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decide year by ear hether consul or militar tribunes shout be elected. f the sel sure of thei position theyarrange so the appotniment of consuis an in that eventoni patrician were qualifled. the ther hand political motive or militar necessities require the appotniment of militar tribunes, the residin ossicer, ho a naturali a patrician had, hether independenti or subject to thesanctio of the Senate' the option os refusing to accepi voteSsor plebeia candidate or eveni refuSin to retur plebeianS, i the obtaine a majorityi votes. e canii Scer trace of patricia intrigues in elections in Severa passage of Livy'S
O the ther hand the plebeians eremo Without a meanSos delance B this date the tribunes ad stablished theirpower of checking the administration by the exercise of the veto. B resusing Supplies ori preventin the elections Domieingheld the could produce a deadloch, hicli ould ultimately
Compei the patrician to malae Some conceSSion. On many occasion this politica conflic resulte in an interreg num. When ali the patricia magistrates ad est ossice, besore their SUCCeSSOr Were appotnted the Senate nominate an inurere to
election, win to the veto of the tribune or to ther auSeS, Consul were appotnted in 393 29 et and 392 3I. in . The elections too place auspicato an oni patricians could ahe
Elections in the Comitia Centuriata ere unti the ex Maenia was passe in 338 Subjecto the patrunt auctorizas. Is his eredente4 to any candidate the presidin magistrat could refugeri receive votes for hi oruo retur his name, even aster he had received majorit of votes. The meaning offarres in this connectio is disputed; it is mos probabi that it denotes the Senate. The veto on the collectio of the tributum or o the lev wasa savourite device of the tribunes CL 2 3 H6. 5. I 7. 5 comitia interpellantibus tribunis plebis. In case of an interremum the appotniment of the interrex lay withthe patres auspicia adpatres redeamti it is probabi that the patres in this case a in that of the patrum auctoritas denote the Senate.
lia no been concluded illiin that term , he appotnte a SuCCeSSor the econ inferrex appotnte a third, and the proceSS a continue unti the election ad been heldi. Livntelis us that in the ear O the firSt plebeia militarytribune a elected Pari Deling ad been excite by an attempt o the par of the patrician to tamper illi theplebeia tribunate an by the prosecutio of two militar tribunesy the plebeian eader had proposed a land la and, when that was resisted had vetoed the aising of the war tax ε. The strumle had texto a compromise si plebeian were allowedio ratanti, an carrie in majorit is the candidates' The
Examples of the interreg num ein s continue are recorde in 17. I. 8. The abdication O magistrates and the appotniment of Aterregie influence the date os election. From the ear conSulsan militar tribunes en tere ossice o the des of December 9. J. By the abdicationis the tribunes in o the Kalend of Octoberiecamethe regula da 9 8ὶ In 397 there a an interre num 17. ),whicli probabi cause another change, and in 39 aster the abdicationo the consul the alend of Jul was fixe a the date 32 1ὶ Theda on hicli the magistrate enteredissice dies sollemnis, . 3 mari eutheae nning of the ossiciat year it was alway on the Kalend o the Ides, but the monili varie a disserent epoclis. In forme times, when it happened that the suli number of plebeiantribunes a no elected by the eupte, the est ere appotnted by cooptation Thisaad been sorbidde by the ex Trebo=ria in 8, buton this occasio the law was verridden Io IIJ. The prosecution ad been undertaken by three of the plebeiantribune and the trialaad been made a pari queStion ΙΙ. 4; 2. IJ.
We do not know the exac circumstances, ut Livy' referen e tolli tempestiva de concordia oratio os Licinius I 2. II potnis to a com-
the name of the magistrates a leas four ere plebeian. His istake probabi aros homolle ac that Licinius a probabi describe in the Fasti a primus ex plebe a ille usuallyalven to an plebeian howas the reto hol a particular ossice Liv himself applies his description to Licinius in I 8 5 VI. 37. 8.
seelin os union a no disturbe sor ome time an in thenexi ea sive plebeian were electedi. At the ex election 398 B. C. the patrician made a greatessor to recove lost rounx a reaction o Deling had et in the patricians rought forwar thei StrongeS Candidates, appeale to the Superstitioni theseople, and with the advantage of ealth an hirth and the successsu employment finirigue manage to Carry thei si candidates'. The electionos 397 ad a Simila resultβ. In te of the ex electionthe patricians induce the magistrate to abdicat oma religiouSpretexi, an appotnte an interrex hopingo contro the election. y this time the plebeians ad recovere thei Strengthan the tribunes ut a veto on the election, unti a Compromise as arranged by hicli five plebeians Secure electionsi. These event Stio that the plebeian were a match for thepatricians, an it is there re strange to find that in the nexi Six ear. 393-39O patrician were alWay electe an o two
The agraria queStion a rather in the background duringiliis period. e ear of a lex a raria bein propoSed in OI 'but e do no learn hether it a paSSed In 393 a ColonyWa Sen to the Volscia territory, and in ali probabilityplebeian were allowe to hare in the distribution o land which too place in Connection it ity. The conques of Veii larget increased the extent of the public land and the plebeian eader probabi made great efforis to get both order admitte toraliare in the division Theproposa io migrate to Veii has obscure the political Struggle, whicli mus have tinen placem this question, hut Livy reser tolli cit an land of Veii a formin par of the booty', and the
The distributio took place viritim et . . β 2 . . 25. 6. Camillus complaine that the ods ad not ad their tithe of the cit an land of Veii.
grant of Seven iugora toruli Deemen wa probabi the price pallto the plebeians for the rejectio of the proposai . The renewalo illis proposa after the departur of themauis, is it was evermade', a baSed on entiret disterent gro undS.
Livy'Muncritica metho an his reliancem inferior authorities render his reaiment of the politica struggies of the early Republic ver unSatisfactory. He falle to understand the developinent of the constitution, he lachema prope appreciationo politica question an his udgment a no entiret impartiat. The annalisis, hom e sollowed, ad o been able torealige that the political conditions of the earlier ear o Rome were essentiali different Domitiose of their own age. Their account of the Struggle belween patrician and plebeianS, a Weseerit at second hand in Livy' narrative, wa coloured throughout by the ideas of a later epoch. The plebeianS, hocin numberSand importance were probabi no inferior to the patricians and who forme the main strength of the legions appeare in thework of the annalisis, S a ungry proletariat, ea and oppressed No distinctio is drawn etween the rich and thepoor member of the order, although his distinction a arulin factor in the politica siluation the agitatio of the plebeian sor admission to the igher ossices of state an toa hare in the public land was represente a almoSt reaSΟn te, and the conducti the tribune in asserting the rights of the plebeians is constanti describe a Seditious β.Liv accepted his representatio the more readit alit Was
3o. 7 and 8. ΜommSen, Fonchungen, II. p. 333 Say the Supposed Proposalos a migration to Veii is certaint a later addition to the narrative.' Io. 6 24. 4 25. II integrant seditionem tribuni plebis. The tribunes are accused os disturbing the concor of the state sor etfish
in accord with his own politica sympathies. As a Pompeiani he had an antipath to the rule of the ob in ali ages, an his admiration for the old Roman patrician of the type of Cincinnatusor Fabricius ias sed hi judgmen in favour of the patricians. At the fame time e must acquit himis ali conscious partiality, and admit that he oes no withhol his censure rom hepatricians hen e thinlis it deserved. favourite methodis representing Character and of bringing the political issu before his reader Liv Mund in the peeches whicha puis into the mouth of the chie actors in the political
drama. For these e mus have ad even tes materia than for ther part of hi Work, and we may theresore regar themas Livy's wn version o what might or liould have been aid. The have o laim to historica truth an are not adapte tolli particula times at whicli the were Suppose to have been delivered moreove the Stio more Xaggeratio an invective tha politica insight o concluSive argument, but the are vivid
Tac Ann. IV. 3 T. Livius Gnaeum Pompeium antis laudibus tulit ut Pompeianum tim Augustus assellaret neque id amicitiae eorum ecit. Augustus, ho poSed a the Peacemaher etween parties and who laime to have restore the republic, out doubiles have hauno objection to a histor writte seo the senatoria Standpoint.
Quint. X. I. Io ita quae dicuntur omnia cum rebus tum personis actammodata sunt. ΜommSen, orichumen, I p. 9o. A certain altitude ma berecognised in Livy's ork but it is no the historica altitude, hichfollows p causes and hecis, ut the poetical, hic need an un- interrupte narrative an above at things Protagonisis to representparties. N
whichae appealed determine the character of his ork. His narrative is fuit os life an colour' his style, hicli aso agreat extent hi own Creation is ricli and dramatio, an hasbeen describe by one o our mos brilliant scholars ac thegreates prose Style tha lia eve been ritte in an age or
PAC alibi parta Romani Veiique in armis erant tanta 1 ira odioque, ut victi finem deSSe Ppareret Eleetion at comitia utriusque populi longe diversa ratione RQ ς φλη C-laCta Sunt Romani auxere tribunorum militum consulari a poteState numerum; Cto, quot num Uam antea, Creati, Μ. Aemilius amercus iterum, L. Valerius otitu tertium, Ap. Claudius Crassus, . Quinctilius Varus, L. Iulius Iulus, Μ. Postumius, M. Furius Camillus, M. Postumius Albinus. Veientes contra taedio annuae ambitionis, quae l. salo interdum discordiarum CauSa erat, regem Crea Veii appotnt a Vere offendit ea res populorum Etruriae animos H non maiore odio regni quam ipsius regis gravis iam is antea genti fuerat opibus Superbiaque, quia Sollemnia ludorum, quo intermitti nefa est, violenter diremisset, Cum obdis iram repulsae, quod Suffragio duodecim populorum alius Sacerdo ei praelatu eSSet, artificeS, quorum magna ParSipsius Servi erant, ex medio ludicro repente abduxit. gen 6 itaque ante omnis alias eo magis dedita religionibus, quod
excelleret arte Colendi eas, auxilium Veientibus negandum, done sub rege Ssent, decreVit Cuiu decreti Suppressa fama est ei propter metum regis, qui, a quo tale quid dictum referretur, pro Seditioni eum principe, non vani se 8 16Acidis moni auCtore habebat Romanis etsi quietae ,
Veii res ex Etruria nuntiabantur, tamen, quia omni' bus conciliis eam rem agitari adferebatur, ita muniebant, ut 9 ancipitia munimenta eSSent, alia in urbem et Contra oppidanorum eruptione versa, alii frons in Etruriam spectans auxiliis, si qua sorte inde venirent, Obstruebatur. 1o2 Cum spes maior imperatoribus Romanis in obsidione
opposethe winter etiam, rex nOV militi Romano, aedificari
ς'φP''S' coepta, consiliumque ira hiemando COna tinuare tellum quod postquam tribunis plebis ciam is diu multam movandi res causam invenientibus Romam 3 St adlatum, in Contionem prosiliunt, Sollicitant plebis animos hoc illud esse dictitantes, quod aera militibus sint constituta nec se sesellisse id donum inimicorum veneno 4 inlitum fore. venisse libertatem plebiSP remotam in Per uopetuum et ablegatam ab urbe et ab re publica iuventutem iam ne hiemi quidem aut tempori anni Cedere a domoS
5 a re inViSere UaS. quam putarent Continuatae militiae CauSam Sse nullam profecto aliam inventurOS, quam ne quid per frequentiam iuvenum eorum, in quibu Vire Omne as6 plebis SSent, agi de Commodi eorum OSSet VeXari
praeterea et subigi multo acrius quam Veientis quippe illos hiemem sub tectis suis agere egregii muri Situque naturali urbem tutantis, militem Romanum in opere ac labore nivibus pruinisque obrutum, sub pellibus durare nemo hiemis quidem Spatio, quae omnium bellorum terra marique
sit quies, arma deponentem ho neque regeS, neque antem tribuniciam potestatem Creatam superbo illo ConSuleS, neque triste dictatoris inperium, neque inportuno decemviros iniunxisse servitutis, ut perennem militiam facerent, , quod tribuni militum in plebe Romana regnum XerCerent. quidnam illi consules dictatoresve facturi SSent, qui pro 9 Consularem imaginem tam saevam ac trucem fecerint sed id accidere haud inmerito. non fuisse ne in Cto quidem tribunis militum locum ulli plebeio. antea trina loca Cum Ioxo Contentione Summa IairiCiox explere solitos, nunes iam octoiuges ad inperia obtinenda ire, et ne in turba quidem haerere plebeium quemquam, qui, Si nihil aliud, admoneat 11 conlegas liberos et Civis eorum, non Servo militare, quo Iahieme saltem in domos a tecta reduci oporteat et aliquo is tempore anni parentis liberosque a Coniuges invisere et usurpare libertatem et Creare magistratus hae taliaque 13 Vociferantes adversarium haud inparem macti sunt Ap. Claudium, relictum a Conlegis ad tribuniCia Speech of Ap-
seditiones conprimendas, Virum inbutum iam lis
uo ab iuventa Certaminibu plebeis, quem auCtorem unus. 4aliquot annis ante fuisse memoratum Si per Conlegarum
intercessionem tribuniciae potestatis dissolvendae. Is tum iam non promptus ingenio tantum Sed usu etiam 3 exercitatus talem orationem habuit 'si umquam dubitatum adis est, Quirites, utrum tribuni plebi VeStra an Sua Th. 4 ibutidhcauSa Seditionum semper auCtores fuerint, id repursuing theli
ego hoc anno desisSe dubitari CertUm habeo expense of the
et cum laetor tandem longi erroris vobis finem - ' alaCtum SSe, tum, quod Secundi potissimum vestris rebus abii error est Sublatus, et vobis et propter vos rei publicae gratulor an SP quisquam, qui dubitet mullii iniuriis
vestris, si quae forte aliquando fuerunt, umquam aeque quam munere Patrum in plebem, Cum aera militantibus constituta sunt, tribuno plebis offensos a Concitatos esse ps quid illos aliud aut tum timuisse creditis aut hodie turbare velle nisi concordiam ordinum, quam dissolvendae maxime s6 tribuniciae potestatis rentur esse Θ si hercule tamquam artifices inprobi opus quaerunt quippe Semper aegri aliquid esse in re publica volunt, ut sit ad Cuius Curationem a vobis adhibeantur utrum enim defenditis an inpugnatis plebem putrum militantium adversarii estis an Causam agitis nisi osorte hoc dicitis quicquid patres faciunt, displicet, sivexillud pro plebe sive contra plebem est', et quem ad modum Cum Servis suis vetant domini quicquam rei alienis hominibus esse pariterque in eis beneficio ac maleficio abstineri
aequum Censent, Si vos interdicitis patribus Commercio is plebis, ne nos Comitate a munifiCentia OStra provoCemus
plebem, ne plebs nobis dicto audiens atque oboediens sit. quanto tandem, Si quicquam in vobis non dico civilis, sed humani esset, favere O magi et, quantum in vobis esset, indulgere potius Comitati patrum atque obSequio plebis o1 oportuit quae Si perpetua Concordia Sit, qui non pondere ausit maximum hoc inperium inter finitimos brevi futurum4 esses atque ego, quam hoc Consilium Collegarum meorum,
quod abducere infecta re a Vei exercitum noluerunt, non The tithodue Utve Sol Um Sed etiam neCeSSarium fuerit, postea j, tion o P y disseram , nunc de ipsa condicione dicere mili-
grievance of the tantium libet. quam rationem non apud vos
solum, sed etiam in Castris si habeatur, ipso exercitu disceptante aequam arbitror videri OSSe in qua, si mihi ipsi nihil, quod dicerem, in mentem Venire OSSet, o