장음표시 사용
rither, and of tho Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And thoso
eompei any man is force in bellove in Christ, be uso without tho sorde os man tho torcs of the signs compelled manyto bellovo in Him. And with affection did thoy receivo His doctrine- evenJ est this counto Oi Mesopotamia, and est thermiona mund a ut iti
of tho hing, and Palui, and Barshelama, and Barsamya, together with the othera their compinions, clave in Addasus the apostle; and he received them, and associaled them mithhim in the ministry, their business Ming to rota in the old
Acts of the Apostles, fandJ in meditate upon them diab; strictly charging them to let their bodies be puro and thola
have been called, see that ye have no other Work besides:
stament, and the New of tho Diatessaron. They also b lioved in the restoration os tho dead, and buried their d partod in the liope of resuscitation bo liis. The festivalsos the church they also observed in their Masons, and Were assiduous every day in ilis vigils of the church. And thvmade visits of atasgiving, to the sich and to thoso that mero Whiae, according to the instruction os Addaeus to them. In the environs, too, of the city churches mere bulli, and many received from him ordination to the pHesthood.' So that even peose of the East, in the gesse os merclianis, passedover into the territory of the Romans, that they might seothe signf whicli Addaeus did. And such as be me discipies received hom him ordination to the priesthood, and in theironn country of the Assyrians they instructed the peoplo ostheir nation, and erected houses of prver there in secret, byreason os the danger fWhich beset themJ irom thoso whomorshipped fire and paid reverance to mater.'
from tho four Goapola a ut the midiae of the second century. This Waa in generat uae at Moesa up to the lauro century, and Ephra Syma Wrote a commentary on it. It this M ao, We have here a later interpolation.
and slay tho Je s for having crucified Christ, mroto a letterand sent it to Tiberius Caesar,' mriting in it thus:-
It .aa Pilataea Gly, G mvernor es Judea, to aend an account uine Roman Government of What had occurred in respect to Jesus; and his haring dono so ia mentioned by Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and severat
Tho mori is evidently mia eli. Tho name intended may havs MenoonMunded mith that of tho Albin ho mas made governor es Judeaat a later period is Nero, A.D. 62. The amo person is referrea to, in the Exit of Mam, infra: Sabinus, the governor Who had been ap-ptanted by the Emperor Tiberius; and even M'far as the river Euphrates the wvernor Sabinua had authority.' The person meant can only be Vitelli , ho mas then governor of Syria, Who removeo Pilato hom the administration ol Judea, aending Marcellus in his alaad, and orderediam to appear besoro Tiberius at Rome. The emperor Sed belare hemached Rome. Νo mention is mado by historians of any mar mith Main. But out thia limo Vitellius, mentioned in the precessing note, vas mixed up .ith the mars of the Parthians and Hiberiana; and, as Hiberi is a nameeommon to Spaniarda af men M Hiberians, the apparent error may havearisen in translating the letter out of Latin into Syriac.' Baronina sua Pilato violatin the laW by crucisying our Lord ao monaster sentenco had been pamed, Whereas a delay of ten dua mas re
d Abgar the hing received Aristides, who had Men sentis Tiberius Caesar to him; and in reply be sent his DbackJ
Caesar. And Aristides himself also rcllared bosoro Tiberius concerning the mighty-Works v hicli Addaeus had done betare Abgar the Ling. And when he had loisure iram the warhe seni and put in death somo of the chies men os ino Jews Who were in Palestine. d, vhen Abgar the hing heard os this, he rejoiced greatly that tho JeWs had received punishment, as it Was right. And some years alter Addaeus tho apostio had bulli thochurch in Edessa, and had furnished it with ove thing that was sultabio ior it, and had made discipies os a great numberos ste population os the ci , he further bulli churches in the villages' also- bothJ those whicli mero at a distance and those Which were near, and finished and adorned them, and appotnted in them deacons and elders, and instructed in
Thia Word his Mon m muta distorted and disfigured by the transcribere, that I am unable to recogniae What is the place intended
ye have received, and to tho inheritance of salvation RhichΙ commit to you: becauso beiore tho tribunal of Christ millye have to give an account of ii, when He maheth rechoning With the shepherti and overseers, and when He taeth His money hom the traders With the addition of the gains. ForΗe is tho Son os a King, and goeth to receivo a Lingdomand return; and ΗΘ mill come and maho a resuscitation bo
sint of His righteousness, there mill He restore to us this inheritance, even as thou hast told M.
mith sculpture Wrought by the finger-that in Which morolaid thoso of the house of Ariu, the ancestore of Abgar thehing: thero he laid him sorroWsultri With sadness and great distross. And ali the people of the church ment there Domtimo to time and prayed fervently; and they hept up tho remembrance of his departure from year to year, accordingto tho command and direction Which had been received by thom frem Addaeus the apostle, and according to the wordos Aggaeus, Who himself became Guido and Ruler, and tho successor of his seat aster him, by tho ordination to thopriosthood which he had received hom him in tho presenis of est men. Ho too, With the samo ordination Whicli ho had received om him, made Priesis and Guides in tho wholo of this country of Mesopotamia. For they also, in liue manner asAddaeus tho apostle, held fast his Word, and listened to and
received si , as good and faithsul successors of the aposse of tho adorabio Christ. But silver and gold ho tooh not