장음표시 사용
Othorruisse thou ili subjeci thyset to the derision
sistant to thoe se thera servinihi in instructi nihim delialitina him, uuardin him, o sightinet in his
Sir, repliud Cloanthes), I stili rind, and thutes dot gain m living, and no depari rom philosopho .
PLUTARCH. 69os themature of the gods, moon, si ars, and sui Andyet, thiis thes iste servile ortis l
As Demetrius and Anton both assed through, ariet o sertune, e hali consider, in tho fimi place thei respective power an celebri ty. Theso wero hereditar to Demetrius sor Antigonus, themos powersu os Alexander' Suce sors, ad reducod ali Asia durin his son' minority on theothuriand the sutheris Auton was, indeed, a munos character, but notis a militar character; et thoughio ad n public influene or reputatio totiequeath to his soli, that sonii no hesitate toaspire to the empire of Caesar Pand without any titio Qither Dom consanguinit o alliance, he effectuallyinvest dii insols,ith uti that he had acquirex atteast by his οὐ peculiar,eight aster he had divid-od tho ori int two paris, o too thoiuiter serhimself B his leutonunt he conquere theia thians, and drove bach the barbamus nation abo Caucasus, as surrus the Caspian ea. Even the lessreputabie paris of his conduci ure O many testimontes of his reatnem. The ather os Demetrius thought it an honoura marrylim to Phila the Gugi ter of Antipater, though there was a disparit in thela Feum ; hil Antony' connection it Cleopatra was consideredis a degrading circumstanceri thoughCleopatra, in ealth and magnificence, as Superiorto ali ho prince of her time, Arsaces Xcepted. Thus h had ratiod himselsa sueti a pitch of gran- deur, that the worid in gunera though him enthled even to moris thau he wished. In Demetrius' acquisition os empire there Was
nothing roprehensibie. e extende itini to nation inuredo flavery, and destrou of eing ο-verned But the arbitrar power of Anton gre o the execrabie polic Os a tyrant, ho ne more reduce to laver a peopte thalaad halis Osr huyoke. Consequently th greates os his actions his Conquestis Brutus and Cassius, is darheno with tho inglorious motive os restiniit liberi froni Rome. Demetrius, dui in his belle sortunes, consulte theliborties of Greece, an removed the garrison si Omilio citius 'hil Anton mado it his boast that he had destroysed the assertor of his country s reedom in Macedonia.
Both were insoloni in prospority, and seli, illi Oomuch eas into luxur an indulgetice. ut en everin Demetrius negl0otin his affair sor his plea Sures. In his houm os sistare, indoed he had his Lamia, hos ossico it was, ille theriair in the fabie, to ullaim to leop, ο amuso him in his play.
Demetrius beingrander no prohibitionis the laws, but sollowing the sexample os Philip an Alexander,
tively pardonable and modest. Historians tellis that the Athenians turned tho ον ut os the citadet, hecause the had thei procreative interco se in public But Demetrius liud his courfesans, and dis-honoured the matronsis Athens even in the templeos Minerva. Nay though rueli Seems t be inconsistent illi sensual gratificutions , he scrupled notiolarive the mos beauti sui and virtuous ouili in thacit to the extremit o death, to avoid his brutal designs. In Shon, Antony, b his amoro cindulgences, uri ni himself Demetrius injured
and r lations thatis Demetrius is irreproachablo hut Anton sacrifice his uncteri the sinor os Caesar, that he mightio empowered in his turn tocutiss Cicero. crime the alter Was, whicli nevercouldie ad pardonabie, ad Anton even medandio sacrificed an uncte by the means. The areboth accused os perfidy, in that ne of thoin threNArtabaetus in prison Pand the other killud Alexander. Antony, 'OweVer has Ome apolog in this caserisor he had been abandone an botrayed by Artabazus in sedia'. ut Demetrius a suspected os layin re salse accusation against Alexander, an os punishing, no the offender,ant the injured. Thur is his difference, toο, in thein militat operations that Demetrius ained Ver victoryhimself, und many of Antony s laureis ere On by
Both lost thoi empla by th0iriwn sanit but bydifferent means. The forme was abandoned by hispeoplo the lalter deserted his even whilst the were fightinisor him. The vult os Demetrius mas that,b his conduci h lost tho affectiora os his arm :tho sauit os Antony, his desertion and neglectis that affection. cither of themia be approved in theirdeath ut Demetrius much les than Anton sorho sufferet hinis0l to sul into tho and of tho
These are tho mos memorabie circumstances in the livosis Demosthenes and Cicero that could bo collected rom the historian which have come totur
to observe, that Demosthenes by the exertionis allhis powers, both natura an acquired, po that Objectinly, came to excee in energ and strengththoemost celebrated eadem Of his time in grandeurund magnificenceis style, ali that were eminent sortiis sublimum declamation and in accurae andari, the most able prosessor os rhetorie. Cicero's studies ore more genera and in his reasures orknowledge, he had a great ariety. eius testis anumber os philosophica tractes, hichi composed ipse the principies of the academ and wo eo Homethingi an Ostoniationis earning in the very orations hich he wrote so the forum, and the bar. Thoi disserunt temper are discerni bl in thet wayos riting. That os Demosthenes, withoutinny em- bullishments of wi and humour, is alway gra V and serious. Nor do es t smel of the lamp a Pytheasta untini suid, but of the wate drinlier of the manos thought, sine ho was characterlaed by the austerities oscit . ut Cicero, h lovexi indulgo his veri os plensantry so much assected the wit, that he somelimes sunt into the best on Pandi affecti galei in the most serious things, tu serve his client, he has offunded against the rules of propriei and de- eorum. Thus, in his ratio sor Caelius, he Says,
os himsolf that tris pia in he had a most intemperate
It is necessa , indeed sor a statesman to have theudVantage os eloquencori bucit is mean and illiborat tores in Such a qualification orno hiant ustor prais in that quarter. In this respect Demosthenes bellavedwith more dignity, with a superior elevationis oul. H suid, Mi abili tyri explain himself was a more acquisition notis perseet, but that it sequirodgreat candour und indulgetice in the audienco. othought it mustae, as indesed it is, ni ado and Iitti mind that can value iiself pon Such attain-
neve had an opportunit sona trialis this hinc mo
neve obtaine an eminent chargo nor didie leadthos armies against Philip whicli his oloquelice adraised But Cicero ent quaestor into Sicily, and proconsul into Cilicia an Cappadociari at a time, toο,
proos of his contemptis money many of his humanit an goodness. At Ome, illi the ille onlyo consul, ho ad an absolute und dictatoria power agnins Catiline and his accomplices On whicli occasion e verisio the prodictionis Plato, Thatever stato ill e deli vero froni iis calamities, when, by the savour os ortune, great O er unites with wisdom and justice in On person. It is montionsed, t the disgraeo os Demosthenes, that his eloquence was mercenaryci that he privatelycomposed orations both sor Phormi and Apollodorus, though adversaries in the sum cause T Which Woma add that he was suspected os receiving moneynom tho in o Porsia, and condomnod sor takingbribesis Harpalus. Supposin sum os these the Calumnies of those who wrot againstitui and they
hand had magnificent prssent sunt hi in by thse Sicilians, heu he was aedile ; by the Lingis Cappadocia,