. . f. esco sale, the sine sui spray. aucr. i. 326, and Munro' note . L. I9. in versitan distulit, planted out in rows. . L. 23. Medus, Sed here very Vaguel os the melun a tributur Ofth Indus, sardistant Domine dia. L. . deum namque ire s. o. cii. L. Ib sideris in numeram, 'into the luster os a constellation.' M.
L. 10. Phasim Lycum, in Colchis Enipeus, in Thessaly. panis, the Bo in Sarmatia. Observe the stat shom in Sinon' story. Heaegins ithtruth and end in salse hood. L. 7. falaci sub proditione, unde a salse formation. Con. L. 5. Iamque dies. Obsero homae particulariges to give vividnes t his tale. L. . dum vela darent, te suc timeos in myindment the would ah to et ait, assumin that by the en os that time the would reali have se suit.' M.
L. I. redit, uiold instance of the histori present. L. . eaespectate. s. p. 99, t. I9. No ceXXViii. arande. L. . incomitata, expresses the forme securit of the
palaee. L. II cavae aedeS, .e the cuVaedium or atrium, O
aedibus in mediis nexi page l. 7. Notice ho Virgil introduces Roma lis an cuStomS. L. 21. iacet, etc. s. On Pompey's fates Which Was, perhaps, in Virgil' mind). Lucan viii. 698. Litora Pompeium fariunt, truncusque vadosis Huc illuc iactatur aquis.
23. Quae quibus anteferam ' liner lx hat shali I say
τα λοι εἰς 'Eλ,ην τε καὶ αστέρας Ωρίωνος εδρακον ἐκ νηωπ πνοιο u καί τta: οδίτης ἡ δη καὶ πυλαωρος ελδετο καί τινα παίδων μητέρα τεθνεωτω αδ νον πεb κωμ' ἐκαλυ πιζεν ουδἐ κυνων λακῆ ετ ανα πτολιν, ου θροος ξενἡχηΩς σιγῆ δὲ μελαινομhην ἔχεν ορφνην αλλα μαλ' ου ἡδεια ἐπὶ γλυκερος λαῖν πνος. ollonius Rhodius, d. 744. L. 16. Feliae. See Catullus, p. 63 l. 23, and note . L. 7. maligna 'niggard. f. igne maligno, p. 309, t. 3.L. . Invitus, imitate hom Catullus Coma Berenices . Invitai regina tuo de Vertice cessi. L. 17. lentibat, the imperfeci denotes the attempl. L. 20. sil CL Tibullus, p. 178,l. 2. O this and the nexi passage See Sellar' Virgil, p. 34I, 367. L. . alae dargior et lumine purpureo together. L. 6. Pars in gramineis etercent membra palaeStris, etc. Cf. Pindar Frag. 5. καὶ τοὶ μὲ, πποις γυμνασίοις τε το δε πεσσοῖς,
τοὶ δε φορμίγγεσσι τερπονται τ λ. CL Dante Inferno, ii 56. Correa Centauri armati di Saette,
Come solea uel mondo audare a caecia.'
and the custom at funerat mentioned by aditus, Sua cuique arma, quorundam igni et equus adicitur.
L. 16. Superum, accusativm ei theri marlachim for a god,'or sor a tenant of the upper eurth. 'L. 4. Divi, i. e. Julii. L. 6. Garamantas, in the interior II9. of Libya, conquered by Balbus, . c. 19. i. 22. turbant, e. se f. o p. 90 l. 20. a. 29. Tarquinios, unde theSe Servius Tullius is included. L. . fulgere, archai form. f. p. 124, l. 7. 120 L. 3. Ocer. . CaeSar gener Pompey, Who married Iulia. f. p. 250 l. 26, Sq. arce Monaeci, Monaeo Se Onthe hole of this passage Κennedy EXcurSUS iii. L. I9 Lia L. Mummius, . C. 146. L. 21. Eruet ille L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror a Pydna B. C. 168 of Perses, in o Macedonia represente a a descendant of Achilles. f. p. 206 las linea ut three).L. 24. COSSuS. A. Cornelius Cossus te Lars Tolumnius, the Etrusea general 420 B. α), and s Wo the second spolia
L. T. Serrane. C. Atilius Regulus, consul 257 B. C. L. 29. Unus s. o. X. P. I 4.
L. 25. Propria, Permanent. Propria haec mihi munera faxis. Hor Sat. I. i. b. tumulum, AuguStUS' Mausoleum.122. - . 1 in tantum spe. Spe gen for spei. m. 'o constantis iuvenem fide. Hor. L. . Spargam, adcumulem, etc. Depend on date ab OVe. . 123. XCV. L. 1. protinus, in succeSSion. 'L. 22 Belli, etc. Borrowed rom Ennius. L. 21. Pars rduus, etc. Eques eing the idea under-stood, pars is couplexio a maSculine nou by SyneSis.