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ad tu thpse si verbs of the thii conjugationa vis vasit, Survey, Se aiter arcesso Callaither; laces8O provohe malismotis in hand a cibum, arma Ac. lacesso do, incesso attachrbut their signification shews that the are notiequentatives, in spite of thes termination. Nov. There Me also thermonis in is ordo, whicli denote an imitation o resemblance, and are canta inuisures as patrisso Limnais a sester, graecisso ille G-st, iamina Pi , a filius patrimat, Plauti Pseud.
l. o. 27. argumentum Io gradicissa tamen non atticissat, Plauti en Prol. 2.
'her areiso oster Messi urio Mihi long a ligurio orsim o liguris, M. Maturio theso are nolim ne deriva oves, o account of thesi quantity, and thes signification. 4. Diminutive, Whicli tessen the sense os thei primitives. The tata, like nou , a puer mestus, Gubieri besere os ascamillo Usinia sitile, sorbillo I si Sc. There are se os them in uis seri cillo I revive, scintillo I sparkle, titillo Itichle, appea is have nothinidiminutive in thei signification.
lego, Sector Or compound a perlego, consector Thecompositio tae place parti With a noun a aedifico I und e I mahe a limis or bullaing, stomaedes an Acio paril With another verb; as a facio Ι mahe warm, rom caleo Dam arm partIyWith an adverb; a benefacio iram bene, nolo stomnon and volo, malo sto magis and voles paritimidia reposition a advenio, eripio, aulam c. The
tast is stomost common mode son- even ista preposition and nou together a pernocto rom per an nox, irretio rom in an rete. In such compinsition aha letter os the primitive is osten altered assem rapio, abripio, eripio M. instein os abrapio c. :so retineo stom teneo, essicio Dom facio c. e also findoli propositio altered res efficio se exficio, sussicio sor subfici, an s by the moderns the last leue os the preposition is osten altered in the solio ing ords, assicio ossicio, attuli, allatum, sussero, sustuli, irretio, immergo, illicio, colligo c. se adficio, ficio adtuli, adlatum, subsero, subtuli, inretio, immergo, inlicio, conligo M. It is hoWeve a question, ether the ancients made his alteration, and whetlieritae correct it is always more accurate in retain assar a possibi the preposition in an unaltere form; as adsero adtuli, adlatum inretis, inmergorade. vid. cap. 2. os orthography. M somelimes Dis insertodam re an pro to prevent the concurrence of twovo is acredam redem se ream reeo prodes serproes M. O somelimes ille last pari os the propositionis rejected as traducere and transducere, traiicere and
transiicere. te. l. Some os thos simple verbs, with whichither aro compOunded, ammo inisse a cello, heiace excello, antecello c. fendo, hence defendo, flendo laeto, henco allicio, illicio, o more correctly adlicio inlicio leo, herice, some suppose, doleo: leo, Whe e compleo, impleo: mino, he e contamino. E. Compound verbs generali fretain the hiud active, neuter, o deponent, an me conjugation os thei simpleo erhs as
alter mei vinii; a mero, exsecimvsometheis conjugation; accubam incumbere somes in a nimiere, aspernari.
tae Paris of Lens both greater aui s.
Acthe active or transitive Vein more large ly Onsidere M includin in itfel the whole verb, and theres e the passive is divide into it ac e taenica nam ower senseras includin oesy the terminationo, and opposed to the passive, and ita passive so theset o paris, ille active undi sive, as Weli as the intransitive o neuter, an deponent, are divided into four modos modos): these modes again into verienses tempora , i. e. times o relations O times Each ense inis , numbers: ac number into three personalterininatio . e have heres est,notice laur modes,five tenses, mo numbers, three persons.
V. Verbs have seu modes. Properi speining the ver has no modes, ut expresses the modes os theacti iiii lenoted hy the verb. ostis action theresere, the modes reatly belong and such a Way of spe ing ut be preser te. The actis expresse by the verbiay happen in soli man or modes 1. When onemeret Ahows o says that a person oes Something, o that somethiniis done to him, or that he wili do orsussor omething, it is the indicative narrative mode: 2. -- he would ino stat an actio is possibie, credibis, o destrabie, and there re might happen, it is called the potentiat, conjunctive, O sub iunctive mode: 3. Whenae prays, commands M a least Wilis, stat
w the Paris of Verbs. 3Ia thing should e done it is sto imperative mode; modus imperativus o rogatorius more bri est and bellar, iussivus since iubere means to say or destre, Whether' intreatn command or intimation stat
somothinishould happe II but Inper; u. Si Inply meansi command wlitis the mode expresses more stancomnands 4. the laurinos terme the infinitivemde modus infinitus, i. e. the undefinermode sinceat timescit is no connected wit a person as discere est dulce, to earn is sWeet: here it is not defined,
Whoclearns. et his moderis osten desned as, soleo scribere, Lam,ont teswrite; and stili more definitoly, when the accusative of the subject accompanies it; as, audio patrem vivere, I hear stat myriather lives.
te. What is here said, is no intende in ive the leamera complete notion os the modes; bucto give his inme notionis stem. The names ars in lac not ver accurate; ut mismus alway be in case, hen a nam musti applied is every thing the camiotae a ars ear. Note. The infinium in ali grammara, is Anowed by thegem M supines, and participies the do nos however. longis it ther aro placed last, onis cause the must sim soni Whero, an a bet ter placo could notae uia. The gerunda
are cases os the neuter gende pari sui pass. in us da, dum; a stom amandus amanda, amandum, come the gerund aman
dum, di do, dum do. The supines are probabi substantives of tho Murth deciension the supine in um the accusative, and
in lino Glativo. Participies armari in os verba adfectives, Whicli margovem me cases os ines ver . Their uso willieaste aias explainta in the rinio. et e remare,1. ytha alliseres have gerunds, though hey have no parti- nple in us no Ont verbs transitive an deponent hichmvem an accusative, bucother verbs in o and or,hich DVomanoster case asparendum, di, o cc., utendum, di do M.
ilia verbs, which governis ac si hi sative, have the whole passive; but the othei, ni the thir person singular, neuter a Per . suasum est, nO Persuasus est, and that inapersonalty i. e. wiua-
out a precedininominative. Theresere, though Hyiave noenure participio in ali me gelidem, et tho have hem in me neuter in other bess, they have gerunci. 2. Whenm, however, it happens that gerunds, whicli are originalty a par of the passive, acquire an active signification, and ovem ille cases, even ille accusative os their own verbs, si amandi libro dcc cannot be explainod the attempi os thecelebrate Perigonius to rea them alway as a pari os the passive, an to explain the solio vin accusativo is an ellipsis, is ino artificiat an umervice te.
II. Each of ille modos, excepi ille imperative or jussive accordiniis the language os grammarians, has sve tenses, tempora, i. e. times: viet eata mode os
actio may appen in ve hiud os time. Theso
tenses are calle the present the inperfecti notoet Pasi' persectiast pluperfeci more inaniast o past th a resti actio dependent suture. Note. Pr perly the time liouId not e thus named since nocorrect notion cani annexed, ut the action: his seither present, i. e. happens nomis imperfeci, orte sectae. e must, o ver, A the names as esin iliem, sinc it ould e selesso attempt ex change and explain them.
I. The present ense hows that something happens now,whils the person speah o writes os logo UrEad i. e. now. N. B. Sometimes an ardent imaginatio Conceives omething
Q. The imperfeci tenso generali denotes the continuance of one action, during hic another actioni appens; as, whils Iwas,rition I heam a cry my riling was not finistaed, ere Iheata a cry. et the imperfeci alio statas sor ille Persect as,ho die restertar, heri moriebauir he came ester dari heri veniebat. s. The perfeci tenso denotos, stat the actio is completis
and thatis ollier actiora folio is tr Om it as, hei vidi multos homines, Lyesterda Sa in an Inen.
4. heitupersectae e denotes, no only that an action is sinishod, but also, iliat another nowed stom itias, whenale anderi vas de , his generes diride his empire noconi stoacssim o dying was ast in Alexabder, ut thereon fialowedine division when Phad read illo book I mio ,---here aret actions madin and wriure, ne mas pasti und the thersollowed. 5. The sutum tense denotes, ilia something Will luippen, and is twosold ahthe simple suture denotes an actio merebas suture viet so statio inher Ulows thereon as, ego te semper amabo, I shall,lways love mee cras misiciscar, I shallgori monow it terminales in bo, or am, ar: hine suturo persecti siturum exactum, inows that an action,ill happen, but so that anothe wil solio thereon, ita anno sol in
shalliave come, he will see what we have made. he end os the war, and the arrivalis in hing, are both suture bucco nected evenis ille last villio solio intit theriret have hain penes It is the sam Min the sester' arrises, and Mehim Tho Engsisti osten in such cases se in simple suture; as, wheu me sester comes, he will seri in siis is incorrect a laad is a salse translation into Latin since theriather cannot
Me whilete comes orcis com in g, ut inus have comesalreMy. Sometimes the future persec stand so the Simple suture; as, sotis te malui videro, Cic. ad div. 6 4 and in othc places.
Note. At the precedinctenses, except the future perfeci, Whic is peculiarino ui indicative, occur in the indicative, conjunctive, and infinitive os vertis in O, Or, an sum : ut notin the imperative since this cannot reser to the past, an nivis ovisa present, an future. The socia of the tengs in their
personat larimnations ill e early exhibilis unde the Buruoniugations It asinis the learner, however, o Domahat ali herienses ora vem, Mibahe eruos, supines, an' par plasare derived sto seu principaliaris, in present audis euindicarere, supine, an present infinitiis Withou knowing
these parta, ve cannot conjugates to stio , there re that wecan conjugate, it is customar in parsincto repeat illese laurparis, amo, mi atum, Me scribo, Psi, Ptum bere, M.
A. min the present indicative are Armed allisther presenis, an imperfecis of the indicative, and in acertain degre' os the coruunctive, an ali sutures, except the future persecti amely l. the presentconjunctive active, sor in the srs conjugatio byςhanginio into em in the est into am; as, amo amem, doceo doceam, lego legam M. Changes intoor, and we have the present indicative passive and by liangin m os emor am into , or, hacis thesam thing, o into e an ar, e me the presentconjunctive passive os ille fame conjugations Mamer docear, M. . ine imperfeci indicative active: hom o in tho rs conjugation e ut he ibam in the semin, Domi ebam in the others, smiso ebam δε amabam, docebam, legebam, M. is changiniastor Hs, into have ille impersect indicativo
passive amabar, docebgr c. . the future indie live active homo in the firs conjugation, maea , in the secon Ad, in the stir an lauri am;
as amabo, docebo, legam, audiam addis O , orchange in into , e have the latur Passive as
in the Porci Os Veios. amabor, docebor, legar, audiar. 4. the presen im finitive active; stomis in the fini conjugation emine are in the secondare Wit e long in the thies Er with E shori, an in the ourthrars it i long. Hisce a the imperieci conjunctive, in the active by the additionis, as amare amarem, docere docerem, legere legerem, audire audirem, esse essem, Posse posSem, velle vellem hence in the passive by changiugm into r; as amarer, docerer, lege r audiri r. Habe present imperative active by rejectin re; as ama, doce, lege, audi B. In the third condugatio Dur verba rejectis final; a dic, duc, ac ser se dice, duce, suce, sere. o the present imperative passive: here there is no alteration it is exacti the fame asiae infinitive active; as inare, c. d ille presentinfinitive passive whic always includes the imperfeci: stomis, in therarat, sec-d and sol in conjugations wemine i as amare amari, docere doceri, audire audiri:
bu in the thir ero is change intori a legere legi. 5 the present participle: romis, in theirat conjugation, e mahe ans as amo amans in the seco , hom eo ens a doce docens in therili ird and urtii, stomis ens a lego legens, audis audiens. From thegenitive of this participi - may s in the futureia sive partici ple in ducis charinitis into dus as in
therars conjugation amans G. amantis, ainandus in the resti omin entis a docens, docentis, docendu3; legens, legentis, Agen εἰ audiens, audientis, audiem sis: henue e see, o srom eo, iens G euntis, we have eundus. Since the gerund are nothinginore than paris os these participies in os me he esonii ille gerunta us amandum, di, O, c. docem
te. Ι a verbia no presetit, a memini, odi, Coepi, it hasno the tenses inenc derived nor the partic Pres acti sui. Pin. nor res infin. nor impers conjimctive hence alio me se that ille pro insin acti is derive fio me pres. indie.
B. Fro the perfeci indicative are derived ali persevis and plupersecti Wissi ste future persees, os ille active voice. amely, i. persect comulictives bychanginiste las lette irini erim mitti e shori; asamavi amaverim, docui docuerim, legi legerim, audivi audiverim, memini meminerim, sui fuerim, &c. 20 thoplupersect indicative, by changin i into eram assui fueram, amavi amaveram, docui docueram, scripsi scripseram, M. G. ste lupersee conjunctive, bychangin i into issem a sui fuissem, docui docuissem, memini meminissem, scripsi scripsissem, audivi
audivissem, M. the future perfeci, is changingi into M a sui uero, amavi amavero, docui docuero, scripsi scripsero, memini meminero, coepi cepero, audivi audivero, c. i. the perfeci infinitive, Which
inesudes ille superiem is elimonii inis isse as
1hi fuisse, docui docuisse coepi coepisse didici didicisse, audivi audivisse, c. Note Verbs hic haven perfeci, as hebesco, M., have the tenses stencederived the perfect conjuncti Nupersees, M. est isalso rem ked that verbs Without a perfeci are also Without a supine. C. From the supine are formedi. Tho participio lature active, b changinium imo tuus;
as amatum amaturus, doctum Octurus, cliptum scripturus,
audit ini auditurus, dic 'his is declived through ali cases and gendos as amaturus, a ruinam amaturi, rae, , M. Fronisti, pari placis forme a me ut e conjunc active, faΡ- pendinisi sis sit e g. sim amaturiis Mahe sutum infinitivo
turus, a rum esse scripturum, Iam rum Plur esse scripturi, rae, ra esse scripturos, ras, a is the nominativo precedes, hoparticipiis is used in the nominative; ut is the accusative procedes the participle also is in ille accusative an pater dicitur
esse amaturus, mater dicitur esse amatura the aster o stomother is saida be goinito love audio patrem esse amaturum, matrem esse amaturam, Pliear that the sather, the mother il love parentes dicuntur amaturi sorores dicuntur ESSE amaturae audio parentes esse amaturos audio sorores esse
amaturas, M. est is indisserent hester esse procede, sol in in participis me si ut properi hereis remare, stat byssi addition os illo ver sum in allat tenses, mphrastic conjugation is Armed a maturus, a, um I shallisve,
properly I am ne that ill love amaturus Eo; maturus eram, sui, ueram, ero fueroci s also in the conjunctive amaturus sim I may be goincto love essem, fuissem stenc the infinitive esse amaturus, a, rum an in accus una, am, um:
illis is also tho infinium suturo active os the ver sincerit has no ossier. It once, however, en d in Mere; as amassere sor amaturum esse. μώ. Esse may be omitted as pater dicitur venturus, mater ventura, M audio patrem amaturum, M. 2. Tli' paruciso persect passive is changincum inis ussas amatum, amatus, a, um scriptum scriptus, nexum nexus,
De With his participio are forme est persecis an plupem seras passivi bovi in the indicative, coriunctive an infinitive, ines iniste future periret is addire sum, sim eram, essem,
suero, esse, orauisse. Ladding sumi sui, we have the percindiC. R Sum amatus, a uin sum scriptus, a, um: by addingsim, somelimes suerim, We have the pers coiri, a sim amatus, Dissiliae by Corale