장음표시 사용
the covenant that thou madest With thine eos at the baptismal soni and at ordination. Be mindiui of him in temptation and thou inalt be freed from evit. In a Word, my son, think of me and I will think of thee. With the desolation os iniquity arefouis made desolate, hecause there is noone Who thinks of the presence of Godin his heart. Remember, therefore, o PreSenze, and thou inali not only decline from evilbut be fervent in the accomptishment of
ΜΥ mercies are Without number, myson, and infinite is the treasureos my goodneSS. I, it is, who deliver thoge who trusi in me; no one has hoped in me in vain. Hope, therefore, in the Lord; have confidence and thou shali never he
found wanting. I considered the dangers of the worid, the continuat temptations of the devitand the never-ceasing rebellions os me
penance for ali his sins whicli ho has committed and keep ali my command-menis, and do judgment and justice, living he shali live and not die. I will notremember ali his iniquities that he hath
Have confidence, theresere, knowing
whicli thou ari surrounded, hoWmernumerous may be the wiles and assauits of the devit, however much the sting of the flesh may beset thee, is thou moidest the occasions os sin and hast recourse tothe remedies that I have suggested tothee, confidently look forward to victory, knowing that I have given mine angelScharge over him Who hopes in me, to
of his sacred ministry. ΗοWever gratuitous my grace may be, is thou seekest it in humble persevering prayer, rest assured that thy God willaid theo on every occasion and in mery
ATTEND to reading and doctrine, my
the ceremontes of the Μass and themanner of administering the SacramentS. Knowledge acquired by pious madingand sacred studies is an infinite treasure through Which we are made partakers of