The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


anon there came a reat rain and uenche thesire so that he hodies of the aints had non harm. An the christia men too counse together, and

di do bear the odies to Constantinopi tili that



and when the udge ear it e followed after With many nighis, and then the in came

contrar to them, an drowne many, and constratne the thers to return. An the in the

had spoken to them, and the he went tofore themand showed them the way and when Natali famhim g tofore them he was replenished with oy, so that tofore da they came to Constantinople. And when Natali entere into the ouse hereth martyr Were, he ut the and of Adria to


vision, and took e leave, an after gave u her The Lila

bodies of the martyrS. Gorgone

Herefollo eth the se of S. Gorgone. SS. Gorgone and Doroth were in Nicomedia,chie in the alace of Diocletian, an renouncedihel chivair for o follow thei evertastin hing. An confessed illi a igh voice that the were


Eugenia Here e in the Limes of SS. Prothus and acinctus and Eugenia, an irs of their nam . Ρrothus is at o prothos that is o say4rst, and of panthos, hicli is a much to say as presentation. For he was of the rs of his

lineage presente to God by good Works, and by

martyrdom. Jacinctus is a much to a a lying Within, or a rectous stone amed acincte forti played in the torments and theres ore hecis injo aboVe a a rectous Jacincte. Eugenia is aidos eu, hicli is a much to a a good, and gigno ignis that is to engender, and o Eugenia is a much o say as et engendering For heengendere to Jesu Christ good lineage, that Was ther an mollier, and many thers, hichi herWere engendere to the christian aith. bES. Prothus and Iacinctus. Prothus and acinctus ere gentiemen o nobielineage and were fellows in the stud of philosophywith Eugenia, daughter o Philip of the most nobi elineage of the Romans. Whicli Philip ad alienos the senate the provostr of Alegandria, and had

ted illi in Claudia his isse, his sons Avitus an Sergius, an his aughter Eugenia AndEugenia a perfeci in ali the libera aris and letters Prothus and acinctus ad studie withher, and were Comerio perfectio of thos sciences.

An Eugenia, in the fifteenili ear of her age, as require, to e marrie of ne Aquilinus, sola of


the consul Aquilinus, and sh answered that her The Lives belloved toae marrie and choose a husband ullis of Sainisgood manners an notis high lineage. An thenone:ne uscam to her hand the doctrine of S. Paul, and sh and began in her ourage tot made christiana good Eugenia

manners. An then a that time the christianmen ere et suffered o wel beside the cit huios Alexandria. And as he went playin and walhin by the to , he ear christia men Sin a verse of the psalter hicli satilici Al thegod of the miscreantsi deviis, urior certainlymade the heavens. Then aid sh to Prothus and Jacinctus, that ad studied illi her in the aris liberat: e have verpasse the arguments and syllogisms of the philosophersa stud corruptibie, the arguments of Aristolle, and ideas filato, and the enseignments of Socrates, and horti ali that the poet ang and made, o the philosopher thought, it is ali closed by his sentenceri et u then ebrethren an folio me ur Lor Jesu Christ. And this counse pleased them And then he took

the habit os a man, and came to the monaSterywhere Helenus as abbot, hicli ould in nomise suffer that any oman hould come o him.

An this Helenus ad on a time dispute againsta heresy, and when that he saW that he might notsustain the force of the arguments he di do burna great ire for o prove his Dith, an saidci estiali se nom hicli is the right faith, an he himselfintered firs into the re and came ut againwithout uri oraries, ut the hereti Would notenter into the ire, and was confuse and put Way. An When Eugenia a gone to im, and ad said that he was a man, he aid o her : Thou sayest trul and wel that thou artis an for thou Gorkest virtuousty And the condition is her


Iaa THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lives Was howed to him hen o God, and sh receivedos aint the habit illi Prothus and acinctus, and id Protbu', heroo e casse of ali rother Eugene And

tahen in his ove, and how he burne in destringhim, and prayed her that he would te byae and have o do carnalty, and embra edae and issed her an exhorte heroo do in An Eugenia had great horror and abominatio of her, and said Thou arti right calle Melancia, for tris an vilnam an fulsille of reason thou ari sat blach


because of medicine, an too me and would have enforced me by strengili foro have inned illi him, is Phad notaeen holpen an delivered by achamberer hich was in m chamber. And whenthe provos heard his he was greatly moved, and sent for a multitude of people, and ad Eugeniato e brought illi the ther servant of Jesu Christiound in iron, and stablished a da whenthe ali hould e delivere to east foro bedevoured, and the were the calle tofore the provost, hich aid o Eugenia : a to me, thou right cursed wretch, is ou God hath aught youto do suci, Works a foro corrupi an destile the omen forcibi against their ill And then Eugenia, hicli ad the head inclinedaecause hewould notie known said that ourior hastaughtan enseigne chastit entirely, and promise tothem that hept it the life perdurabie. An wema weli ho that elancia is false and leth, but it is belle to us to suffer than he hould evan quished an punished, and that the fruitis ourpatience peristi not. ut notWithstanding, et herchamberer e brought forti, here, he is thewitnes of ou felony, so that the leasing of herma be reproved And when he a come, hebeing earned of herclady opposed against Eugenia, and said that he would have taken e by force,



Eugenia hameles creature ut more blam guttiles o theservant of Jesu Christ, ne that he gloris no inher malice ne in her falsity And ecause that truth surmounteth her easing, and that isdomsurmounteth her malice, I hali ho the truthfor non ad vantage, ut for the glor of ou Lord. Anythen he ook her coat an rent i unt hergirdie bove, an sal that he was a Woman, Sit appeared, and also sal to the provost Thouar my ather and Claudia i m mollier, and thelmain that sit,ith thee, Avitus and Sergius, be mybrethren, and I am Eugenia, thy aughter, and these main e Prothus and Jacinctus And whenthe fallier heard that he kne mel his aughter, and then e and her mollier embrace her and wept tenderi for joy And then the clothed Eugenia illi lothes of old an enhance heron igh. And after his came a re seo heaven an burni elancia an ali her meiny. Then Eugenia converted to the faith her ather, mollier, brethren, and ali the meiny, and theres ore est thes ather the provostry, and was ordaine bisho of the christian eople. And a he was in prayer an orison he was stat of the miscreant and payninis. The Claudia, illi her fons and

Eugenia, returne to Rome, and there converted

much peopte uni the faith of Jesu Christ. Then

by the commandment of the emperor here a agreat tone bound to the nec os Eugenia, and hewas thrown into Tiber, ut the tone brahe and she ent Without arm po the water Thenshe was thrown into a turnin furnace lut the


of the nativit of Our ord, the tormentor assent to he andae mole os heraead.

An after that he appeare to e mollier, and sal to e that he hould folio her o the Sunday after And when the unda came Claudia ut herset to praye and gave her spiritio God, and then Prothus and acinctus eredram to the temple for o do sacrifice, and theyby thei prayers ali to-brahe the idol and whenthe would in no is do sacrisce, the accomptished thei martyrdom in suffering thei headsto e mitten off. An suffere death under Valerianus and Gallus bout the ear of uri ordtwo hundred an fifty-seven, by hos merit let

were greatly enhanced. An it is to e under-stood that tofore the passion os urior Jesu Christ the re of the ros Was a re of sith, for the Crosses ere ad os vile trees and of

trees ithout fruit, for at that a plante on



o death, for me mere ut there o death, tWas also the re of stench, for it a plantedamong the carrions. An after the passion thecros was much enhanced, o the vitet wa trans

sa thee. His barrennes Was turne into fruit,as tris sal in the Canticles shal ascendo,

into palmoree et cetera. His ignobilit or un-worthines Was turne into sublimit an height. The ross, that a torment of thieves, is nowborne in front of the emperors, his darknes isturne into light an clearness whereo Chrysostom althci The cros and the wound shali emore hining than the rays of the sun a thejudgment. His death is converte into perdurabilit of iis, hereo it is sal in the prefacethat, rom Whenc that the death greW, rom hencetheriise refourded, and the stenchris turne into SWeetness, Canticorum .

This exaltationis themoly Cros is solemnisedanda allowed solemni of the church, for the faithis incit much enhanced. For the ear of ur Lord si hundred and fleen, urior sus redhis peopte much tot tormente by the crueity of the paynims And Osdroe hing of the Perstans, subduexto his empire at the realitas of the worid andine came into erusalem and was fear and adrad of the sepulchre of ou Lord, and returned, butae bare illi him the partis the Hol Crossiliat S. Helena ad est there. An the hewouldae morshipped os ali the eopte a a god,