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glorious might Woas Which He did, and His divino exploiis, and His ascension to His Father; and hoW they had received poWer and authoesty at the fame time that Ho Was receivedu by Whicli fame poWer it Was that he had hesed Abgar,
at tho consummation os the creation there Will bo a resu citation os ali men, and that at that time their course of conduci mill bo portaved in Seir persons, and their bodies Will
16 SYRIAC DOCUMENTS CONCERNING EDESSA. be bo manyJ volumes for the writings of justice; nor mill any
vulsions Which took place at that time mouid not have sus erodthem is do so. Tor lol somo even of the children of tho crucifiers are hecomo at this day preachers and evangelisis,
along With my fello apostles, in ali the land of Palestine, and among the Samaritans, and in ali the country of tho Philistines. Tho idola also os paganism are despised, and thoemis of Christ is honoured, and fallJ nations and creatures
finowinc stat He is sto adorable Son, and is the glorio God, and is the victorious Κing, and is the mighty PoWer;
and throno faith in Him a man is ablo is acquiro the e sot a true mini' and in understand that, Whos ver morini' pessi creatures, the wrath of justice Will overtiso him.
loen in iis original senae ol a fortaeed place, Which the Syriac term iam denotes. It seemed desis io to distingulis, is possibie, the two Worda hich havo been rendered respectively ciu ' and tomn P in thesepages. The oesy exception made is in a aingle passage Whero Roma iaspohen ol.J. Theso morda aro nos in tho letter of chriat to Abgar. They m foeditare be, esther a message brought by Addaeus himaeli, or, much more probably, a later interpolation: earlier, hoWever, than Ephraem Syrua, vlio alludis to them in his Testament. Thia notion of tho immuniu olino city of Edema ia referret to by aeverat Syriac uritera. Nor mas it confined to tho East: it obtained in very early timea in Our o n munum .here tho letter of our Lord to Abgar maa regarded M a charm. In avery ancient service-book of the Saxon timea, preserved in the Brittis Museum, the letter fossoWa tho Loes's Pruer and the Apostlea' Creed; and an appended description ol the virium of the epiaue elosea missi these orci, according to the Latin version os Rufinus: Si quis hanc epistolam secum habuerit, securus ambulet fambulabit 2J in pace.'' Jeremi ne Writing of the Iast centuΠ, sua: f The common Moplo in England
and Dach and declare fitJ, that ye may secure Dur salvation and not destroy your spirita throuo the error os paganism: because the heavenly light has arison on theereation, and He it is Who chose the fathera os formis times, and the righteous men, and the prophera, and spari Withthem in the revelation of tho Holy Spirit.' For Ho is Η - seu ino God os ino Jows who crucified Um; and to minit is that tho erring pagans offer Worship, even Whilo theyhno. it notr bocauso there is no other God in heaven indon earth; and tot consession ascendeth up to tam iram thesour quarters of the creation. Lol therelare, Four eam
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; besiering and Ming
baptized in tho triple and glorious namos. For this is ourteaching and our proaching. For the bolies of tho truth of
my boast, bera e I knoW also that there is no other poner in Whose namo these signa and Wondera aro done but the poWeros Christ whom thou proachest in verity and in truth. And