장음표시 사용
10S PLUTARCH. seems t reproae them illi thei missortunes, andovery bold and fremaddress is considere a an insuit. Ag oney ake n ounde Or ulcerate member sinari s it osten appens, hut a remonStrance,
tem sucti a temperatur a tentis to iis preserVation. Eo in a system us40veminent, is a statesman is dete
mined to describse a stra ight line, and in ali hings togo against the inclinations of the people, uel rigo urmus mali his administration odious and on the
could noti brought into by despoli sui and violetice. It mustio acknowledged that this medium is difficulti hit upon, ecause it requires a mixture os dignitywith gentienos ; ut hen thecius temperatur is gained, it present the happi est and most persectiua mon that an e conceived It is by this sublimo harmon the Supreme Being govern the wοrix sortiatur is no dratae into obedience to his com mands, and though his influenc is irresisti bis it is rationa an mild.
This is tho greatest, and by sar the mos illustrious
was o lain without it crest the dispositionis mei is naturali pregnant with strisse, Suspicion, and envying 'hien theirs, who, as Pindar observes, arctwithout understanding, an have o soli judgmentin things. Noman cun do any thing that wil tendmore t his own profit, and the preservationis his Peace, than ulterint purgemutis his in thos corrupi affections and cast themissis the ver sinitos ali iniquity that therma create no more mischies
outd them in honest diligunce, indefatigabie indus-
an ad varice in him Pan illo an Iazyciis may bocontemne and forsalien But is Our enenates arrive
that is quite contra . For Plato, ho RS a Competent udge, as os opinion, that Virtue Was a more valvabie trensure than ali the riches a bove, O ali hemines under, the arth.
Wo have no gone through tho lis of Sylla, and
But since th laws und public virtve neve ctourished more ut Sparta than when Lysander a sentisponti, hi liust undisos important commiSSionS, we may concludo that se,us the bos among the Virtuous, and tres among the grout Thus the one, though huosten surrendero the command had ii as Oston re torod tu him by his sellow-citigoris, ecause his vi tue, hi h ulon has a claim to the pri Ze os hono ur, continuod stili ho amo. The other, aster ejus One app0inted generat, usurped the command undhept in arm for ton ea res, ometimes stylin himself Consul, sumetimes Proconsul, and Sometimes Diutator, ut a niways in realit a tyrant. It is triae, as we have observed a bove, Lysander didattemptu malio a change in thes parian constitution,
should prove a mule hso tho politician would entir0Iymis his aim, is instea os inquirin into thes qualitiosos a pers0n or sit si magistrate, he ooked ponnothin but his fami ly. Thus the Spartans deposodsonae os thei Lings, oculis the had ut princ0ly
Thuy were both guill of injustico iut Lysander formis si tendes, an Sylla against his Moest os i
sander' fraudes ere committe 1 sorii oreatures, und
ConSequennes. suo his mis arriag in Boetia undat Haliartus, ill-fortune perhaps, ad Some concernin it, ut it was principali o in to indiscretion ;sincea would 0t wait so the great ruini reement