The Latin & Irish lives of Ciaran

발행: 1921년

분량: 218페이지


분류: 미분류


Τhis sentence reacls very awkWamly, owing to the incorporation os imo originalty interlineo glosses. Reference to the ΜS. enatiles us to iSolate these. The sentence there runs thus Si ergo in isto loco mansissem non Vsseat .i. imus esset ideSi non Paruus Sed altus .i. magnus et honorabilis. ' Ηere idera occum three times, once in fuit, and twice represented by the common Contraction .i which is univerintly used in ΜSS. of Irish origin for the introduction os a gloss. Is we write thesentence as helow, we Shali See the significance of the disserent ways in which the expression is written, and by expunging the glosses Can mahe the sentence less clumsy ano more intelligitile

magnus et honorabilis altus.




Κiaranus: it is in the westem border of the land of Ui Neill, on the eastem bank of the river Synna, OVeragainst the province of the Connachia. Therein arethe rings or the lords of Ut Nessi and of the Connachia buried, along with Saint Κiaranus. For the river Synna, whicli is very rich in various fish, divides theregions of Niali, that is, of Midhe, and the province of


siluate at the entrance of the ocean, was long androum and difficuli, and crossed hordem os differenthingdoms. Then at the command of Saint Κiaranus, the cloah was placed on the river Synna, and was Sentalone Min the river, and it came dry over the watem




manded the brethren to refrein their hodies well, with Sobriely, rendering thanks to Christ for his oris. This is the Last Supper of Saint Claran with his brethren in his life he himself ministering unto them for he lived thereaster hut few da . And that Supper

For after a long time, when Saint Columba with his followers had come to Ireland from the istand of Hia, a great feast was prepared for them in the monasteryos Saint Κiaranus in his setilement of Cluain: and when they had come to the religious house of Stant Κiaranus, they were received with great joy and love,

D may know this, and may belleve that it is true, come and perceive the odour of my finger Min whicli Idrew of that wine for the brethren. For my thumbiouched the liquor through the mouin of the cup in


we write here an example of this. He ever had a Stone