The beauties of Plutarch; consisting of selections from his works

발행: 1831년

분량: 200페이지


분류: 미분류


PLUTARCH. 137t plead heriwn cause, it is reported that the senato Ordere th oracle to e consulted what thy strange event portended to the city. ay, lint is recordedos a se insanio us womon is a pro0fis the obediencoand meel nos of the Roman matrons in generat. Foras Our historians givo us accounts of those ho simicarriud war into the bo eis of their count , o against thei brothors, or ere si si uili of parricideri soth Roman relate, that Spurius Carvilius a thesirst among them that divor sed his is , whenm such

It was in the 520thbearis Rome that thisiain


tho cementis education. YOu ill say then, was no Rome bellered by herwar. A question his hicli Want a long answer tosatisse suci a place themappines of a Stato in riches, luxury, and an extentis dominion, ather than in Security, qui ty, temperance, and content. I may Seem, hOWeVer, to afford an argument in s voianos Lycurgus, that the Romans, upon quitiing the disciplineos uina, Oon Rrriuod at a muchaigher degre os





were present to leavelim, and provido sor theiriwn Sasely. To thos that were absentie sent the fame





magnificent muniter, an prepared a funera pile astor hicli the attendod th proeession in thei ummour, an happy was the mari fiat could cum to

erning a the were os ein go verno by tho. Nor id thui affection cense illi his deuth cit susvived the grave, an termina ted in the atred and destructionis Vitellius.




These are the particulares hicli, thought worthreciting roui histor congemini larcellus and Pelopidasci etween whom there a a persect resem blance in the gist of nature, an in their lives and manners. For they Were both menis heroic strength, capable si induring the greateStriatigue aud in cour age and magnanimit the were equat. The solo disso renc is that Marcellus, in os of the cities whi hi tostii assauit, committed reat si nughter ;whereus Epaminondas and Pelopidas neve spiti thoblood ostin man the had conquered, or ensia ecl



das, ut Leuctra and Tegyraeci hereas, accordin to

Polybius Hannibal was noverince deseated by a cellus, but continue invincibiu tili ho hau to do with Scipio. However, e rather belle vo with 1vy, Caesar, and Cornelius Nepos, among the Latin historians, and with in Iuba among the Greeli, that Marcellus di so metimes beat Hannibal, and eVen puthis troops to flight thoughle gainedio advantage of

him sussicient is turn the balance considerabi on hisside so thatisne might even thinii that tho Carth giniuit thon acted illi the artis a restier, hosomelimes suffers himself toto thrown But what hasbeen very justi admire in arcellus is, iliat, aster Such great armiesia been Outed, S many generals Stain und the whole empire ulmost totali subverted hu ound means to inspire his tro ops with oui ageenough to malle head against the enemy. Η was theoni man that Domin state of terror and dismay, in whiel thuyiad long remained, aised the arm to aneagernes soriatile, and insused into them Euch a spi

manded in person, and Marcellus won more than any Romanis his time, he who performed S many e

plous, and was solarito conquer, may perhaps, be



put ori u levet with thoeother, who was neve beateri. On the ther hand i may be observed that a cellus took Syracus , herstas Pelopidas falle in his attemptrapon Spartari et Pthinli even t approacti Sparta, and tote the firAt that eversassed the Eurotas

Hannibal, ut oui Without the assistunce but ignins the remonstratices, O the ther generales

As for thoi duallis, iraiseraeither the One nor theotherri ut it is illi concurn and indignation that Ithinliis the strango circumstances that attended them. At the samo im admiro Hannibal, ho ought Such a number os batiles ascit ouldie a labour οIeChon, without evor receiVing a Wound Pand I greatly approve the bellaviour o Chrysantes, in the Cyro