The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


os very good deed hould increas by the help

This oly man cons unde right vallanti theheretics, insomuch that the preached pent thalit ere no in to lay Augustin, an said that heought to e stat like a Wolf, and the assirmedilia God pardone at the in to them that leWhim, an he was os times Walte of them, and when he went in to an places, the set pies, but by the grace of God the were deceived of thei voyage an might no findaim.



rarioso and Ometime ne commande to brea the esseis of the churchrior o give to the oor eople, and dispen it among the needy. He ould everbu house, nor field, o toWn, an refused many heritages that were fallen to im, heresere, hesaid that the appertaine to the child re of the dea people, an to them that were ex of theirhin, an it sussice him nough that whicli fel tollim by the church. And et he a no ententive so the love of such goods, ut da and nighthe thought in divine scriptures. He ad everstud in ne fabric nor uildings, ut eschewedio et thereon his courage, hicli eve he would have re Dom ali odii griest so that he might more freel entende, and more continuatly to thelesson. Nevertheles he would o forbi themthat would edi', is that he a them no do it digattemperately. He raised them strongi that ad destre todie, an remembered much of thereupo theensamples of three bishops. For hen Ambrose Was at his end, he was prayed that he hould get longe space of his life by his prayers. He answered: I have no live so that Pani ashamedio live among ou, an I am no afrai to die, fores have a good Lord; hicli an swer Augustinpraised arvellovgly, and also e sal of anotherbishop that it was sal to hi that he was et much necessar to the church, and that he hould prant God for the deliverance of his sichness.


bering a certain philosopher o hom his friendshadiso give much to in the time of his fame; and of he aid of the uissant that is required

attempere so the manne of his duty that he was not vertiastin himself, ut the ourtes of the sayer deserve to e eard. He ould gladiterhea cause of unknown men than of his friends, for etween them e might reel kno thedelauit, and of them to mahe ne his frien forwhom by right e might ive sentence, and of

his friend he was ure ociose ne that was him against hom e gave the sentence He Wasdestre to reach the wor o God in manychurches, and there e reache an converted many rom errors. Whenae reache he had acustom omelime to depari in frona his purpose,


66 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe and then e sal that Goda ad ordained that for

Lises the profit of some person as it appeared to Austin, Doctor 'ν anichean whicli in a sermonis Augusti Whereas he departe fro his matte and preached against the fame error, and therebyae a converte tolli faith. In that time that the Goth had alien Rome, and that the idolater and false christia menenjoyed them thereos the made S. Augustinthere re the book of the Cit o God in hieli

in his life and the evi me Bourished Andthe reatis of the two cities is erusalem and Babylon and of the hings of them. For the hingo Jerusalem is esu Christ, and he of Babylon is the devit, the which two cities alie two oves in them. For the ity of the devi maheth a loveto himself, growing the fame uni despite o God. And the cit o God made a love roWing unto the despite of him. In that time the Vandals bout the ear of our Lord seu hundred and fori too at the province of Africa, and waste all, and pared netther man

nor oman nor for orde nor for age, and after

came to the cit o Hippo and assiege it illi great poWer. An unde that tribulation, Augus

die. He calle them his rethren, and aid: I


vas o commanded in a vision to come o him.


mind that o man, of What excellence that hewere, ought notrio die ithout confession, ne ithout o receive his aviour. And whenae cameto the last our e fel him hole in ali his

members of good entendment, clear feein and hearing and in the ear of his age three cor and

parte out of this life and went uni ou Lord. An he made no testament for e as Oor in

Jesu Chris and ad not whereos. An heslourished about the year of ou Lord seu hundred. An thus S. Augusti right lea by light wisdom, figlitin in defence of truth, of faith and

of garnisonis the church surmounted ali the therdoctor of the church, as et by engine, as byconning, ourishing ithout comparison a Weliby example o viriues si abundance of doctrine. O whom the lesse Remigius in recordin os Jerome and other doctor salth thus: S. Augustin concluded ali the thersa engine andi science. For howbei that the lessed erome aith that he had seen si thousan volumes of Origen. this sanae rote so many that o mani da notnight might not rite his book ne et read them Volusian, o hom S. Augustin rote, aith olhim, thus I lacheth in the law of God ali thal


Augustinanemnot. S. erome aith thus in an Theepisti that he wrote to the glorious S. Augustii Lites . have no conning to ansWer O thy tW great , his 'books, hining by ali clearnes of fair speahing, and certaint this thates have said and have learned by engine and conning, and drawn ut of thesountain os scripture, is by the declare an set sortii, ut I pra thy reverence thou suffer me alitile to rais thy engine. The lesse Isidore Orote thus of him in the book of twelve doctor :The glorious . Augustin, bishop, yin by the

high mountain a an agie, halli pronounce byelear ord many of the paces of heaven thebound of the and s, and the circle of the waters. An after it appeareth hat reverence and love




right fair oung man standingaefore hina, and so Thegreat abundance of water coming ut of his mouili is os .

his doctrine. There a a man which had great devotion to S. Augustin, gaVe great good to a mon that heptthe od of S. Augustin foro have a finge of the glorious aint. And this monk too this money an delivere to him the finge of another dead man wrappe in illi, and eigne that it Wasthe finge of the glorious . Austin. An thegood an received it much honourably and in

things, and the faith of this man, aveo him for that finger the ver prope snge of S.

Augustin, and when e came into his country, there ere an miracles howed hereby. Therenown an fame thereos came to avia of this finger, and the mon aforesai affrmed alwaystha it a the snge of another dea man. Thesepulchre as pene for o no the truth, andit a found that here lached ne of the fingerso the glorious aint. And when the abbot ad knowledge of this thing, he ut ut the mon os that ossice, an tormente an punished him fore. Many the miracles liath God showed by his lisse, an also after his eath, hicli,ere verton to inrit' in his book for the would I suppose,

contain a book a much as ali his an more, ut among ther corrections I ill et herein ne miracle, hici I have een ainted on an alta of



so that this glorious doctor aderand compiled many volumes, as assere is sald, among hom e made

book of the Trinity in hichae studie and mused fore in his mind, o far forti that on a time a hewent by the ea-side in Africa, stud ying on the Trinity, e found by the sea-side a litile hild which had made a litile it in the and and in his hand a litti spoon. And with the spoon he ookout mater of the large se and oured it into thepit. And when S. Augusti bellei him hemarvelled, and demande him ha he id Andhe answered and said: I ill lade ut an bringat this mater of the se into his pit. Whattsaidae, it is impossibie, hom ma it e done siththe se is o reat and large, and th pit ancispoon o littiel es forsooth, sat he I lightlier and ooner dra at the water of the eetandariniit into his it tha thou hal bring the myster of the Trinit an his divinit into thylitti understandin a to the regar thereos for the mystery of the Trinit is greater an large icthe comparison of thy i and brain than is his great secunt this litile it And therewith thechild vanished away. The here may Ver martake ensample that o man, and speciali sinapi

lettere men, ne uniearned presume o intermit