장음표시 사용
An hecausera Lupe ad give to hi no giftshe had great despite, an defamed hi to thehing, so that the in sent hi into exile, and there e lione by miracles an virtues. An in the meanwhile, the of Sens lew a bisho whichi ad ahen the place of S. Lupe, an after, theyimpetred of the in that S. Lupe returned Domexile. And when the in sa that he was aerongi done to he was changed by the grace of od that he kneeled tofore the ain and required pardon, and re-established him again in his hurch, and gaveri him many fair gifts.
O a time ache camerio Paris, a great company
miles nigh unt the own the began to reprisethe ound like a the had tofore. An S. Lupe en against them an received them illi
of the interpretatio of his name. Μammertin is aidis mamma, Whicli is a muchio a as a pap and of tina that is to a taste, forlike as ast that falleth froni the pap into themouit, of the child, and is firs natur of lood, and after it is converte into the weetnes of milh in like ise a he nourished frs in lood, that is o say in sin, an after, he converted himself anon into the apis his hear in the weetness
hat he had angered his ods, and went toWarda he temple se to adore the idols and there metaim o the Way a religious an ame Savien,
Milich demanded of him how his infirmit happed
hat fel that night he went into the et whicli
out for heris ali ou and ma notae here With us. And whenae houldae ut ut heaneeled tofore them, an gat grace of S. Amadour, hicli commande hinario gorio S. Germain. The heaWoke and came to S. Germain, and neeledio re hini and required pardon, and tot to himal that was happed. And the went the togetherto the toni o S. Concord, and listed up the tone an sawman serpents, hicli,ere en Dot long, and would have flown way, ut S. Germain commande that the should go into such a placethere a the should either rieve ne uri man. And then ammerti mas baptiZed, and was madeat whole, and was made a mon in the monasteryo the lesse S. Germain, and was abbo after S. Elodien. An in his time S. Marine a there a monkwhos obediencera Mammerti Would prove, and committed him to kee the oules ossice of the monastery, and ad hi herdman of the Xenan hine in an iste that was there, ut he was offo great holines that Wil bird camerio in and were nourished o his hanes, and e delivered a wild boar fio the liound and et himet his Way. There came thieves and robbed hina, o a time, fati that he had, and ook4Way ali his lothes avea manite. And when the were gone e called them again and saidci Return and come again ordhave founde here a penny in m mantie, per- adventure it is necessar to ou, hicli non
ΤHE GOLDEN LEGEND si places, the went ali that night, and in the morning Thethen und them at his celi, homo salute and j -h,
Here foliore eth the Lis of S. Giles, and yrs the interpretatio of his name. Giles in Englisti, and Egidius in Latin Andit i saidissi, that is ithout, and geos that is theearth, an dya, that is clear o godly. He Waswithout earth, b despising of earthi things, clear by enlumining of science, divine or godi by love, whicli assembleth the love to him that is loved.
- i e S. Giles ruas bor in Athens, and was of noble lineage an roya kindred. And in his hildhood he was informed in hol lettrure Andra a da las he wen to the church, he found a sic marwhich lay ali sic in the way and demanded almi of S. Giles, hicli ave in his coat. And a1 soon as e cla hina ithat he received fui andentire health. An after that, non his ather and his mollier died, and rested in uri ord, and the S. Giles made Jesu Christ heir of his herilage. Or
a time sine en to the church a man was mitterWith a serpent an died, and Giles came against this serpent, and made his orison, and chased tutis him at the venom. There a a man which ah demonia in the monaster With other eople, and
troubled them that heard the service of God Then Giles conjured the devii that was in his Ody, and anon herissued out, and anon he was ali hole. The Giles doubted the peril of the worid, and
went secreti to the rivage of the ea, and saW there mariners in great perii and like to peristi in the ea. Anthe made his prayer, and anon the tempest eaSed, and anon the mariners came to an and thanked
God Andiue understood by them that the went to Rome, and he destred to go,ith them, Whom the received into their hi gladiy, and sal the would bring him thithe without an freight or ire And then e came to Aries, and abode there Woyears illi S. eZarien bisho of that ity, and there heraealed a man that ad been sic of the lever three ears. An after, he destre tora into deseri, an departe covertly, and welled there long With a hermi that Was a hol man And there ' his herit he chased 4Way the
;terilit and barrennes that Was in that country, and The
heain heard say of this hin he had suspicionphat it mightae, and wen and warne thetishop, n both went thithe with great multitude of
uniers, and when the ound were o the place
An he prayed ur Lord that he might neve biwhol thereo in his life for e new et thavirtve liould prosit to him in infirmity. An thi hin visite him sit, and received of him hi pasture of health. And the hing 1 Tered to hin many great riches, ut he refuse ali. An after he admonished the in that he hould do mahemonastery, herea the discipline of the orde omonks hould e, and when he had do mahe it
Giles refused many times to ah the charge an
The S. Giles returne thence With honour,snd whenae came to the ity of Nemausense, heaised the son os a prince that was dead And altile hil after e denounced that his monasteryliouldae destroyed os nemies of the faith. Anditer he wen to Rome an gat privileges of the,ope to his hurch, and wo oors of cypress in vhicli,ere the mage of S. Pete and aul, and 1 thre them into the Tiber a Rome, and recom-nende them to God for to overn And wheni returne to his monaster he made a lanae mano go, and found the Wo oors of cypres a therate of his monastery, hereos e thanked Godha had kept them ithout reahin in s many id ventures a the had been, an sithae et themit the gales of the church for the beaut ofhem, and for the grace that he hurch of Romeia done thereio. An at the ast ur ord
andiuke describe no the generatio of ar buto Joseph, which was a froni the conception ofChrist. But the custom fueriting Was of Suchordinance that thoe generation of omen is no
fhowed ut of the men. verit the lessed Virgin descende of the lineage of David, and tris
certain that Jesu Christ a born of this inlyVirgin It is certain that he came of the lineageos David and of Nathan, o David ha two ons, Nathan and Solomon amon ali his ther sons. And a Jolin Damascen witnesseth that os Nathan descende Levy, and Lev engendered elchionans ianthar, lanthar ingendered tarpanthar, Barpanthar engendered Joachim, Joachim engendered the Virgin ary, hich was of the lineageo Solomon formathan had a isse of hom heengendered Jacob, and when Nathan was dead Melchion, hich was son o Lev an brother os Panthar, edde the wisse of Nathan, mollier os Jacob, and onae heingenderediti, and so Jacobandili,erearethren os ne mollier ut not of one ather. io Jacob was of the line of Solomon
indili of the line of Nathan, and then Eli of the sine of Nathan died ithout children, and Jacob
his brother, Which was of the lineis Solomon, too a Wife and engendere and aised the eed of his brother an engendered Joseph. Joseph the by natur is son os Iacob by de scent of Solomon That is to it Joseph is theson o Jacob, and after the la he is son fili whicli descende of Nathan, for the so that Was