A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

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aro declined the compοunda os ille, iste Wit hic as, illic, illaec illo or illuc istic istaec istoc or istuc; os,hicli only tho sol minicases areis l. . illic, illaec illoc or illite: A. illunc, illanc illo or illuc; Abi illoc, illac illoc N. istic, istaec istoc or istuc; A. istunc, istanc, istoc or istuc Abi istoc, istac, istoc.

rectly isthic isthaec isthoc, M. cineris adde to illic in interrogations ascissa cine, Terent meaut M. 5. 3. illi ine est Plauti Pseud 4 1 44.

V. Ille, illa, illud, stat, the fame N. ille, ill . illud;

G. illius through assiendera D. illi throuo in genderi A. illum, illam, illud V is defective; Abl. illiu illa, illo. The plura sinows the adjectives asN. illi, illae, ilia G. illorum, M. The ancient also Sald, ossus, olla, ossum, Whence ossi sor illi Virgil. VI. Iste ista, istud, stat, iis decline lita ille N. iste, ista, istud G istius, M. VII. Ipse, ipsa, ipsum, et 'imself, is deestned like illo excepi that in the neuter it has ipsum, notipsud: ecauserit Was originalty ipsus ipsa, ipsum: whince ipsus Ar ipse, Terent VIII. Is ea, id stat, the fame N. is, e . ad G. filis in ali gendere; D ei in ali gendera A eum,

eam, id o is desectives Ahi eo en eo. Plur. . ii, se, a G. oriun earum, eorum; D. iis o eis

strouo alliendere A. eos, eas in V. is desective; Abi a dative.


eandem, idem V is defective rabi eodem eadem, eodem. Hur. N. iidem, eaedem, eadem G. eorumdem earumdem eorumdem, or eorundem earundem, eorundem D. iisdem and eisdem in ali gendos A. eosdem easdem, eadem, C. N. B. In the Acc. Sing. eundem eandem are more usual than eumdem eamdem an Gen. H. eorundem, mandem eorundem, than eorumdem emimdem eorumdem though stelatis are more correcti

X. Qui, quae, quod, lio, Whicli orabat Sing. . qui, quae, quod G cultis in ali gendere D. cui in alliendera A quem, quam quod o is desective;

Abi quo qua, quo, N. B. ais qui a quieum, i. e. quocum, quacum. Plur. . qui, quae, quae G. quorum, quarum, quorum D quibus in ali gendera, time que is o quis A quos, quas, quae I V. is dese sve Abi astat.

Note. hus are decline iis communει ontrahat they have .quid an quod in the neuter excepi quicunque a Sing. . quicunque, quaecunque, quodcunque, Wh oevo din. G. cuiu cunque D cuicunque, εια o Sing. . quivis, quaeris, quid-. quodvis, any one G. cuiusvis D cuivis A quemvis, quamvis quidvis or quodvis, M. So quilibet, quaelibet, quidlibet o quodlibet, an One G. cuiuslibet D cuilibet A. quemlibet, quuntlibet quidlibet Orinilodlibet, iac. o Sing. . quidam, quaedam, quiddam, quoddam a certain ne G. cuiusdam D. cuidam ' quemdam, quamdam, quiddam orquoddam, M. N. B. quendam, quandam, an gen Pluri


quorundam qum uti lani, is quorumdavi, quarumdam axe moreumat, though in ossim' are more conecti Nola quid is alway used substantively, quod adfectiveb: as Subs quid is quidlibet, quiddam. At quodans, quoslibet, quoddam: --ce quidvis tertii iam neg-m; quodvis negotium, not negotii.

XI. Quis somelimes qui, quae quid o quod, D, whicli, What L .B. quid is used substantiola, quod adjectively as, quid negotii, quod negotium: εο in iis compounda, ecquid, ecquod M. Sing. . quis qui, quae, quid Or quod G. cuius in ali gendeis D cui in ali gender A. quem, quam, quod o quid V is defective Abi quo qua quo. Plur qui, quae, quae M -it is declined line qui, excepi that it has quid a meli as quod in the neuter.

Note. lius are decline ita commund qui nam then t whicli mend), quaenam, quodnam or quidnam G. cuiusnam M. nam Mincinxed. g. quisque, quaeque, quodque o quidque, ach G. citiusquo M. quo bring med.

Thus alio unusquisque, unaquaeque, unumquodque or unumquidque, achum uniuscuiusque .c. unus is prefixe loquisque an decline iliroughout as in Englis Wo sanoachone, se inin thenare Properly xv xvords, and shouldio sowrium. Unusquisque has no plurat. Note. μ λ also unumquodvis, Lucret. 4. 125 where unum is simplfpretaedio quodvis in unus quilibet Iav. o. o. umim quidquid, Meret. 5. 387.4 Philit Trin. 4. s. D. S. quisquam auro 3 quaequam, quidquam o quicquam, butio quodquam;

G. cuiusquam M. The sem is rare quamquRm, Plaut. Mil. 4. 2 68. he phua is not sed . . quISPiam, quaepiam, quodpiam o quidpiam annone G. cuiuspiam uae plura israre. Aliae quaepiam rationes, Cic. ad div. 9 8 8 quospiam,


doubl cuiuscuius M. All the cases do nobseem inise, but perhaps, N. Sing.; Α. quemquem, qui lituid inbi quoquo, quaqua Plur. N. quiqui, D. quibus quibus: ut quisti uis and quidquid . and A. are very requent. . aliquis also aliqui, Cic. T. l. m. Mad. 4 26 aliqua, careely aliquas, alia

quod an aliquid, sommones . adiculus, re ali is preMed: iisliouldbowever Mimai,ed that Sing. . sevi and Pi neuti aliqua is used sor aliquae Note a) Abi aliqui is aliquo, Plauti

Epid. S. I. II. Ost. I. 3. IS. byunus aliquis sor aliquis, Cic. r. 3. 33. OT. 2. 2. Aster certain parti les, si, ne, num KC. ille in firs AIllabies are osten omitte, as si quis, siquid, si qua res, si qua ne Mua. It shouldie remariae that si quas is somelimes Bundior si qua. et osten ali is retainta; as si aliquis Ecc. Some conside silains, ne quis, si qua nequa M. a single ortas or commuivis Whicli is errone s. have alio aliquispiam, aliquisquam, as aliquodpiam Cic.

Tusc. 3 9. aliquapiam ratione Cic. Sext. 29. alicuiquam Liv. 4 l. 6. aliquidquam Cic. div. 2. 5O; here Owevera nosti read quidquam . . ecquis, ecqui ecquae, ecqua ecquid and ecquod, forimum quaa de as, ecquis veniti is myone comed

eta e havo alio ecquisnam ecquaenam, ecquodnam and e quidnam in the fame signification, Ladding nam. U. e quonama probabirio other cases of it occur.

instea of the gen cuius fio quis and qui A. cuium, am, um Abi fem cuia. l . . sem cuiae: .hether ouis Arms occur, e re incertam e g. evium pecus an liboei' - e is in camo Virg. l. 3. l. cuium puerum hic adposuisti' hosebo has thou placed here Ter An r. 4. 4. 24. cuia sem. ing Ter Din. 2.3. 29. Heaut Prol. 8. Plaut Bacch. 4 9. 24. Cic. Verr. 1 54. 3. 7, 27. euim, Plaut. Rud. d. 4. 40. 'hether heim mase cuius


the signification is the fame. The w d in generaris


XIII. cuiatico cuiasci so nostratis o nostras, and vestras solio the thies deciension: Sec ove.

te. Some rechon huiusmodi, eiusmodi, cuiusmodi amongst indeclinatile pronoung. 'Phe are howeve two wotas thegen o hic, is, qui an modus: as, homo eius modi a man os that sori suis a Dan. emoweve inmetimes s cuicui

in Verb3. a Verba a re. It is no eas to define the generat natur of verbs. MamersisHdom underatand What themare, ill theyliave conjugate severat, and uniteditem illi oster Mords. he dissi cultv arises ence illa a ver imclude so many notions in iiseis, a novis admit os abries definition. The term Verru moreover is used in various applications somelimes of the whola verb, asamo, ammi, e hortor, hortari c., ometimes os a pari a sume nam the infinitive verbum infinitum: many teacher evenisis, What is legis a ver asubstantive instea os, Is it a par os a verbi is it a persona termination os a ver, hinc the confusionis stili greater notri mention stat ita lam, ein verbum, Which in dictionaries is generali translated, Word, caniive no ideais a ver properi considered.


To explain si ver , must remember, that alinnini natives are divide inis Certain Persona ego, I,

the irst; tu the secon&; ille, pater and oster nomin lives sterilites person os the sing. nos the fimi, vos the second, and Otho plures nominatives the thirdie

sure explain it a briefly, and in Wo ways. Withrespect to change os termination a verb, is a Word, whicli accordinito ille precedin grammaticalie son, i. e. ille gulae et the time in Whic any thinginainpens, and the mode in Whic it happens changes iis termination or more briiny, a ver is a mord that is conjugated. Wit respect to iis signification, it is a word whic inows, stat a grammatica person, eisteris, or does, o experiences Something M more largelyan accurastin verbs are Wotas, Whicli I. referri a precedinigrammatica person, 2 sh- stat somethingliappens, has happened, or mill happen, Whetherat bea action, as amo I love a passion, as amor Pamloved a bare existing, a sum Pam: and whichto denote hela disserent persons, times, and offercircumstances modos assume various terminatio :as ego sum I am, tu es thou ari; ego amo Plove tu amas ita lovest, ego amavi I have loVed, ama loVe, amare is love c. ego amor I a loved tu amaris thou art lovia, ego amatus sum I amor have been laved nos amabimur, shallie loved, M. Nou. I in me person subjectyWhiesis Ud precedo is osten


cause dies are ita mos important, an is in sellae ostensor a complete sentence as, Deus est pater vivit, M. Onthe contrarn without both noun substantive and ver there Canhelao sentence. In the nouisubstantive there re the implied the subjectis person, by whona, oro whom, omething was done and in the ver i. e. the woes, what Was donet his orto lum.

in the disserent Mnd of eras.

I. With regard to the termII1ationifali firs personpresent, verbs are of three hind. Q some en in and are active or transitive, instentave a passive inor othemise inefare neuteror intransitive: b offersen in or an Lare called deponent, is the have no active in os therWis thesare generali called passive: o a single ne indoin um, via sum, missi ila com' unci possum, prosum, M. Ιl. Wit regar in the termination of thei fidit pedisonanda is signification, verbi e commisi dividedinto Aur different hios active or transitives, a sives, neuter o intransitives, and deponendi singularisames, Whic are more readilfleam stan unde Mood Tin are conii Mistus ophitata the a iis eos in o an has a passivo in or a amo I love: the passive enda in or and has an active in o as amor Pam lovex the neuter onds in o an has m passive in sto I stand the deponent eos in or and has no active in o as hortor I exhor The passive homeverris no a separate verb, but a partis a ver, sinceWe say that amatur is smina ' notion amor. B

sides, iliis division is os novireatisse in leari iam to Mi We must pay particular auenon est is, stero


whicli expresses the sufferinio enjoyment of the a tive, is termed the sussering pari, o the passive. 2.

. calle intransitive o neuter, hic lauer amemustio retained: ut When thei fini person enta in rure called deponent

1. D transitive, ori ascit is more Commo incalled, an active ver is suc a ver in a a denotes an action, whicli passesto an objec ,hetheriit be num beast, or inanimais inire, and happens orian happen to it, and which b iovem an accuset live, and the oro has an entire passive in an sto persons asamo, lego, doceo, dcc. N.B. Me must not always inser a Latinsrom an isti passive; ut e mus have met illicit in the

anCientis, at leas in therarat an secon persons, o in the stird person,ith a nominative preceding nor must, dependisn

the Poeta ther osten add an accusative to a verb, hicli domno govem onm and use vere in ali the persons, whici do notproperi bellanii stem. Hem no ne an certainj --whester a ver bo transiti vo an active, o intransitive and neuter utilem he have met mih itin ita ancients always solio

ed by an accusative, o as a passive in Ore than one perSOD.

The third person os the passive is inconclusive uni scit have anominativa asin subjeci since the nominative with the passive .sbows that the active ovem an accusative, an an accusative iner the areve that the passive has a nominative. Q h ver intransitive o neuter is a ver in , and denoteseister suc an actio as happens toto object person or inirex


and passes in tonone a sto I stant sedeo I curro Prun, or is it happen to a personis thiniand theresese pas o D this objectis not in the accusative insuta a vein there rethe whole passive is desective it asini the thiro person os the singula number, and that without a nominative preceding ;as Curro, Curritur me run So rom parco alicui, parcitur; persuadeo aliciti, persuadetur: ut ego parcor, tu parceri

frater parcitur ego persuadeor, tu persuaderis, frater persu detur, se cannot be used. e must here M in notarus ilio vis, nor ome oster riter' hora expres themserues umusuiny, oin an accusative to an intransitive, an in mavis it transitive. S. A deponent is a verbi ori is declines in Latin like a passive, with some daviations an in Engliin live an active, exceptin the future participis in us is it has one. It euher govems an accusative, as sequor, imitor orio G as medeor, utor, fruor, M. Is it govem an accusatim it has the participio in us inmugi ut, as sequendus, a, umain. is noli it has not this participis: though there are excepilans a se ostenin utendus, a, um fruendus, a, um, M. Note. I. They are callia deponent, i. e. verbs hich lay aside, cause the lanaside thei passive signification, and thei a sive m. For it --s probabis that ille ver ,hicli are no v deponent . re formeri realiassives Thus we si uid rechon

delectori desio m eis a deponent, is delecto re notin uinto retandis, stat Hector properi means, Lam delighaed, and thences delight yself so vescor a properi have SigIli hed,

Thenc ita appens that many deponendi, in these Participies, arma times used finiter for passives; as expertus Urieo,


Q. There, alio some peculiar verbs, wluch md in m andare properi neuter or intransium bui mali perseet wim iis cognate enses, lita deponent m passives the are theres etermed neuter passives. The are the sollowing fido sus


3. There ire abso intransitives o neuters, whic in Englistiliave a passive orni, and are called neutrali Gives; a veneo Lam svi vapulo Lam beaten.

III. Wit regis in thei derivation, veri, at eeither primitive, as lego I rein M. derivative, as lectitora osten read hom lego. These laue comeeither Dom a verb; as lectito sto lego, esurio stomedo sum a Mun, a numero I number, sto numerus mimber libero Pheri sum liber suo fio an asvem, a satioci satiate, rom satis nough: O DO a preposition a super I go ποnd surpass, homsuper em id These derivative, d' in their41νnification, are Au old:

i. Inchoative, Whicli denote a Momnio What is signised in in primium an are translated by the word, be me, dic. They end in sco, are os i abies conjugation, and have nole secinor supine, or bono them scin their primitives thesare

srom aceo Lam four hebesco I growalunt o duli, seo hebes Nunt dulcesco I gro sweet, sto dulcis sweet lapidesco, repuerasco, 8 c. et them are inchoatives hiis have nocti sense Ma innire, nor cani tra Med by come, lin. asconcupisco I destre sontesting, adhaeresco, conticesco, iis mean the fame a their primitives, and ammo properly inchoatives. here are ther vertis in sco, vhich have theirown persecta a disco didici, posco Poposci, Pasco pavi, and whic cannot be considered inchoatives. Q. Frequentative, hic denote the frequent repetitionis an action, and ais generali derive seo ille supinos of their primitives they, there re, end in so to, O, O COA a PulSO Iosten beat, seo pello pulsum quasso Iosten Shahe, stom quatio quassum clamitora osten crya lectito I osten read nexo Iosten se, o simply, Ptie; vellico I osteniluta salso deponenis, a minitor Posten threaten, Pthreaten amplexor 3 c. thouo