장음표시 사용
. Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, calle to e an postle, separatedunt thea spei os God, 2. Whieli ho had promised aforeb his prophet in the hol scrip
Irace to Ou, and peace, Dommodour ather, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1. Paulus, servus Iesu Christi, Vocatus Apostolus selectus in Evangelium Dei, 2. Quod ante promiserat per Prophetas suos in Scripturis Sanctis,3 De Filio suo, qui factus est e
g. Declaratus Filius Dei in potentia, per Spiritum sanctificationis,
e resurrectione mortuorum Iesu
Christo Domino nostro: 5. Per quem accepimus gratiam et Apostolatum, in obedientiam fidei inter omnes gentes, pro nomine
vocati Iesu Christi: 7. Omnibus qui Romae estis,ddoctis Deo, vocatis sanctis : gratia Vobis, et pax a Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Iesu Christo.
causo in the churelis to hichas rote, it Was moreanOWnan more common, more aeceptabie in the Roman empire,
Thereb expressing the meaning o Paulus, hiel in Latin is litile. Paui,' say the quaint Elnathan αrr, signifies litile, an indeed no vnfitly for heris reporte to have been to in staturo, andri haVeha a very mali voice, hi chris thought to have been objecte to him in
i Ἀ called Apostlo vocatus apostolus κλητὸς α πόστολος ' Our Version
is, calle to b an Apostle. ost consider called' here in the senseo eliosen or elected, in chosen Apostle.' Professor tuar Observes that κλητος in the ritings of Paul has alWays the meaning of efficient calling, and signifies nodioni the invited but the effectuald invited. He refers to Cor. i. I, 2 i. 24 Rom. i. 6, 7 viii. 28 compared With Gal. L 15 Jude i. 1 Heb. iii I Rom. i. 29 Eph. V. 1.Η Was an postle by a cali, o as Bez renderiit, a the ali ofGod ex Dei vocatione apostolus. V he meaniniis the fame as What hehimself expresses it in Gal. i. 1 Turretii renderiit, inpostolus vocatione divina an Apostlei divine Vocation V
The Ord, servant, importa nothin else ut a minister, for it resors to hat is ossiciat. I mention his to removeth mistahe of thos Whorio much res no on this expression, and thinti that thoro is hero to se understood a contrast botwoen the servico of Moses and that o Christ.
Some combine the Dur separations. et par in the eternaleounse of God, and Dom his mother' Womb Gal. i. 15, and by the special commandment of the Hol Ghost Acts xiii 2 confirme by the constitutionis the Chureli, Acts xiii x Gal. i. . V arr. ut the Objecthere seemit have been that state by Caininu nor is it justis prudentio connect an other idea illi the or excepi that hic the contexi re
The ver is οεπηγγειλασο, ni here it comes DOm παγγέλλομαι,
Declaratus, Geis ψέντος Some of the ancients such a Origen, Chrysostom, Cyril, and others have given to this ver the meaning of proved
Le. ut it is sal that the ord has not this meaning in the e Testament, and that it means, limited determined decreed, constituted. Besides here, it is found oni intuli xxii 22 ocis ii 23 x. 42; i. 29;Xvii. 26 Heb. iv. . The ord, determined, o constituted is adopted here, ould amount to the fame hing that is that Christ was visibi determine or constitute the Sonis God through the resurrection, O by that event. di Was that Whicli fixed, otiled determined, and manifestiv
Professor tuar has conjure a number o dissiculties in connectionWith this verse, for hicli there seem to e no soli reason. The phrase, the M of God is o wel known Do the sage of Scripture, that hereis no dissiculi connected With it the fuit phraseris the n*-begotten Son. To a that Christ' resurrection a no evidence of his divine nature, as Lagarus and thers ad been aised rom the dead appear indeed very Strange . id agarus rise through his οὐ poser Did agam riseagain or ur justification as his resurrectio an attestation Os a thingae had provi usi declares The Rev. A. Bαrnes Ver justi says, that the circumstances connecte Willi Christisere those hicli renderedhis resurrectio a proos of his divinity. Professor Ho e ives liat he conceives to e the importis the two verses in these ords, Mesus Christisas, ait his human nature, the Son o David; ut he a cleari demonstrate to e a to his divino nature, the Onis God by the resurrectio sto the dead. V his tesis alieni many sue asiareus, Beza, Turrettin, c. ut the ords,
ferenti by others, a mea ning the Hol Spirit. A the phraseris noWhereelse Dund it a b taken in ither ense. That the divine natur of Christ is calle Spirit, is evident. Se 1 Cor. XV. 45 2 Cor sit. 17;Heb. ix. 14 1 et sit. 18. Dod i e Scott, an Chalmers, considerthemoly Spiritu be intended. The last gives this paraphraSe: μ Declared, O determinatet marhed cui tote the Soni cod and wit poWer. The thin Was demonstrate by an vidence, the exhibitio of Whicli requires pulting orthis poWer, hicli Paul in another place represent asa ery great an strenuous exertion, Accordin to the orking of hismight poWer hen e alsed hi fro the dead.' The Spirit o Holiness, orithemoly Spirit. It was through the operationi themoly Spiritthat the divine natur Was infused into the human at the birthis Jesus Christ and the ver sam agent, it is remark le, as employed in the Work of the resurrection. Putrio death in the esti, says Peter and
quichened by the Spirit. Wo have onlyrio do illi the facts of the case. II Was demonstrate to e th Son o God by the power of themoly Spirit haring 0en put forti in raisin him Do the sad. V A to the
genitive eas aster resurrection,' se a simila instanc in Acts xvii.
The idea deducod by Caluin that he is allo here the Spirit of
Besides, a divino p0werris sal to avo hono orth in thorosurrectionis Christ sor his reason-be auso h rose by
rocommendationis his Office, homo roturn to spea of his
iro nomine ipsius,' --ερ τολόνοματος αυτου ad nominis ejus gloriam
For the obedience of faith, yc. -Τhat is, e have received a commandri proach the gospe amon ali nations and this