장음표시 사용
88 PLUTARCH. rudes pon us contrar to ou destres, et u alter
thei nature, by putting a disserent construction upon
Is e considereth extensive benesits which Greecereceived rom Flaminius, se hali sin that nei ther Philopoemen norither Grecians more illustriuus than Philopoemen, ill stan the comparison,ith him. Forali Gruelis always sought against Greelis ; ut Flaminius, ho asino os Greuce, ought so that country. An at a time hen Philopoemen, unableto essendiis sullo citigens ho were eligaged in udangerous war, assed ver into Crete, Flaminius, having anquished Philip in thoiuartis Greece, et cities and wholo nations 1 reo. Is we examine intothei batiles, it ili appear, that Philopoemen, Whilelie commande tho Achaean Orcus, illed more Greelis, than Flaminius, in asserting the Grecian cause, kille Macedonians. As to thei saltings, ambition was thessauit os Flaminius, and obstinac that os Philopoemen. The so mer a passionale, and the alter implicabie Flaminius tost Philip in his royal dignity, and pardoned
himselfh iis stron th iut Philopoemen distinguished
s ormeri poli y, and thu alteri cortrage. Add tothis that Flaminius had his en ready armei and disciplinod to his hund horeas Philopoemen liud
the pori an gravit os a tragedian sor, a Plato says, cit is the heightis injustice to appen just, and
humo urs and inclinations und that the fame paSSionS, th sume uVersion uni destres, ure the sita cernent
sist in his imitation of that rosedom os diseolane which friend panicularly use in mutuali reprehend-ing oncti other. For finit in that mon usu atly tali itsor,hat it reali is the natura langvago Os friend-
Tho flatisrer, observinitio congenia it is toturnaturos to delight in the conversationis those ho
bring ito hand by accommodatin himself to tho
In the fidit place, e muSt accurates remurhipontho wholo tonoris his lis and conversation, hetheror no the resemblane he pretendes to th originalisos an continuance, natura an uasy, and ali os apioco 'hether he square his actions according to any one steady and uniform Odel, as bestomes an ingenuous love os conVersation and friendship whicli s
one und the fame man, but a mere applem triminor,