The beauties of Plutarch; consisting of selections from his works

발행: 1831년

분량: 200페이지


분류: 미분류


roquirexit, is justi accused os an illiberat duplici ty.

pultroOnery and menti submission to the mos ab an doned person in the stato deserve the greates re proauli. Eesides, russus stio exsome magnanimity

sost ero nis tranquillity, a soriae os the philosophers exprescit. The love telas ad sor ea e was indue a divine attachment, and his endonvoum, during


his hole administration to ut an en to the war, were orth os the Grecian humanity. his alono places him in s honourable u light that Crassus couldio have been compared ith him, though hol ad ad tho Caspian ea or the Indian Ocean the

honour. Ani Nicias certaini di this in ruising Cleoli O the command of the arm P man whoiadnothing to recommendistin but his impudenc unditis baistin in tho rostrum. n themtheriand Ι

Persian war. O revent the advuncement os a man



to go against Minoa, Cythera, O the p00 Melians but is there as Occasio tu figlit illi ho Laced0- montans, e put os his armour, an intruste thoships, the men the warlike Stores, in hori, theentire directionis a War hicli require the osteonsummate prudene and Xperienee, to the ignorance and rastines of Cleon in hicli ho was notoni uriustu himself an his Own honour, ut tothe w0lsar and Anset os his country. his mado the At iunians sen&him ster ards, contrar to his inclination against Syracuse. The thought it asnot a convictionis the improbabilit os success, buta regarda his οwn eas and n antis spirit, hi li

that though ho was perpetuali against War, andalways declined the command yset thessalled notrio appoin him loci a the abies audiust gunera theyhad. ut Crassus, though he was sor everruimingratrueli a charge, neve gaine one, excepi in the warwithali gladiator and thatini because Pompey, Metsellus, and both the Lucullus' Wore absent This, the more remari able beenus Crassus was arrived



againstatio inclinationis the Romans that Crassus

and ad the fame attempis illi Crassus, their character stood unimpenched both as to moderation


PLUTARCH. 1s1 Media, persia, Hyrcania, Susa, and Bactria, and reducod thum to the formis Roma pro inces For, acc0rdin to Euripides, is unice must e violated, nn men cannot sit down quiet an contente withtheir present possessioris, it hould noti sor tui ingtheis mali 0wn os candia, o raZing Such a casti as

with contemst indeod. In faci, the wh commendAlexander' expedition, an deor that Os Crassus, judge os actions ni by the event. A to thoi militar performarices, severat os i-

Cius' are Ver considerable Ide gained many batiles, and was very nea tal in Syracuse. O were allhi miscarringes O many errores but the wereno be

go the belle of his incapaci ty, as that his incapacityprevalle ove tho good fortune os Rome. Asine of them uid the greutest attention to divi nation, and the Other entiret disregardexit, and yet





in a friendi Way by the regard and veneration thepeopleiad fortis person Lycurgus lindri Struralewith conflicis and angors, bus ore he could estnblisti his laws. The genius os uuan was more mild and gentie SOftening und attempering the sier dispositions os his peoplerio justice audiea u. Pwe se obligedio admit the sanguinar audii ustorea talentis tho Helotes, as a par os the polities of Lycurgus, o must ullo Numit have been far tho more humano undiquitable a giver, who permitte subsolute glavest iusto of the honour os freemen, an in the Salu nalia to e literini ne a long illi thei mastem. For his also thu teli us was ne os urna' institu tions that person in re state os servitudo houidis udmitted, ut leastinc a ear, to the liberal onjoy-

mentis hos 1 ruits whicli tho had holped to aise. Some howeve pretendo find in his custo in the vestiges of the qualit whicli subsistud in tho timus



different natur and qualit os their respeetive govem-ment require a disserent process. For it was notthrough wantis Ourage, buto guard against injustice, hut Numa restrui ned his subjecis DOm ar nor did Lycurgus endeav0urno insus a martia spiritinio his people, illi a vie to encourage them to iu-jure thers, utri guard thum against belli injured by invasioris. Asmach ad the luxurian es of his citigens to priane, and their deficiencie to illip theymus necessarily ake Ver considerable alterations.

Numa s distribution os the eople was indulgent

city. ut Lycurgus inclined to the nobility in mο-

That the 1 r00 mon might be sentiret and oncessor allsree, he wouldio suffer them to give an attention tothei circumstancos, but that whole busiri s was totalest to the flaves undMelotes, in the Sume manne asthe drussing of thei meat diuina madem such distinctionis this heinlyput a stop to the gain f rapine. Not solicituus to prevent an nequalit Os Substance, he sorbad n othor means os increasing the ortunesos his subjecis, nor thei risin to the reates Opulcnceri neither didine guard against poVerty, whicli atthe a me timo made it way into, a nil pread in the



session Os his citietens, but at were moderatet providud, he hould a firs have combated the destre os gainci and like Lycurgus have alched against iis

siderable but uel as ave irili to the many and greatur ubles that happened in the Roman state. Asrio an equa divisioni landes, ei the was Lycurgus to iam sor mal in it, nor uina sor notmakiniit. The equulit whicli it caused assordedili formur a irin 1 undation sor hi goVerninent Pandth lalter finditi a division atready made, an probabi as et subsistin entire had n occasion to



to sorin them to that modest whichris tho ornamunt of thul sex ; ut the reat libert whicli Lycurgus