장음표시 사용
Hilan, a nobi church in the honour of S. Jolin Thebaptist. Decolla.
An like a Paul itnesseth in the histor of es' '
hat man was ali night in prayer an came to theemperor and answered to him and said The queenaath do made a church of S. Joh Baptis and Irayeth continuali for the Lombards, and therectore thou mayst not urmount them, ut the time
O a time came a man os great Viriue, as
S. Gregor salth in his dialogue, hos nam WasSanctilus and had received in his heepinx deaconmat Was ahenis the Lombard by such a condition:hat i h fled e liould have his ea sinittenns. The sat Sanctilus constratne the deacon flee, an delivere him, and when the deacon Mas One the too the fame Sanctilus an lediim forti to e belleaded. And the chos astron tyrant to docit, and he had n doubi to mite si his head at ne stroke. An the the;aid Sanctilus stretched forti his nech, and the;tronibulcher is tedis his arm illi the word,
in Sanctilus cried S. Jolin receive my Oul, and then non the armis the utche was o stiis halae could notarin i down again, ne bo it in a manner. An then that bulcher ad his ath that he would neve aster in his life mitea christia man. An the good an Sanctilus arayed foratu ond anon the arm came dorun and
brought into the temple of Serapis for to csacrifice uni the idols, he te in his visage, andas Oon a he had done so the do fel to theearth and ali obrahe. An the he was led cth idolis Mercury on hichaeale also, and itfel down then to the arth. And after he was edto the third mage, hicli as of Diana, and id like a he had to that ther. An the he was
tormented with the great torment of eculeus that is torment hicli is ad like a ross. The hewas rought, after, to the re os sacrifice, o tosacrifice here. An the holy ma lineeled down and prayed, and te against the tree, and in-
continent the re turned the oot pward and fel The Lisedown and in the fallin destroyed the simulachresi S. with the altar an temple And when the provostheard that he commande that he hould therebeaeheaded, and that the od should e est toliound and easis. An there pran a man in themiddie amon them confessin him freel tobe a christia man, and both of them hissing therwere there belleade together. The christia mennot nowin his nam called hi Adauctum, hecauseae en so hardit to S. Felix, an saidhe was a Christia man, hen e suffered martyr-
The Lila married. He had Savie of his first isse, and osos S the secondhe had Savina his daughter, and gave toΣRVist inem in that naine. O a time Saulen read this verse: Asperges me, domine, and anon he demandedWhat it Was o say, ut e might no understandWhat it Was to say, and heintered into his chamberand ware thelair, and kneeled within his chamber, an sal to himself that he had liese die tha that he hould no understand the ense of that verse. Then the anget appeared and said to him: Torment the not for thou has found grace anens ouri ordJesu Christ. And to the end that thou e more White, mahe thee clean, it belloveth the to e baptized, and the thou hali understand an knowthat hicli thou requires to no noW. And
secreti away, and went uni themit os Trecassina, and ache went ove the rive of Secana he prayed
emperor afthat the returned not he sent more Themise
ΠΟt, ne ear no thee, ne the torment that thou
8 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lis when the emperoranem that he had non harm, os . he weened o have been nraged, and command ed
and ent into the fame place And when theemperor hear say that he was escaped, e commande that he hould e pursve and that his head shouldae mitte os . And wheni. Savienapperceived that theanighis followed, and that he
that theanight bare of his lood to the emperor, The Lila Wherewithae anointed his yes, and non he had Qx his sight and was ali hole, and then e said: His God is good an mighty. An there Was
Which oman ad been lin by the pace of
sepulchre an madeae prayer, non he received
destro mine id olf hicli a not save me De
84 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThetis and dwelle there sive ears, and healed two lame i S men and wo lind men And then the angelappeare to her in her flee an sal to her: What is his that thou ost that has test thyriches an livest here in delices is and dine, an after o into the cit o Trecane that thou mayst find there thy brother. And thensii sal to e chamberer I belloveth us no longe to abide here and sh said: Lady,
And the mothe would have retainedae there, butshe in no ise ould agre thereio, but departed. And the daughter lived, and aros o the orn. And when Savina illi her chambere arrived a mile nigh unio Trecane, he aid o her chamberer that he would there est a litile. An there came a nobi man seo the cit named Licerius,
the nam o Jesu Christ, an is urie in such a The place And then he ut her in praying, and Lis Qt
An this sanie danis the eas of S. Savina that was iis of S. Valentine, night, hicli asbelieade unde Adrian the Emperor, ecause hewould no sacrifice to the idols.
Lowe or lupe is ome sichnes in the leg, whicli belloveth a medicine, forcit is a malad that rogneth and useth the flesti. And ais it is sat amanne of sh that is o the water an on theland and it ma no drown ymo force of ater. An thus may be expounded S. Lowe, o heused and trained his proper flesti by penance. Forae a like the lupe of the water and of theearth, for helawelle in the water o delices, f
great and many miracles and virtves, he was made
An anon after came a messenge to the gate, thalsaid to them, that there ere arrive tofore thegate an hundred naues of ine.
and aid that, ne strange ne evil Word anno ne hurimo an he his own conscience defiteth him
os France, and entere in to Burgundy, he sent his steward against them of Sens for to assiege thecity. The Lupe entered in to the church and began to ring the cloch, and when the nemies