장음표시 사용
in proconsul ; and his riund pressod himo receive their bonos actions, hen in Xile ; et, as ehave atready obsurVed he est sed them all. Thoianishment os Demosthenos reflectod inflamyuponaim he was convicted of tal in bribos that of Cicero, great honour locauso he sufferod sordestroyin traiiors, wh had vowod thu ruinis theircountry. The former, thores ore, departe&without e citing pit oraegret so the nitor the senate changedihela habit, continuod in mourning and could notio persuadeest pas an ac tili limpse pleiadis calledhim. Cicero, indeed, pent the timo os exit in an innetivo manne in Macedoniari ut illi Demosthunes it was a bus porto in his political character. The it was, as, have mention ud abovo that howont to the severat citiosis Greeco, strengthened the common interest, an desea te thu osigiis of the Macedonian ambassa dors. In hicli respecta dis- covere a much greater rogard sor his count than Thomistoclos and Alcibiades, whon undo the Same missortune Astur his return, ho ursi odiis sortiter planis o Verriment, an continuo tho war illi Antipater und the Macedonians. heroas Laelius reproachsed Cicero in sul sonato illi sitiing silent,
less, Ora admiredior the provision he had madu spoison, o tho care illi hich he had prosorvsedit, and his nobi marinoris using it S that, hens Neptune id not assor him an asylum, he had 0- eoum to a more inviolabi nitar, rescuod iniselfsrom the weaporis of thse uariis, an eluded trie crueit of Antipater.
What is principali to' admired in the lives os
Dion and Brutus is thei risin to uel importancos roni inconsiderablo' innings. ut hor Dion has the advantageri sor in the progressis lory, he had
PLUTARCH. Dinon liberty. Dion, On the contrary, was happier in his bunishment than the tyrant thatianishq him and et he voluntarily exposed himself to angor sortho D00domis Sicily. Besides, toteli ver the Romans froni Caesar, and the Syracusans rom Dionysius, wer ente rises os a very different Lind. Dionysius was an avo ei and establisliud tyran and Sicily, with reason, groanod beneuth his oke. ut illi re specto Caesar, though, hiis his imperiat powerwas in iis insancy, he trented iis opponent With seve
tyrannica actio couldie laid i his charge. Nay,
Auch was the conditionis Romo, that it evidenti required a master pund Caesar wayn more than a tender
the distoria persis the state. Os course the peopte n- monte his death, and were implacabi erit aged
tali up aruis against him. Vel f this circumstanc is considere in anotherlight Brutus il hau the advantage. The greatest glor os both consist in thoi abhorren cem tyranis, and thei crimina mensures This, in Brutus, as
PLUTARCH. In other vi e than that os restoring the ancient serm
Desides the enterpri se against Dionysius cannotio placed in competition illi that against Caesar Thosorme had rendered himself contemptibi by his low
ilio talontis and conductis a is manci and Plato,aecordingly, lames him in his letters 1lar matting hoice of such frienti as, in the end were his
thum. nother time, hen a certain Strange derido him a Corinth in a very rude an scortisul manner sor having, in the meridiani his powor, talion pleasuro in the discola meis philosophers, an
aro that ars mos peculia to human nature , unde standing and reason Poswhicha O the undercland ingis the master of re On, and reuson the servantis the
gaveri Demetrius Seems O me Ver remarkuble,
whieli ak0sivei thoi est lis pleasunt to those hocho osse it, ut ii musti prudeno in conjunctio Mithit, hichiotinly malles it the best sor iis Lind, utSweotest in iis ei 0yment. The solant in os tranquillit there releing inmursolves, et usileans it si omul impurity, and mali iis troauis limpid that ullexternat accidunts byaeing made familiar, a beno longe grievous torus, but that we a play them