장음표시 사용
Sinceio ever, as ac fore observed, o anxii are sonte times coniunded, it is no strange stat theciam consti si onciliould
occur,ith celandi particularisas in these diphthong e was almos overisAed thus the ancients wroto Poeni and uni, coemior and curator, moeri and muri. I. In au the found of both voxvel should have been distinguishable Bucas it was dissicut at once in forin me mouinto the reates and least omning the diphthon approached in inun to the leuer o hince Clodius, ossa, sor Claudius, aula; infibi sito salix The exactisound wem to e the same, io ou has in hour, mur, M.
D. illi respecto accent an quantity, W may mahe the sin-ing obsea vatio . The Ensisti in pronouncing Latin, generalty solio the usage of thei Hown language i. e. the pronounce, as a Wor similarly
b In polysyllabies the penultima is accente i thosyllabiete long, ut in allisther cases in accent is laid πο ille antepenultima There cante no O i. stat this custo produces a pronunciation entirely dinserent Do the Latin With them, the accent and quantii mere regulated in distinet principies, and the accent might sali in cinori vomes Wii ut affectine ita quantity Wistis, accent and quantity are in many instances conseunded. illi them, the found of the longand shori voWeis, though elementarii the fame, ereat ways distinguishod in tengst Wisi iis, there is eistorno distinction, o it is made by substitutiniquite a di serent elementar sound Thus accordinit thes His pronunciation there is no dissere e bet n-ω
Latins made a dissereno is clear smm Suet Ner. 33
where he relates that Nero, speisinios his predecessor Claudius, satiricatly said, morari eum inter homines desiisse, producta prima syllaba. hese word theresere mus have been distinguished in common di eourae, or the sarcasm,ould have been unobservessi
titie, Virgili ior Virgilio dic, duc, fac, ser-sor dice duce, M. bhthat in wriunn inme vowess,ere conmnded asmonim. Duill cemi, exemet, sor cepit, exemit ilius also decimus de cumus, minimus maxumus, optimus optumus, portibus portubus, genetrix genitrix, M. O that these vo vel in tho mi loos Norda,ere osten omittes a valde so valide, doctua fordocitum, lectum lenum for legitum scriptum scribtum so scribitum, nauta sor navita. In the sanae Way vinctum, letum, haustum, epultum, amarim, nosti, norim norant, nosse, rose stomilie rapidimnunciationis vincitum, flevitum, hausitum, sep litum, amaverim, novisti, noverim, noveram, novisse. Henc it appears lifin versificatio the ter Corripere, Which properi means to seire o snatch togetlier, is applied in the pronunciation os a stior syllabie; ecauserit,as sud lilyseired, and haesistoliched, but swallowed by the nexi syllabie. e. Amongst the Romans, at least thos who spoli accurately, no oni in metry ut in conimo discourse, a longvowe was diglinguished in pronunciation that is, a protracted or, more properin doubled, and hinc a fimt was
doubled in rising thus ponis astronounced monis mensa, in the abi mensaa; amabatis, amaabaatis and in many cases this ritini scietat d. Me Quintil. i. 4 mence their
sodiaca Morci producere, O prolong denotes not an imagina , hut a rea and evident prolongation. Τhus the Gree Omps a isno more than a doutile omicron, as appeam rom me lora os
the leuem ιο. In later times, sor the sile os expedition, the long-- was distinguished sto the shori, by What Quintil. l. 4.teraris an apex, i. e. eister an oblique sine or invertes placedovercit a pono, me a. The seremini servations are os considerable use in the examinationis vario usio inta, as in Ortlio graphy, Etymology, c. I is hence speciali evident, that iste ancients did nocleam, as e do, in quantityos syllabies is particular ules, ut by common pro-
nun talion, aes in Englisti e acquire by practice thecorrect Pronunciatio an accent We, o the eo
tra , must leam si quantuso Latin syllabies byriae. It might e proper heresere in this place to
treat os Prosodyci ut ascit is commoni connected missi versification, and in grammam considere at theconclusion, W shal a present omit t. In treatingos the thies deciensinn, o ver me inali notice stequantity of the las syllabie bucone. O may inalty observe, stat it is evident from the Latin poeta, thatali the Roman didiot pronounce in the fame manner; but stat many syllabies mere promunce a long bysome, and acshortanothers, and that the so namodlicentia poetica nee notae admitted. In the fame Way amongst Ourseives, the accent in man word is varied is different spe era'.
improperi substituted or another, RS C, t. I, LB, Ort c, D e m. f,e had the autographs of the ancients, Cicero, Caesar, Virgil, M., and these had ali the fame Way os spelling, o had even ali spes correctis', no thing ould e more eas stan to rite properly Since, hoWever, We have received them inrough a longseries of transcribere, Who ostendidiot underetand thelanguage, and Wrote, d parily by sigh and foundandiarti by guess, and made innumerable errors: since ais even the ancient mere not unanimis instet pronunciatio an spelling a se instance, in Quintilian' time, by his Wn testimony, O me roteset, Alexanter, M. since, as happens,ith respectrio rimu lanmage, notat in Roman writer ita aeritical knowl ge os their language, but wrote accord inito thei pronunciation and judgment, or the exam- se of thera, illi ut any certain reason since also ita inscriptions in monuments and coins,ere M H-Ways certaini composed by critic in the language,
an grammarians even a se centuri es aster Cic ro
This,ill appea Strange to the inexperienced, si remember, illattheican e: rn the orthography of thesi om angilage in a shori time unde any riling-master: ut thes Onsider that thev know orthography, is thesea in rite like the greater nulDher. None, OM ver but a criticean know, hether o no he writes orthograptiteat , i correctου nor evenierit ali times.
sapientis, sapienti no sapiencia. But in man word illis is unktiori II, as m glebaor glaeba In many it is oubisul, res in obscoenus.
The set uing, heresere, the orthography os mans ess
duus adtraho no assero, attuli, allatum accipio, aggredior, assideo, assiduus, attraho : O algo in all,ord cornpounded illi ad For there is no satisfactorfreason, hy d shouldio changedinis the solio nileiter,-since it is contrar to the derivation; in no case esiablished that the ancient so wrote; and ma sine disco versos the derivation dissiculi bri mere. The labis mode os spellinis e coiinde euphonisus, i. e. harmonisus: huciliis is a vain imagination. very thinisound well, which
is coire et an to whic the earis a Custoni ed. e write admiror, ad fontem, ad litiis no ammiror, M. and et the found
is umbrectionabie. The fame applies in ali in preposit p.,
con, in sub per, G in bicli, properiniso leuis si aedio alter . est is ho-- dissiculi to,issisland genera usage.
, Adolescens no adulescens sincerit is a participis stomolesco, and properly means Dinoot or Ommire. Absporto not asporto since it comes sitam ab and porto. Ancora not anchora it comes stomahe Gree αArCtus, a, um, not artus sto arceo, artatus. Assimila or adsimilo, no assimulo; so similo no simulo,acine comes m similis; so dirimito, M. et the offer Waros spelliniis more common. Audacia not audati a sto audax audacis and w in alisimila instances a serocia, M. Basmeum is more coneci stan babaeum. Ad contractions areos later origin and insessio a quictimnunciation. Benevolus benevole, no benivolus benivole sto bene Soalso malevolus, M. Bacchus no Bachusa seo the reta. Bosporus not Bosphorus it comes in the GreekΒοσπορος. Ceteri Iaot caeter o coeteri it comes sto ille Gree μεροι, the aspirate Minichanged into C, as in cornu hom. . conligo ori lego is more coximi stan colligo; so conmeo,
Desiciae no delisae in delicatus, iram delicto.
rus no emptus, fram emo. Exspectare no expectare, uom ex an spectare Minould nothe omitted inexsto,exsisto,exstruo,exsequor, exsequishM. Genitrix no genetrix iro gigno genitus Whene comes genitor. Idcirco no iccirco sto id and circo.
Idemtidem no identidem, Doni dena ilius eumdem eamdem eorumdem earumdem, are betis than eundem eandem, 8cc. I is easter o pron Oiliace the lalter, but this is no argumentsor a change in the spelling. Inclytus noti lius o inclutus sto in , inmin inclutus howeve is tolerable a Sulla sor Sylla. When inclutus
was sorine sto inclytus, it was asterwatas changed into inclitus, a decumus decimus.
In dies no indies, since ille Me two Wotas dies the accus uve astor in Thus alio in diem, in amium. So in primis, in postemm no imprimis, M. Inlino no illino; so inlustris, inmitis, inprimo no illustris, immitis, imprimo incorrect pronundiatio si ut not be therula os spelliog; sinco also e write institius, infestivus, houghthenare osten promuncta infinitus, M., and the nos no autem is m, sor an imaginar euphony, there is no reason sorthis change in the others. I alnus no lapsus sto labor: hos who introducedissonowed me pronunciation, or in imitation os in oreen im gi d thatis,as always preserable inis the fame laves placein scripsi. Lapicidinato lapidicina, iram lapis and caedo. Monimentum nes monumentum, stom minae monitum, a
remembrance os a person or hing u Mose ac lacinius dec mus, doesmentum documentum. Museum no Musaeum sto Μουσειον. Numus not nummus Dona νόμισμα.
Pomoerium no pomerium homi tand murus, Liv. l. 44. The ancients wrote moerus, murus Poenus, Punus. Ptolemaeus no Ptolomaeus, smni the Gree σπολεριο sor πόλεμc it mean wartilae.
iauidquid not qui cluid olui doubled, si otia quisquis thus quamquam is belle than quanquam. Euphon, hic inmeallage, is quite visionary. Raetia, Renus Rodanus, Miliout l, Mancre ille are nocci rived lio ille re L. Mena no scaena; minora . Seritis scribtum are more correct than scripsi scriptum; frona scribo. Sepulmini, simulacrum, lavacriam, not sepulchrum, Ac Theyare derived, no sto the me, in the participies s pultus, M. Strategema no stratagema stom me Gree ο ρα fri'. Suboles no soboles sto sub an oleo, olesco, io grow; properint grON P. Sumsi sumtum no sumpsi sumptum it comes smin sumo, not sumpo. Taeda notaeda stomici, accus δε ea ence daeda, taeda. Tiro nes tyro: sincerit Me not comesoni the Gimh: torusno thorus, sor ille fame reason. Tropaeum no trophaeum sto τροποιιον for the fame re son triumpus properiri and nox triumphus sto. Diso s. Valitudo no valetudo sto valitum. Versus no vorsus verto.
AEgaeum no AEgeum tro the Gree αἰγαiον. Auctor, auctoritas, insisad os autori author, M. since ille Grees writer expressa taure ριτας It appeam to come stomaugeo, auctum; bouo the connexioniet en ille memings is obscure. Coelo, are; no caelo cit comes seo κοῖλον, and signifies tol llom is mata chole. mence coelum heaven is more mi rect
in Orthogrvis. than caelum oet an resain the lauer spelling, and derive thesevioris hom cavus. oena sor caena it comes sto κοινὴ communis rimm theirmeetiniat table. Convicium sis comitium: sioni vox convoco, convorium, a
Fecundus, eius, semina, senus, M. B suecundus, M. fromthe obsolete se, i. e. pario, procreo. Heres seem betis than haeres rom herus since the heiris the lord o POSSeSSor.
Imo sor immo seenis to come rom imus thecio est, asCerto tuto froni certus tutus it is there re the neuter abl. Italand 10 sor in imo, on the ground fixed certain; hincei means yes. 2. 4or ab imo, sto the lowest part when Keireati ha te thim sto beneath, in ille contino it ther fore signitas rather.
In rebresco sor increbesco sto creber icis contracted stominci heres o thus rom aeger, egresco sto niger, nigresco. Rubesco, macesco seem to come sto rubeo, maem.
Ita risu inscior: mm sateor. Lacrymae lis lacrimae or lacrumae, sto the Gree δακρυον. There is nothinistrange in the change of d inton thus Oδυσ- σευς, lysses. Lacrumas is tolerable, as inclutus sor inclγtus. Lacrimae is the more raFd om Litera sor littera it inem is comedi om linolitum, si litura.
Mulcia sor multa It in abir comesso mulgeo. In popular discoorae, mulgere aliquem pecunia, ght M used as ungere, se privare aliquem M. damum inserim incemulata is properis participis, mulcta pecunia. Paulum so paullum in Paulus, paululum M. I IS Pr babis contractionis pauculum.
Praestringere aciem mentis, is more correct than praestringuere; sto stringere, Properisto press grunst. Prolum se praelum: rom Promo. Reciperare sor recuperare, from recipio the latis is more
common. Stylus G stilus Gree στυλος, a Colunan, ioin some sancita resemblanC hetween a Coluum and the instrumentior riting.
AllucinaIi, Blu Culari; alibi uiata, halucinari. Ammius and anulusae the formo is more common. Arcesso an accerso it is commonly written arcesso, and derived ironi arcio, or udeso. I, a Ca, baca bellua, beluaci the consonant is more usuallydoubled. Caerimonia, caeremonia, eremonia Some derive it stom re a Roman wwm,here the Roman sacre things wereone de Miud stence, accordinito Valerius Maximus, sacrediuiugs were calle caerimonias: inthisie weli launded, caerim nia is preserabis. Camena and cani cena in is umecessary. Causa an caussa Some deriverit stom caveo cautum, ence causa Wouldie bouer.