Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


Commands and Laπs of the apostlos and etiam to thom Whowero under tho hand of ths apostles, for the churches of



came to them hom other cities, and heard thela mords and received them. Nicodemus also, and Gamaliel, chiess of thosynagogue of the JeWs, used to come to tho apostles in secret, agreeing With their teaching. Judas, moreoVer, and Levi, and Peri, and Joseph, and Justus, sons of Hananias,


declared and spolien openly of the mind of their satherabe oro the fons of their people. But those Who belleved clave to the discipies, and departed not from them, because they sa that, Whalaoever they taught the multitude, they themselves carried into practice besoroali men; and, When amiction and persecution arose against the discipies, they rejoiced to be amicted With them, and received with gladness stripes and imprisonment for the confession of their saith in Christ; and est the days of their liso they preached Christ besore the Je s and the Samaritans. And alter the death of the apostles thero mere Guides and

committed to them and they had received hom them, theyeontinued to teach to tho multitude through the whole space of their lives. They too, again, at their deaths committedand doli vered to their discipies aster them Whataoever theyhad received from the apostles; also What James had Writtensrom Jerusalem, and Simon from the city of Rome, and John rom Ephesus, and Mark srom Alexandria the Great, and AndreW srom Phrygia, and Luhs from Macedonia, and

might bo received and read in the churches that Wore in every place, just as the achievements of their Acts, whieli Lulis rote, are read; that hereby the apostles might be known,

and the propheta, and the old Testament and tho New;

3 This mould seem to have been inition anterior to the time .hen thotiue os Bisbop, M specialty appropriatin to thmo Who auo eded to the apostolic ossico, hin generalty obtained in the East. sFor uritinga ascribet to Andrem and Thomas, Me via. xvi. of the Ante- eene Christian Librata.J Thero is no mention here of thoepisties of Paul. They may not at this early period have been collectodand Meomo generassy Moun in tho East. Tho Epistio ol Jude is also omitted hore, but it .aa novis received into the Syriac canon: Me De


receivedy the gospei os Christ; and those Who be me eo fessors cHed out under their persecution: This our pers

visitation they ministered to ono another.

Jernsalem received the ordination to tho pHesthood, as didati the counto of Ρalestine, and the paris occupied by the Samaritans, and the paris occupied by the Philistines, and the count of tho Arabians, and of Phoenicia, and tho peopis of Caesarea, from James, Who mas rutor and guide in thochurch of the apostles Which was bulli in Zion. Alexandria the Great, and Thebais, and the whese of taner


extendines as far as the borders of the lactans, reeeived thea siles' ordination to tho Niest od frem Mark tho suam gelist, Who Was reser and gesta there in tho taurin Which hohad bust, sin WhichJ also ministered. India,' and ali tho countri longing to it and rounda ut it, even to the farthest sea, received tho apostlea' ordination to the mesthood hom Judas Thomas, Who mas gulae and rutor in tho ehurin Which he had bulli thera, sin .HAJho also ministered there. Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia, and Galatia, even to Pontus, received the apostlos' ordination to the pri thood rom Simon Cephas, Who himself Iaid tho Dundation os thoe rin thero,' and was primi and ministered there M to thotimo When he wsnt up from thenes to Romo on account of Simon the wrcerer, Who vas deluding the peoplo os Romemith his a ceries. O ci oi Rome, and ali Italy, and Spala, and Britain, and Gaul, together With ait the rest of tho countries munda ut them, received thε apostlas' ordination to the pri NMod hom Simon Cephas, Who went up frem Antioch ; and reser and guido iners, in the taurin which ho had bulli inore, and in the places mund about it. Ephesus, and Thessalonica, and ali Asia, and ali themunto of tho Corinthians, and of ait Achaia and tho parta mund a ut it, received the apostles' ordination to tho prictruhood hom Jolin tho evangelist, Who had lemed umn thobosom of our Lord; Who himself bulli a churin there, and ministised in his ossico of guide Whieli fho helf there. Nicaea, and Nicomedia, and ali tho comtry oi Bithynia,



received the apostles' ordination to the priesthood from Andre , tho brother os Simon Cephas, who Was himselfguide and ruter in the church which he had bulli there, and was priest and ministered there. Bygantium, and ali the country of Thrace, and of the parta about ii as far as the great river the boundary whichseparates from the barbarians, received the apostles' ordin tion to the priesthood irom Luhe tho apostle, Who himselfbuiit a church there, and ministered there in his ossico of

Edessa, and est the countries round about it Which wereon ali sides of it, and Zoba,' and Arabia, and ali tho north, and the regions round about it, and the sonth, and est tho region on the borders of Mesopotamia, received the apostles' ordination to the priesthood irom Addaeus the aposite, one os the seventy-tWo apostles,' Who himself mado discipies there, and bulli a church there, and was priest and ministered there

in his ossice of guide Whicli De heldJ there.

The whole os Porsia, of the Assyrians, and of the Armenians, and of the Medians, and of the countries mundabout Babylon, the Hugites and the Getae, as far as thobordors of the Indians, and as ior as tho land of Gog and Magog, and moreoVer ali the countries on ali fides, received the apostles' ordination to the priesthood iram Aggaeus, amahor os sillis,q the disciple of Addaeus the apostle.

The other remaining companions of the apostles, moreover, Wont to the distant countries of the barbarians; and theymado discipies trom place to place and passed on ; and there they ministered by their preaching; and there occurred their departure out of this Worid, their discipies after them goingon fwith the workJ doWn to the present dari nor WM anychange or addition made by them in their preaching.

3 c. has the Danube. Or Soba,' the mme M Nimbis.. The number aeventy-tπο may have ariaen Dom the supposition, mentioned in the Recognitions and in the Apostolicat Constitutions, thatour Lord c so them in imitation of the aeventy-tuo eidera antanted by Moses.


Luhe, moreover, the evangelist had such diligenes that howroto the exploits of the Acts of tho Apostles, and tho ordia nances and laWs of the ministry of their priesthood, and whither each ono of them Went. By his diligence, I say, didLuhe writo theso things, and more than these; and he placed them in the hand of Priscus y and Aquilus, his discipies; and they accompanted him up to the day of his deast, justas Timothy and Erastus os Lystra, and Menaus,' tho firat discipies of the apostles, accompavied Paul untii ho wastaken up to tho ci of Romo bem e ho had Withstood

Tertullus the orator.




Fathor also mith Him; and when me consess the Spirit, me confera the Faster alio and tho Son : becaum in tho namo

of the Father, and of the Son, and of tho Spirit, mers me commanded in baptizo thoso Who belleve, that thsy may live

Fles there oro fram tho mords of the wisdom of this orid, in Whicli stero is no profit, and draW nem to thosemhich aro trus and faithsul, and acceptabis besore God; hoso remata also is laid up in store, and Whoso recompense

creation, and tho Worid has obtained tho ves of the mind, stat eVery man may ses and understand that it is not fit stat creatures aliould bo morshipped insisad of tho Creator, nor together With tho Creator: becauso everything which


52 SYRIAC DOCUMENTS CONCERN G EDESSA. hood by the aid of His Godhead. And on this account it is

gospei has minged ita stight through the wholo creation-thatthereby it may be known and belloved that ΗΟ Ηimself istho Creator os creatures, and that by His bidding creatures