A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

분량: 528페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Vithrough the press has occupie the intervulsisi a laborious prosessio se the last two earsu hecis amare stat in acias so uninvitiniand tedious, many error mus have scape his correction: he trusis that the wil not be ound materiai, and he confidently leaves them to the candour and indulgence of the reader.


PAR I in separate oris.

Vorcis . . . . . . . ' . I

Substantive ......... T


PAR II. in the Construction V o S.


LATIN Grammariis, an introduction to the Latin lamyage more accurates' an introduction to suta an aequaintance With the wotas, stat occur in the a

eient Roman writers particulari the writers of Whatis commoni calle the olde ue, Whicli are princia pali read both singly With regaresto pronunciation, spelling, division arid signification, and speciali in thei constriaction, and connexion stat, assisted by the knowledg os things an an experienee ju ment, We ma not ni undeditando se riter Without dissiculty seel thei heauties, aulis, and peculiarities, an mark, What in Latin angvage has in commonmissi offer langu es, and What peculiar, but ais imitate them closely both in prose and Verse. This sori os no edge is terme grammatical: there re a philologis is the fame With a grammariano critie. Introductions of this hinsare also generallycalle granunam an since thenare mostly scammimperfeci, and chien Occupie in nii lautii P the word gramma has acquire a contemptibi signification.


good sense, i. e. the true knowledge of the language,

Whicli a manifes. Note . Since each, d is a thought, ibis obvious, that noone canaeam to undemiani ad mage correch, uni sine alsoleam to thinh. Leaminios languages is nodia mere exeresse os memory, uni scit is inade so and thoses o mata it in attain

gar muscat ars belaid is ideas, and expression. q. Is est Latii tres inouos and expressed hin thoughis in the fame way, grammari Ouidie easy ut Cicero, UU, Caesar, Virgil, orace, c., ad ali disserent modes o thoughtandiXpression Cicero, Oreo ver expresses the fame thought ditarenti in disterent Places N C. 3 mustino conseund theano iam os hela languam, witu underata ing the ancients est is nos e g the fame hingio rea Cicero, Virgil, M., an to leam Latin otherisis it winlidi the fame hincto read these authors and Corderius' colloquies in the fame way in read Shahespeare, Milton 8 c. is no the fame thinia tocleam Ensisti. It is ver true, stat in re initi se authors, we acquire Latin expressions and comstructions, but the inter illares, which may beneunt stomahem, are sun mors important, and i icon ibis account, stat ille arere . o might ther se e content,ith Corderius. Astacher there re errs, who in Nepos, Cicero, S.C., direct thescholar' attentioni Onlyrio word and phrases, and Consequentlytreat these lita inferiori oris. e simula acquire rom them, ideas, histoi' expression resinemens politeneas, M. 4. Since Mord are the expression o thoughis, the Latiniangu age cannot he helte leami, stan seo the explanation os the anciendi, Whemit is properly directed. 5. Λ gramma can propos oni genera novom, and is theres, always imperist mus no imagine that weano ali even im e have the whole gramma hyaeart. hegramma ovi atatas assistance the rest must be acquired troin


read in the ancients an supplied pom eachers: speciallysin man writers, at the suggestion O thei subjeci, as of a passion, c., or of thoi natura temperament, as in spori, C.,

have particular modo of thinianiand speising, hic caimotbe introducta in a grammar, t wluchabens meis long. 6. he grammars of a livin and a dea langu age a re very disterent. In one case, I can acquire thesiisue sto the livingi in the other, Iam confinia in ancient,ri tings, in hichahe laesis os transcribere are numerous. It is osten doubuit, Whester xwriter, si om Whom an expression is producta, mill used is ortho tramcribe insertia it. It is ominime dissiculi or evenimpossibi in deride. An expression is osten produce fromsome writer of ivlaichahe learned maintain, that it neve Occursin that writer, nor in an other. Ν, Hent,oia, heres h inouldae rein by any one, Mil out a critices editionis it formed with udgment osterwise heis in danser os leaming errors uari applies Particulari, schoola


C, D, F, G Η, Κ, , Μ, Ν, Ρ, Q, R, S, T V X, Z

Νote . Useldom occum, and in but se v Wotas: Maala dae, M. Where calendae is osten inten. 2. ph, lihich, prOI Ounc likeri, comes fion the Greeh, and is only used in Gree words S also rh th, are rom the Greek, an are found ni in inord derive sto the Greeh, as rhombus, thema Thus in is usual ont in me wordhexcepi in a se ,hicli do nes seem os Gree origin, as inchoo, pulcher.

S. canes areio distinc consonanis, ut raster abbrevi sons. x Aland sor os, Orras a pax soriacs, pix sorties, whence the genitives pacis an picis. ut lex, rex, are sor


is the lim, as p in are called labials labiales : iners by the thioat, M. Four aresca H liquidsiliquidae , i, in m r; the rest, mutes mutae, It is thus, must underetandri expression in patres there is a muto,issi a liquid; here tandi are meant.

5. The Latin his no w: et moderiis userit milhir prietas in B sh andi eigniam , se clames' as, Walther, si incit is pro uncta sive ille Erasisti, is is inmo otidere M a consonant an wrium accordingly, a iacio, jacio this custom, hough unnecessarricis no censurabis. 70 Soni large letters uncia lettera are used is denoto


certained, and is a disticuli consideration. For irst, it may bc hed os What ancients we spe Τ Istos ali the ancients in every period and place sten the pronum ciation would naturali he ver different for it evidenti mus have altere in very age, particularlyrinceruo Writte miles Were in existet e. Is of est thesncient Wiuii a fixe period, e. e. rom lautus to

ciation. Is inalty in ut Ciceres times; even then, me promi lationis the varisus inhabitant os Italyseem to have been different in no nation areword pronounce in the fame way by ali ascis evident in England where almos est the counties have adisserent pronunciation. e must then confine ou selves to the inhabitant os Rome in Cicero, time. But in Q great an populo in cit a Mine, the in-