장음표시 사용
in famam ac Muram. Some editor preser formam ac Muram, hieliis justi condemne by Walchis no in accordance illi the historica style os Tacitus rgen stehen, in Tacitus' historischen Schristen, Dehnungen te, GeStali undiit de Seelo. Non quia intercedendum putem imaginibus. - Notiecaus Pthinkthat me liould rejeci thos resemblances of the departed . V Literalty notaecaus Pthinii that, muSt ut our et upo thoSeresemblances.' The Ver intercedo here employed in iis figurative SenSe reser properint the interposin os a veto On the parti a magistrate ho has the right o to O. ConSult Dici Ant. s. v.
ABNon MoNs. nam given to that par of the lac Forest where the Danube commenee iis course, and whieli lies Opposite the tow of Augusta Rauracorum, nOMAugst. istone altar, illi
ABNOB inscribed, a discovere in the lac Forest in 1778; and in I TS a pedestat of White arbie ac und in the Dueli os Baden, bearing the word DIANAE ABNOBAE. These remainso antiqui ty, esides throwin light o the siluatio of the ancient
Abnoba Mons Setile also the Orthograph of the name, hici Some commentator incorrecti Write Arnoba. Compare a Germanie de Tacite, par Panckouche, p. 4, and the Atlas to the Same ork,
2IS GEOGRAPHICA L INDEX.whicli separato Ital from Raetia, and whicli extended Domitio
GEOGRAPHICA L INDEX. 219 Raab and the Danube. Manneri malles them to have dwel in thoeasternmost angle belween the Danube and the Saave VOl. iii. p. 569 C. S
BAT vi. Quantit of the penuit Oubisul, but more requently long than Shori. A German tribe, ho occupie the istand formed by the Vahalis Naal an Mosa Meuse) an also that sormed by the ortherii armis the Rhine or Rhine of Leyden), the Vahalis
and Mosa aster thei consuetice, and the Oeean They Seem alSO, 1 roin the language of Tacitus Germ. c. 29), O have occupie asinali tractis the antis of the Rhino no include in the insula Batavomum, Scit is called by deSar B. G. iv. 10 . The Batavi, there re were the inhabitant of outh Holland an som adjacent paris. They ecam the allies of the Roman unde AuguStus. Drusus, the brotheris Tiberius diag the canal called ossa Drusia=ia, whichcioin the Rhine and Ysset O the orthWester par of the fland wel another e ple of the Same origi a the Batavi, the Canninefates Hist. iv. Ib), WhOSe chles OWn a Lugdunum
nam Batavi is preserve in that Ofietuste, the name of the districtincludod etWeo the Rhine of Leyden the Waal, and the et . Aster the de athis Galba, hen the arm on the Rhin solio ed Vitellius to Romo Claudius Civilis roused the Batavia a re volt, hieli was horti asterWard SuppreSSed The were employed by Agricola in his ars in Britain Agric , 36). The changes hicli avetaken place in the lan in thi quarte rende the geograph Some-what dissiculi. In the time o Tacitus mos of the Zuyde Ze Wasdry and The rivers, especiali the Rhine, have ery mueli altered