The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


generations of the HebreWs and ther strangers Mere hept in the mos secret hest of the temple,



Anna solet dici tres concepisse arias, Quas genuere viri Joachim, Cleopha Salomeque. Has duxere viri Joseph, Alpheus, Zebedeus. Prima parit Christum, Jacobum secunda minorem, Et Joseph ustum peperit cum Simon Iudam, Tertia majorem Jacobum Volucremque Johannem. But it is marvellous foro se how the lessed

i tofore aid. It is certain that ligabeth as Zachary's iis, hich Was of the lineage of Levi, and after the iam ach ought to edis isse of his oWn lineage. And she was of the aughters of

Aaron, as S. Luke Witnesseth, an Anne as of Bethlehem, as S. erome salth, and was of the

tribe fraudati And then the of the line of Levi,edded wives of the line of Judati, o that

that the lessed Virgin ary descende of the


thei victory the whicli hin appeareth of the Thenam o Christ, or Christ is a much to sanas NatiVityanointed For in the old la there a noΠ Linjanointed ut priest an hings, and we e sald christia men o Christ, and e called the lineagechose of hings and priesis. ut ecaus it issaid that the me too wives of thei lineage only, that was ecause the distributio of the oris should notae cons unded. For the tribe of Levyhad not his ori illi the ther, and there remigii the wel marry them illi the omen filia tribe or here the would like as S. Jerome reliearseth in his prologue. When he was a childhe had a litile book of the history of the nativityo the Virgin ary, ut as e remembere a longlime aster, he translate it by the prayer of some persons, and Dund that Joachim, hicli as of Galile of the cit of Nazareth, espoused S. Anneo Bethlehem, and the were both jus and without reproachis reprehension in the commandments

of our ord, and divide ali hei substanc in

three paris that ne pari Was for the temple,

that ther the gave to the oor and tigrims, and the hird was for themselves and thei meinyto live illi, and thus live twent years in marriage ithout avin an lineage. An thenthe avowe to urior that i he sent to theman lineag the should give trioaim, fora servehim. For hicli hin the went every ea into Jerusalem in three principat easis, o that in theseas of Encenia, that was the dedicatio of the temple the Joachim ent uni Jerusalem illi his indred, and came to the altar illi the thersand would have offere his offering And whenthe ries sa him, he ut im part by great despite, an reprove him ecause e came to the


liave seen thy sham an hear the reproach. That thou art barre is to the no reproach byright, and God is venge of sin and notis nature.

worketh so that he peneth it ster, more mar-

mised And was no Rachel long barrent Andyet ad sh no after oseph, that et ali theseignior o Egypti hich was more strong than Samson, an more hol than Samuel And et

were thei mollier barren Thus mayst thou


thing hal be ad in suspicionis her, and right

Andes give to the the sign, that he thou hali come to the olde gate a Jerusalem, thou halimeet there Anne thy isse, hichris much amoved

about the temple, after the fiftee psalmsi degrees, fifteen teps oraree to ascendis to the temple,



the had performe thei offering the lesit heirdaughter in the temple illi the ther virgins and the returne into thei place. An the VirginΜar profited ver da in ali holiness, and was visited ait o angeis, and ad ver da divine

Jerome aith in an episti to Chromatius andio Heliodorus that the lesse Virgin ary ad ordaine this custom to hersei that, rom the


io the Virgin ary. An Joseph, of thelious o David, was there among the thers, an him seemed to e a thin unconvenable, aman scio id age a he was to have so tende a

virgin ad not rought forti his rod. And thenJoseph by the command ment of the bisho brought

forti his rod, and non it flowered, and a ove descende fro heaven thereupon, o that it Wasclearly the advice of very ma that he hould have the virgin And then e spoused the Virgin ary, and returne into his it o Bethlehem for to ordain his mein and his house, and for to fetch such things as ere necessary Andthe Virginiar returne uni the hous of hers ather illi even virgins her fellow of her age, whicli ha seen the demonstrance of the miracle.

the da of the nativit Was notonown in longlime o good christia men, and a master Iolin Beleth aith that, it happe that a man o good contemplation very ea in the sigili des of September a in prayer, andae hear a company


sucti solemnit an notis other days. An thenhe had a divine answer that, o that da theblessed Virgin ary a bor into his orld, and that he hould do it tot known to the meno hol church so that the shouldae concordableto the eavent cour in halloWing this solemnity. And when he had tot this to the fovereignbisho the ope, and to the thers, and had been in fastings, in prayers, and ought in scriptures and witnesse of old writings, the established his da of the nativit of the glorious Virgin to ehallowed generalty o ali christia men, ut the

Aster the death o Pope Gregory, non theciligens o Rome enclose at the cardinals in the conclave ecause the should urve lighil sortite hurch, ut the might no a cord in manydays, ut suffere of the Roman much sorro . Then avowed the to the Queen o Heaven thati the might o quiet froni thenc they shouldestabiisti to allo the octaves of the nativitywhicli the had long negligenti test. An theythen by one accord hos Celestin, and were de- livered, and accomptished the thei avo by Innocent, or Celesti livedaut a litile time, and there re it might not be accomptished by him. An it is to it that he hurch halloweth three nativities, the nativit os uri ord, the nativit of

the lessed Virgin ary, and the nativit of S. Johi Baptist And these three signis three


THE GOLDEN LEGEND Iosnativities spirituat, o we bessior again Withri Jolin TheBaptis in the water of baptism, and with ar in NatiVitypenance, and with urior Jesu Christ in glory GD Andri belloveth that nativit os baptisma tofore contrition, and that oscio also. For the wo byreason lave sigils, ut lecausae that penance saccounte for vigil, there re that of ur adybelloveth no vigil, ut the have ali utas for althast them uni the eighth resurrection. There as a'night much nobi an devoviunt our ad Whicli en to a tourneying, and he found a monaster in his a which Was of the Virgin ary, and entere into it for o hea mass,

and there ere masses ne aster another, and for



that ther company o virgins sanxand reliearsed again the fame Then the wo irst ingersiegant sing this that followeth Primus ad ima ruit magna de luce superbus, Sic homo cum tumuit, primus ad ima ruit.

and stood tofore the mage and areasone it in his manner, saying O les sed Virgin, I have prayed of the form so that thou houldst delive him, and thou has notaelped me his retched mollier, and I pra also th son to et me and et I feein fruit. An there re like a m son is ahens rona me so hali Ioahe way thine, and se him in prison in hostage formine. An in his sayingshe approached ear an took Way rom the