장음표시 사용
sim scriptus, M. by acidinieram o sueram, ossem or fuissem, we have the pluperi in i and Conj. Laaeram O lueram amatus, essem o suissem amatus: bet adding suero or ero, e have tu in
future persect a fuero or ero amatus finalty is addini scior fuisse, me have ibo persect ius Wbici, includes the plum; as se or fuisse amatus, a uinci, am, um os as ad in ali heso instances it is immaheriai bellier sum, dua, M.
s. The litur infinitive passive is addinito the supine, iri
tho present infinitive passive os eo as amatum iri, lectum uti, Ac. lenc it is manifest, hy the terminationis remainsunchange into am, A, S, a, exC. Patrem matum iri, matroni amatum iri, i Ouitne alivulun iri b cause the supine
cannot be changed laeire probabifine accusative os the Burindeciension. Note. l. Verta, hic have no supine, as disco, posco, c., naturali can have ahno participi suture active, there re nolinure in tho conj an insin active. no participis persectpassive, and thur in ei pectora plui exsuct nor future persectpa sive o no future ins pass. 2 in his union, urus sum, tus sum, ndus Sum eram, ESSem, esse, M., is commoni terme the periphrasti conjugation.
An examplo oscit illis ore here ter,ith the Burino iugations. d. In learninito derive in tenses os uae passive we leam the fame A the deponent verb, since the lalter,ith an active sense has inessor os mei vim excepi in Qq infinitive, wbe it has amiture lita the active gerundri supino, in participiepresent inis, and parti future in rus as horiaturaui,
e3se, hortaturum, ram, rum esse o gerund-hortamium, Γ, Δ, dum do supines hortatum, hortatu: MuciPler,-hortam, hortaturus, hortatus hortari 3.
4. Thus to express and derive tho tenses is rimost o. co jugate Thero is in factitit on conjugation hucon accountvs wme aliauoysi icis di ide into lauri os Whic heroasi .
ΙΙΙ. Each tensoris divide into tW numbers,-thesingular, hen in discοurae is of one grammaticalperson the plures, hen os more Note perhaps more elearly an les artificialifas soll-s in ove
action, inquire, hester one or more persorine it:
is me has donecit, it is mile in gramma the sit lar number is more have donecit, it is assed the plural
IIII Each number contain stre persona temunations correspoIIdiligo three kind os grammaticalperson or subjecta. e must here remember, intego is theraret grammatica person tu the second; ali ossior nominatives of the singularium r-as pater, mater, filius, aqua, men8a, homo, &α, hic, ille he hisdperson singular: s in the plorat, nos the fidit person, vos tho soc d alboster plures nominatives, s patres, matres, filii aquT, mensee, homines, e c. hi, illi-thethird est these person are attached Separate te minations of the ver ita are calle personat: these terminati caro iam comm in ut istout meming, called persons. l. in the singula thorarit persona termination is λ m, an is unite totho word ego Oiij, as heiurat grammatica person pas, ego Sum Dam, ego amo I love ego amor Lam loved. The secon persona termination is generatims, and uniteroes t tu, a the secondiranimatica penon; as, tu es thou ari, tu amas ta lovest, tu anuit is, in Thes thir persona termination is commoni t o tur, an united is ali Other nominatives o subjecis, called persons as pater est the athe is, pater amat thesester laves, pater amatur the sester is laved mater,
in the Puris of Verti. frater, filius legit, the mollier, roster son retas. 2. in the plures me iret persona termination commonjend in mus o mur, and is united oesy to the nomise
e thir is ni or tur, an may be unite to ali plura nominatives, ecause the represent sterilites person as, patres sunt ather are, homines amant et
amantur mendove and are loved. Note. I. Frequently ego tu, nos, Vos re desective besere the personat te
minati uis a lego, legis A ego lego, tu legis, M. :- no offer person cantes xed; e must unde standis , tu, c. 4. Whalaver has here been said, applies oni to the indicative and conjunctive the imperative an infinitive here sun e an exception 3 yAVer Whieli an have the a v mentione persons, subjecti, or nominatives, ego tu, nos, vos, c. unitediscit, and there re is urnish id with at the personalterminations both singula an plures, is commonlycalle is grammarians a persona verb: an mostverbs aro os illis hind. There are homoerisOme, to
and whicli admit Only the stird person singular, Whichis also used impersonalty that is, Wit ut a subjeci ornominativo prefixed. These are calle impersonalvoms he are two id Ihwit an activo termination as libet it pie es, licet it is allo ed piget itis irrime, taedet it,earieth, lucescit it dawneth, decet it ecomes, miseret it puteo, oportet it
hovcth, pudet it ashmeth, me, te, coe poenitet trepenteth: et orne re sed illi nominatives prefixed a decet, dedecet, pudet, poenitet, and ther repersonalty, and even in the plures. To these minoadd tonat trili undors, Pluit it Iains, ningit itisnows, fulgura i liotens, grandinat it halis, vesperascit ityo 'vening. ut some bello that here me mustundercland a nominative os the stita person, as deus,
coeluna, and that ille are Persona verbs. I id liereaster Secti . I. Where impersonals Will e considerin separalely. To these uiso bolonicertain verta, in in certain senses can have no nominative bos etho third persona termination, an in his respecto u e impersonal as refert it concerns, interest it interestisor concerus. Some adyto these more verbs, whicli in particular senses Occur only in the hird person, bucinother senses have a nominative a contingit it happens, evenit it occurs sit it tiles place praestat it is bellar, &c. et these aremo impersonals since inv
Passive terminations as Statur ne stands itur one
es, Curritur ne runs, and so hom est verbs hichare intransitive, i. o. have no accusative. Osten also os oster passives, hos actives do govem the accusative, ille stird persona termination is used impersonalty i. e. Without a nominative a legitur ne retas, amatur ne loves, an generali When isto Ensisti, ne, precedes These impersonat veri, willbe considere alter artis, re parti ho ille are conjuguled, and parti ho constructed illi ther
I. When e sotin a vor os the ahove entione dxind accordinit ita paris i. e. modes, tenSes, num-bera, and persona terminations me Messaid o mi mgate ae M in conjugate means to state togetheran connec ali the paris of a hole. M lien thor fore, say that a person an completes conjugate, it means no more stan that he -- os every verbeach personat termination in eata number, ense, and mode, an or them at pie ure an repea them separates o combine With more. A learner, ther
sero, Wh canini mechanicali conjugate sum, amo, doceo, lego, audio, anno conjugate corretan ser heoni can conjugat thoso vo verbs. ut isto canconjugate them correctly accordinito the ii sermatim,und intelligently he in easti conjugate the rest II horo is a Dur id mode os conjugaling, Or, Ospea in the usual Way there are seu conjugations, whicli are M ver disserent minone noster, andastor hicli est orbs inould properi be Armed Τhoi cliaracteristic by whicli ther are mutuali dustinguished are the sollοWing: a In ille sires est Verbs in theraret person pres ind. md ino seido in eo, more raret in io; and in the present in .
in are ith a long as amo, ainavi, amatum, amiare Cubo,cubui, cubitum cubure meo, meavi, meatum. neu reu lanio. laniavi, laniatum, laruare. Excepi do dare, illi it com-
pound of the sim conjugation, in hicli Dis Miori acci cumdare, M.
b In the seco , ali in the sotiere pres ind. md in eo,
an in ille pres ins in re, Wissi e long a moneo, moniti,
c In the inita, an in the sirat pers pres ind. end in riu elyincio and in the pros ins in Ero with o inori a colo, colui, cultu in eoiare; ego legi, lectum, legere scribo, scripsi, scriptum, seribere disco, didici, disczre cupis, cepi, captuna,
ea re M. d In the laurili, at in the fingi pers pros ind. end in io, and in the pres ins in ire init i long as audio, audivi, auditum, audire hauris, hausi, haustum, haurire, M. Note. Ali,hicli solio on of these conjugations are callia regular: thoses hicli deviate are Called irregula or anomalous. There Me also verbs, of hic some separate Paris, a tenses,
persons, M. do no occur in the ancients these are calleddesective. There are theresese, ii respectri conjimiton, three vi sior, including the impersones, seu vind os verta. l. regularios Heli examples millies ven , 5 2.hirregularor anomalaus a sum, volo, M., hicli illis ove and conjugate k6 S. desective; as aio coepi, o whicli Messa 4.himpersonals as miseret, c., hicli are give Ara thoughas desective in thei persons, hosperhaps wim more proprietγwouldie reserata in the precedingat .
of the inre Unda os Conjugatum, oriour Conjugations in particula Weciliati no give ait example os eael os the cur Ways os conjugaling, o seu conjugations Since, ho ver sum it iis tenses is in osten used illi verbs to Arintheir tenses, it must be placed indiearat se re them. In conjugatin iuris there is still meli lacleam, is
M Would acquire it radicaaly, and discard mechanicallearning by heari, an repetition.
I. The leamer, Mors ho conjugates a Latin - 4bould conjugate mine Enosti ver , in hiis the per et is expressediti an iis se s as I came, Lam come, I have come, M. Ddouiiso, he willaeam to conjugato in English, as wellius Lalin. 2. In repetition the learner in id e persecti instructed in the forulation os eata tense, an is degroes derive them himself as statim seu perseo come illo terminations rim,ram, sim, ero, se This must o promoto iis inquiring, whince comes suis arie est,hycis it necessarii ibus t tili heca say it re id and without ilis hel o sto te eris. It is also serviceabie so thes ginno notiaret to leam sum Pam es thou ari, est heris, but illi tho person prefixed; as ego sum, tu es, pater, mater est; huisa, ac iis Minimatas translate pater est, ille sather horis, o amat pater lienoves hosether, a Wo sndi experien . d. It is also ver serviceabie so the egi nne to eam to
mahe ome eas sentenco as ego sum homo, tu e holno, pater est homo, parentes sunt homines, parentes me amant,
deus amavit homines, herebrae eastly becomes acquainted viili ho constructio os oes' and finda a pleasum in conjugaling. For baro conjugauniis ex edin y dry, ecomes tedious, and rives a nati attention and destre so leaming. It is ver eas is a tincter in in that ille mure veri sum is talowed by a nominative, but amo by an accusative, Minus ithas a complete passive so moneo, lego, Fcc. The conjunctive sim musti translate no meret I may be, ut is I be, ii Ιmay be manlio, might I be Scc. as, since Lam a man, cum homo inici is ne may be, si quis sit; l isti thou maystheupright opto ut Sis probus Flirther, simus means also, letis , amemus et us love sitis e ametis ove, a love ourparenta It must also e observed that sunt means, am
promise the greatest advantages. The leamer inould alio com jugate no on lyrii regularitaer, hut be questionediu of Order, about disterent terminations as,hat oes lut suerunt, ero,
5. In conjugating the contractions also must he notic astrom amavi, amavisti and amasti, amavistis and amastis, am verunt an amarunt, amaveram an amaram, amavissem and amassem, amavisse an amasse the fame occum in similarverbs also in othere a novi, novisti an nosti, novisus a nostis, noverim and norunt, noveram and noram, novissem a nossem, novisse and nosse : peto has petivi, and more commonlypetii, petivisti and petiisti, &c. audio, audivi and audii, audivisti, audiisti and audisti, audivistis, audiistis, and audistic audivero an audiero, audivisse, audiisse an audisse, S c sowith eo I go, iri and si iverim an ierim, 8 c. particularisinus commundri as redeo redii, more usual than redivi, rediisti, rediit, redieram, rediissem an redissem, M. so abeo, adeo, ineo exeo, intereo, dcc. hich willie more intesti bis to the
learner, hen he understand that these contractions Mose Doma hasu pronunciation.
6. Os verbs os ille hir conjugation in io, mus remari stat tho retain i in es the tenses derive fi o the present,
exCept in the imperative and pres insin and imp Coiu active and passive, hici, re excepte by their formation os capio,
capis, capit, capiunt conjunct. capiam, capias, M. impers. capiebam, M. impers conj capctem, M. sui capiam imp rat capri capite, capito, capitote, capiunto infin caperea ge-hind capiendum,capiendi,&c. pari. capiens Passiv. capio captas, capitur, capiuntur conjunc capiar impers capiebar: cori caperer sui capia capieris pari sui capiendus, 3 c. So also sodio, pario, bin and the deponent morior, gradior, M.
7. In Bur imperatives os the inita conjugation, theminal ,
change it into scio, retain e asissice, confice, si OIn Teio, Conficio, M. Note. e somelimes si dic duce, lacri for dic, duc, lac, but scamely sere sorderi 8. Some verbs double the frat two lettere, or the siret syllabie in the perfeci, after the Greeli syllabi augment: as in th irst conjugation, o dedi, sto steti in the se ond mordeo moniordi; pendeo pependi spondeo spospondi tondeo totondici in themita cado cecidi Min penult inori Gedo cecidi illi penuit.
long cano mesni curro cucurri disco didici salis seselli; pango ston the obsolet pago pepigi pario peperi parco p perci pedo pepedi pello pepuli pendo pependi posco P
posci pungo pupugi tango tetigi tendo tetendi tundo titudi init penult shori: ut this reduplication satis in the com- pounds Occido Phili, occidi no occecidi impello impuli, compello compuli, M. et the compound of do, sto, disco, posco, retain the reduplication as addo addidi, adsto adstiti, addisco addidici, deposco depoposci a from cureorum sorinedmany communm, as accurio, concurro, discurro, decurro, e curro, incurro, Occurro, percurro, Praecurro, Procurro, recurro, transcurro, somelimes illi the reduplicatio somelimes withou
9. There Me also early foms, whicli occur in old laws, dramatistri meis an essewhere, and which may occasionali bedietatexto the leanter a vim duis, duit, duint, Plaut. Aul. l. a. 23 4 6. 6. Terent. And. 4. l. 42 Cic. Cat. l. 9 Lis. 10. 19 22.10 Br dem des, det, dent froni do: in perduim,
is, it, int, sor perdam, as, at ant a perduim Plaut. Aul. 4. 6 6: perduis Plaut. Anipli 2.2.2lo dissiliter te perduit Plaut. id. l. l. d. Diespiter vos perduit Plaut Poen. 4.
4. 29 illum dii perduint Terent Phorini 2 73 istum dii perduint, Plaut. Asin. 2 4 6 quem dii perduint Cic. Ait i5 4 dii te perduint, Cic. Derit. 7: e findier duunt sor perdunt latit. Rud ml. 24, probabl stom me obsolet perduo sor perdo creduim creduit, M. A credam, M.
sto credo or the obsolet creduocios Creduis, Plaut. Amph. Q. Q. O. Capt. 3. 4. 78. Truc. 2. l. 52 Creduam, S, at, Plaut Poen. I. b. 2 Trin. 3. Li Bacch. 4. 8 6 siem sies Dissilia πιν Corale
O Me Four Conjugatio m. siet, sor sim sis sit, strom sum a Plaut. Amph. PNI. 57 Lucret. 2. IO78 Terent. Gn. I. l. osten in Terent and Plaut vid. Cic. r. 4r alio scit B eris Lucreti l. 6l3: Gen. m. i. e lagg. lata . inescunt erunt also is sim sis sit, es duam, suas, laat stomahe old verb suo sorsum: as Virg.
AEn II IOH, I hos Rutulusve fuat, i. e. sit, hester e Marojano Rutulan. E also find asso an disso, is it so the Commonterminationis the future perfeci in avero, ero, as amasso RmMSis,
amassit, sor amavero risit habesso is hinc sor habuero isi M. prohibesso sor prohibuero ea i tesso sor ea Petivero, Rc This r occum particulari in old laws and dramassis; as excantassit is excantaverit, nuncupassi se nuncupaverit, occisi sor occiderit,inc So in the sutum infinitive, expug
sectos the Murth conjugation ibam sor iebam a vestibat, audibat, lenibat, M. Soliten in the future of this conjugation ibo seriam; as audi , scibo, M. Terent Mn. 4. 7. 55. scitas i. e. scies opperibor sor opperiar, Terent. Heaut 4. I. 6 emeret bere Ibid. 4. 5. 20 i. e. experieris.
A. Conjugation os the verbon fui, me ser Whichin early times the used suo fui, sutum fuere, conclare, hence sum has ita perfeci fui and iis participie
am, am L sum homo, Lam may can, must be set me be, aman sumne homo a I mayriae tris simne docestus ta man maydie leamedi algo Lam cum sim homo, since Lam a