A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

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habitants of Whicli parti retii ait texat honie, ut parilywent into Asia, Greece, Athens, Rhodes, Africa Spain, France, c., and resumed aster many years of whichsome mere philologisti an critics, ther nothinios the hiud we mustino suppOS a uniform pronunei Non. In the secon place the Roman os Cicero, time have nes suli explained their pronunciation nor

osten write an speis in disserent ways, of whichahereare numerous examples in Englisti. Thus the ancientsin coninis lis osten spοhe othemis stan the wrote: e. the sat perhaps dice faces oster sal and wrola dic, M. et rom man remons, e Vstronginconclude, stat thei pronunciatim a very dissere iit Do the present, in consonanis, οWeis, diphthongs, und accenta. A. illi reorda consonanis: I. Eae reis, o, , e prono hinc lihea be ro , i y lineis: e theresere rein eam eonor, cum cera, enicium, Cnrus, ascis the Were Wruten hario honor,hum, sera, SiliSium, Syprus. It is almost certain that the Romans alWays pronouncedis likea, or With som

stere,a suta an innitnis evident, since, in isto Latin alphabet holds the fame place a Din theorea. The proos are,

I. That the Gree writers wben ibo isti is expressi iis, d a lames, in Whieli es orie occur, use neve asScipio, Cicero, Principia par os a camp), are, inten Σκιπιων Κικερων, Πριγκίπια This is a proof that the belloved orknex' that the Romans in these instances Pronounc in like h.


nius uten have belleved that heiri expresse the retata. IV Canno suppose, that cither the Latin or Gree hs adopt-od his modo os spelling so the sahe of analogy, O because the hadiso letters to expres the true found since, sindman instances in hicli the altere the spellinco Brelinwotas in retain the pronunciation'. s. Because ineinari Romans emplo is, bere thei descendant made uis os g; as in ille Duillian Monument e findCartacinienses, maristratos, o Carthaginienses, magistratus. at nesther os stem prono inced i lita si is obviolis or uid notiave been substitutia. d. Since ille Roman in man wotas interchanged ci, ando, ibo mus have pronouncedis in ille sanie manno, in both modes o spelling, e. g. thessat decimus, decumus, decimae,

decumae, &C. It wOuidae unnatura men to suppose, that tiaeyPronounCed desimus, dehumus, desimae, dehumae Ilo ni uchmore probabie, that thensaid dehimus, dehumus, dehimae, de-humae a in maximus, maxumus, here only the wwel Mechanged of Whicli, we shallareat hereaster. In other ortas, cis intercliauge Mili g, a tricesimus, trigesimus vicesimus, vigesimus sum triginta, viginti Thus imminentum are derive both ducenti, and quingenti. In manuscript c is tancon Lindod illi gland ch, as ni acina sor machinae, Voget de re veterin Q. 46.hamurga sor anaurca, MC. It is there re probable that o ch, andi ere Pronounce in me Same manner.

'Though the Translator has endeavoured to adhere salthfulisto ille original, the difference belWeen the two languages German and Englisti has compelle him both here an In ther places is ome necessary alter tio . e takes the present opportunit os observing that the opinionor the author ahout in uniformit os pronunciatio in C, g,'C. Whensolloweda an io et is strihmgly conlirmed by the silence of at the ancient critim and grammarians, ho though reatan expressia os pronun- elation, never indicate an variet7.- te, Tromissor.


nunciation are not uncommon in modo languBgES. E cli ere ala Consounde With que, qui, as in manu script M e liliumqui coci squilla scilla: ha Plin writes collicias, Columella writes colliquias. his naturinfindicates a similarir nunciation, viz. vovi, suilla, colithias si eo conu ob sta sses, Crici, coulit notinere e have been pronouit AEdas si. 6. Derivation evidenti provescit. I decem 'indiem Pr nounce desem, it is no clear, o decumus, decuria, M. coulitie derive fronicit: ut the re id comes in Macem. From doceo, come docui, docere, doctum is, pronouncedoseo. xui. sere, Atum, iliis musi e se more disiculi an in oceivabis io a be niter, than oveo, Mui, overe, doktus . From capio, have cepi, captum, accipio, M. Vwe prolu llu CeskBPio, Sepi, aptum, a si pio it is harehe and more unnatural than kapio, hepi, haptum ahhipio. In parcus, Parca, Parcum, gun. Parci, Parcae Parci liore anomalo cis the pronuncialium pactus, parva, pactum, parsi, par ae parsi M. 7. It is evident finali in Onu actions inlim, RS RIUEnglisti ordi , a vowel and ometimos more is omitte in rapi pronunciation a doctum, lectum, sor docitum, legitu M.t we pronounce doseo, ohui, dositum, it is plain statiositum could nolle contracte into doctum , ita ic med hom d virum by the omission osti as lectum soni legitum Pax, pix come si om pacis, picis: ibo cannot be med stomiasis, pisis, butimin paliis, pikis 3 enceiacs, pira, and abridmi into pax,

pix It is probabie stat this erroneous pronunciation a introduce into the modern langu ages, rom me interchange in the old reu tollic dialecta, here, find that k, ch, and coris,are intercliangellas in viriuchuris, histe chest, velle cellar, orselliu hinc.

ll. In is pronounced by many semimos live aim, o magnus, ignis, signunt, tignum, M. like manguus,


ngit, thes Ouid have prefixed us in ang Ii' congius, M. 2. Derivation prove it, as rom Signum tignum,

me have sigillum tigillum no singillum, tingillum, yc. 3. It is proved sum the Gree word whicli eo respondo the Latin g the Latin signum appears iste derive isto the Gree Misari M. M. The ii, sertio os, probably comes sto the old inconian

vowela come lagellier, the fidit syllabis is stari, orhardi distinguishod whince in rapi pronunciation


ait, aiunt, c. as rom capio capis, audio, audis.

20 At timescit is used for doubieci, uni scit be ratherses that oneri Was cutiss in the pronunciation thus eius sor ei ius as alius sor altius. V. os, it is observabis that illo finia syllabi

Rm, em, C. ere eliden in verse, stat is omitted in

reading. his excites a suspicion, that the were cutori conum disturae se poetsisse orta lineother eople, and the so terme licentia poetica, as Wel as elegance, is commonly the invention and COVErinios ignorances a leas the final, mus have beensearces hord, ein pro unce With compressedlips, perhaps a the French nom. VΙ inis ille fame illi' oris, an qu generallystanta serri, an is no pronounced like k- as aqua, aca coqui, Ai; hince their intercliano Neque Was pronounce nehe or nece, an contracte intonec a dic, duc, M. nec and neque are theresere thesam Word Quum Was pronou ed like cum thereis the no distinction et en siem. et in somemordiu seems to have beer perceptible, as quatio lihecuatio thence concutio, discutio, c. s quis, quid mere probably promunce citis, cuid, Whence the en.


euius, cui, dcc Thence also, cur comes irOm quare orcuare is contraction Originali si sem is have been promunce liue is, as in quatio andine esu

may have been inserted where it was no pronounced,

as in neque aqua, c. an perhap imagined minthius that .mul not M used Wit uti. encemoreove it is evident, h- eculeus came rom equus. VII. Scis considered by some o rammarians, as nota tester, but adi ing. Since ho everrit helps to mahea syllabie, it is certainina letter, though iis found atthe end of a Mes may have been weah whince in ille verses of Ennius and ereno it is osten ut oss. Hence als may have arisen the confusion, Whicli theancient made emeen arbos, honos arbor, honor: unles arbos, honos e se arbors, honora since thegenitive an nominative of the stir deciensio orbginalty ende in s. VIII. Τiae re avo et amongstis is pronouncedilhecihi, as artium, arshium excepi a Whenis r cedes, as tristior M When er solio , a mittier H incirea names, a Miltiades: d a the beginning astiarasci ut ille Roman in ali probabilit alway pr nounce it, ascis it mere solio ed by a consonant sothacit had the fame mund in artium and artibus.

l. It is unlihely that they used and pronouncedri liis frua mund wluch is no vnown io have existed in their language. q. est is improbabio that in the deciensionis conjugation os the fames ore vie pro uncta the fame letter disterently, as in artes, artium, artibus ineptio ineptis, ineptit. S. In the derivation o words, it is mos probabis that sin

fame Anii nil was assigne to the fame letter an trita the fame .

force in ineptio a in ineptus in oratio as in oratum.


ti recedes a voxvel always retain the fame letters a Titius πτιος SO K- αντιος, αγνεντιος, ZOS. Q. S. ΠεσσινουντIανθεον, Pessinuntiam Deam, Ι erodian. I. II. e cannot there-sore dolabi that ille Roman uina the fame solivi a me Greekτι besere a vowel. o. It is somewhat remarhable that the Englisli, who gen rati pronounce tiae re a vowel as in thei own langu age, areno constant in his usuri hicli implies som mistruscos iis pro eir: some instances of this land have been dum a ve. It is probabie stat at these deviations sto the correct pronunciation of the Latin language, have arisen seo the Frankisticliadectes ste Teutonic languam, ,hic the hissing sound os ille confinianis predominates, as in the modern Frenuli in themund ch, in c.

VIIIIJ V is pro unde by us lita the Engliin v.

It is mos probabio that the ancient pro unce itlike tho German w, whicla constitutes an intermediate mundie ein and W. aliis appears,

I. Do the word wllicli are common to the Latin, English, and even the me languages, a vinum ine, vallum ali, volo velle mill ventus viti , verruca wari, vespa Gm Vespermest, versus ward as in somatas, towatas, M. vidua wido

vicus Wich, as in Dul iis, Green is, M. These examplasino that here as a relation belween the Latio, and the mi. Englis in The Gree βαδιο vado, βω- vita, M., serve toprove stat me Latin v was related to the Greeli 3, which had aneare resemblance totur, than in v. g. in the best inscriptions and manuscripis, blandi are ostenconfused as Baleria Valeria, dubius durius, bibenti viventi. These cannot be explainediutin the suppositionis a likeir nunciation.


ingi ascit comes sum ira a lex line tests, dux like duos illis,oiild facilitate tho derivation O be- ginners andrit is certain uia the ancientis, especiallythe more accurate, made sues a distinctio in these Wotas the character is os later origin B. illi rogard to vomeis. Their orde a, , , o,u, ascis ellanown is groimded ponciliis circumstance, stat the mouin is mos ope in a, testinis, stillles in i an somn. a theresere, is in escares and most distincti the mos obscure From the samesci

Such changes,ould e mos frequent amongst the common opis, wis didiot acquire the correct foundi om books. et me must observo that the primu Maon os the commonimple,

that is os illo majorith in always indicate that os a nation.

Q. e was osten pronounce a like , siarticulail in rapiddiscourse, here it is no eas to distinguigii thema as, ademo, exemo, collego lita adimo, eximo colligo. Astem ard theyWrote these mordis a thespro uncta them, ill a longili stommage, and want os a grammar, this spellini inined the sordeos a mile M like o whince vertex and vortex cymmetimes, rhaps, si is since es iaciendum messi a undum in iuri dicundo, M.


s. t was osten pronounced a like e particulati, ut lapiddiscourse an heloi ea, in hich position ibis haestio pronouncei tirusmonim. Duill navebos o navibus Minerva sor Minerva, vid. Quint. l. 4. b like ei a sociis pronou ed like socieis, ascit is osten, iuen as in Monim. Duill. thus also si i sor sibi. c perhaps liue o, as in olli sor illi dxwe have remacte ab e when speas in os consonanti, stat laesere avowe Was Oiten PIonounc Mikeo, an is, ritis as j. d. o ma osten have mundedi i asarum se ii ons, vult so volt rom volo so vulnus volnus servus servos, servum se vom, and in many offer cases. 5. hu as osten pronounce M like o particulari in quickdiscourse, and was there re so written a navebos, Monim.

ardwa, sanet is trisyllabis rapidi sangWis anguis, an is; lingua, insta cui, cwi cuis, Wis Whinc ibo, Dis qui, quis . Hinc it happens stat the dative cui is a monovulabie in verse Thus citatio or quatio, qwatio: cuare Whence

compellexis solio the genera usage, to avoid singularity theystin howeve retaine the correct spellire, excepi in bellium, thederivation os inhicli, dironi duellum,as graduallyaost sightos ence itis manifestio denuo, pronouncta deuwo, is derived sum de novo It is also evident that hos are deceived


ythicli are pronounce in ne syllabie, and therei ore rapidly though bis accuratelnspeaing, is dissicultor perhaps impossibie. hei most correct pronunci tion is lien, hear both voweis, and the lirs as the principes The ancients particulari in accurate spe era, attende to this more than we do with usae and mare generali prono unci,d like simple, an dare contracted into ne character, a se, e thus also

the ther diphthong seldom expres the found os

stela component letters l. The ancients, ster ore, pronou ed like a and solitata a clea Minoia e more tantly the inund os se in

nienset was nearly like the Bound of a in main, o a lue pronounc α in μουσαι traces os this pronunciation are presem ed

in Mysar, the old mode of Wrium and wunding Caesar Henceit happens, a that aeris somelimes intercliange with ai, asaire multati sor a re, in aulai sor aulae; hicli confusion Ouidnes have happen , is in had Men pronouncedatis barce, ut was eas when, had the ound whicli the Latin assim

to it b In the fame a quapropter an antehac comes in quaepropter so propter quae an antehaec, here e vas pro--unce so laintly that it could scarcebie discerned, whence it was aft ward totali omitted. 2. Dei, a pronounc clita elandri: both vowet were distinguished, but particulari theirst: like the found of o in they.

Orphe was therelare pronounced like Orphee Englis Orphey , incisis like sociees, montes like montem, intercliange withmonies and thus in othe word os the inita deciension Honcoquis an queis, since in latis had the inund of quees, andi and e were easti conseunded. S. e had the found of e andis, of whicli the forme was principali heata, the latis scar faciat heus ther ore hinneatly me inund os me English, d has. 4. yce in id be pronounce like o and e the o Min prim