장음표시 사용
ΤΗΕ fossowing Translation, Whateve may bella meridi or desecis has arisen rom the desiis of inivsesul Tlae Τranslator, in common,ith many other Machera, osten ibiuid the want of a copious Gramma to hicli e might reser advanced studendi. The ortinua Latin Grammar, hichis generali used sor this purpose, though in many respecta excellent, is alio asirequently and greatly desective, particulari in the arrangement and illu tration of the Syntax. From the Princesto a thiae valvabie Gree Grarnmar, the ranslator came acquianted illi Schellar, Latin Grammatias the mode by hicli the forme was executed. Um procu in and examininiit, he was euesuade that it a calculate is remove a great deficien , and theresere induce in attemptrihetranslation.
I has been necessat to mahe many alterations of the original, to accommodate icto the differencebetween the Germun and Englisti langu ages. ut these are nobiliconi changes. heauthor' soleis exceedingi lieavL and Dona a strange suppositio that a work of this hind could bo put into
the hand of b inners, he osten enter into superfluous and tire me repetitions as, heresere, thisis no a Work of imagination ornaste, the s le hasbeen se inre modessed, and ali inose paris,hichweme useles have been suppresse ; the transi
tion, though stili long has been thus reduced by
us many as u hundred pages Fortheciam reuSOnthe Authos Preseces have been omitted a theymeret contain remarks pon the necessit ofcleari explaining the principies and ternis os Gram- mar, an ita obuec alid extent, hicli are repeated in theiody of the work. 4410 Inde has also been retrenche of ali inose particular whicli could aswellis leam sto the table os Contentia mahe this Gramma a complete and usesulas possibie in Translator has inserte some Valuabio Lisis seo the ort-Rora Gramma undMyer o the Latin Ver, an in suppi sonte defectis In the re mark on rosodr, he has ad dedBentlay' important Inquiries nolle Metres of
Tereiice a morace For these addition no p logy ca be necessary. But heris also responsibi sermoles an Additioris, in hic he has endea uouredo removesome desecis in the theor os grammar, an iis peculia application to the Latin angvage. ehere particulari resere to the remarlicon pronunciatiotiandis the orde os construing an to an account of the Veri, whichi belleves Athemost complete attempt hitherio made, to define thepares of the verb, and explain their use, and the fulles account an comparison os the Englisti, Latin and me verb, extant in an similar
Ηe is sensibie that he has heredaid himself open to the charge of novel , both o division and terms: ut consciolas that his reveretice sorbe ceived opinions Mould inducetim is retain, ha ove is unctione by sage, unies manifestjwroniand capable of improvenient, e seelsie suade that candi an competent judges illthin this par of his labourieitheroasti norm important. execute in Translation, an conduci it