장음표시 사용
Send fortii thy Spirit, the Spirit os
me at thou commandest, and command what thou Milt.
eaten me up, because I love it; andis thou lovest me, my son, thou Wilt love tho beauty of my houSe. See What care men who are Iovers of themselves, take of their homes, their tables and their garmentS. See what splendor and magnificencethere is in their houses, What elegance and lavisti display at their festive boariis, at richness in their apparet. See how mothers provide for their chil-dren stat everything about them may beclean and shining.
And wilv thou, my son, permit that thehome of thy Beloved should be like aden os thieves, dirty, neglected, fallinginto ruin, With the statues mutilatia and the sacred pictures tomyWilt thou suffer my tabemacie, inebridat chamber of the Spouse of thysoul, me throne of thy Κing, the altar
more reverent and more gratesul towatas