장음표시 사용
and id do mahe a tower of old and of silver, The
the mage of the sun and of the oon and of the lφη : .stars, and ad that by ubile conduit Water o Crossbe hid, anda come down in manne of rain Andi the las stage he ad horses to dra chariois round about like a the had move the tomer, an maderit o seem ascit ad thundered Andilius his cursed an abod in his temple, and delivere his reaim to his son, and id do et the ros o our ord by him, an commanded
that he hould e calle god, of at the eople. An a it is read in libro de mitrali ossicio:
The sat Cosdroe, resident in his throne as asether, et the re of the cros o his right
fide instea of the sun an a cock o the est fide instead of themoly Ghost, and command edthat heraliouldae called fallier And then Eractius the emperor assembled a reat hos an canae forto glit illi the so of Osdroe by the riveros Danuben and then it pleased to either prince thateach of them hould figlit ne against th t therupo the ridge, and he that hould anquish and
should hel his prince hould have forthwith his legsand arnis cutis and o bellunge and cast into theriver Anythen Eractius commende him ait o God an to the Hol Cros mitti l the devotionthat die might, and then the fought long Andat the las ou Lord me the victor to Eractius an subdued to in his empire. The hos that was contrary, and ali the people of Osdroe obeyed them to the christia Dith, and received the olybaptism. An Cosdroeanewmo the end of the
Forrus much as after the anne thou has honoured the re of the cross, i thou Wil receive baptism
The the right devout in began to a thepraising of the cros in his ise: O crux splendidior, et cetera. O cros more hining thanal the stars, honoured of the worid, right olyan much amiable to ali men, hicli ni Wert
ings Anythus a the rectous ire of the rosa re-establislied in his place, and the ancient miracles renewed For a dead man was alsed to iis, and seu men ahen illi the pals mere cure and healed, te lepers ere made clean, and fifteen blin received thei sight again. Deviis ere putout of men, an much eopte an many ere delivere os divers sichnes and maladies. Thenthe emperor did do repat the churches, and gaveto them reat istis, an after returne home tollis empire Andri is aid in the Chronicies that this a done therwise For the say that hen Cosdroe had ahen an realnas, he ook Jerusalemand Zacharias the patriarch, and bare aWay the troeo the ross. An astractius ould mahe eace
against hina, and destroyed and wasted the erstans with many batiles that he made to them, and made Cosdroe orae uni the cit o Ctesiphoni.
An a the las Cosdroe had the flux in his belly,
and would heresere crown his sonaing, hicli Wasnamed edasan, and when Syrois his oldest son, hear hereos he made alliance illi Eractius, and purgued his ather illi his oble eople, and ethim in bonds, an sustaine him illi rea ostribulation and with mater of anguisti, an a last
thin he sent to Eractius, the patriarch, the re of the cross, an ali the prisoners. An Uractius bare into Jerusalem the rectous ire of the crΟ88, and thus it is rea in many chronicies also Sibysaith thus of the re of the cross That theblesse tre of the ros Was three times illi thepaynims, ascit is aid in the Histor Tripartite : Othrice lesse tre on hicli God was stretched. This peradventur is aid for the life o nature, fgrace, and of lory, hicli came of the ross. At Constantinopi a Jewintered into the churcho S. Sophia and considere that he was there alone, and 8a an mage of Jesu Christ, and ook his sword and smole the mage in the throat, and
then the de brought the christia man to the pit, and there they re out that hol image Andye is seen on his a the wound in the throat of the 4mage . and the e anon ecame a good christia man and was baptiZed. In Syria, in the cit os eirout there a a christia man which had hired an hous for a ear,
and he had se the image of the crucifix by hisbed, o hichae made dati his prayers, and aid
his devotions an at the ear' en he removedand too an other ouse, and largat and lest the
hire that sanie ouse, an on a da he adeanother Jem, ne of his neighbours, o dinner, andas the were at meat, it happe to im that was bidden, in looking on the wall, O sp this mage which was fixe to the wall, and ega torari atit for despite, and against him that ad him, and ais threatened and menace him ecauseae dursthee in his hous the mage of Jesus of Nazareth
and the thetae fisigne a he had been appeased, and after, en straight to the prince of the Jews and accused that Jew of that whichae had seen in his house. The the Jews assembled an came toth hous of him and saw the mage of Jesu Christ,
ali his hin by orde to the bisho of the country, and ali the with one Wil received baptis in thesiuith of Jesu Christ. An the lisino put hisbiood in ampulsis crystal and of glas ser et bekepi, and thenae calle the christia man thalaadles it in the ouse, and nquired of him ho had made so fair an image. An he aid that Nicodemus had maderit, and when e diedae est it to
Gamaliel, and Gamaliel to Zaccheus, and Zaccheusto James, and James to Simon, and had been thus in Ierusalem uni the destructio of the ity Andfrona thencerit Wasiorne into the realmi Agrippa, o christia men, and froni thenc it a brought again into in country, and it was est o me by
synagogues into churches, and thereos cometh thecusto that hvrches e hallowed for tofore that time the altars ere ut hallowed only. Andriorthis miracle the church hath ordained that thes fili alend of December, o a it is rea in another place the fifthrides of November, hould belli memor of the passion of ou Lord, heres ore
me in ali hings. An S. Gregor recordeth in the third book of his dialogues that When Andrew,bisho of the cit of Fundana suffere a hol nunt dweli illi im, the fiend the enem began to imprint in his hear the beauty of her in such misethat he thought in his ed iched an cursed things. Andis a da a Je came to Rome, and whenae saw that the da falled andae might findno odging, he went that night an abod in the temple of Apollo. An because e doubie of the sacrilege of the place howbei that he had nos aith in the cross, yet he marhed an garnished him With the signis the cross. Themat idnight when
each of these evi spiriis hicli obeyed im, and he would know What evi every each had done. But Gregor passeth the anne of this vision be- cause of horiness, but werinysemblabi in the lives
of the Father that, as a mamentered in a temple of
in suci a province, an have move great ar8,
and ad many tribulations an have hed muchblood, and am comerio teli it to thee. And Satan sal to im es In hat time ast thou done hisd
sea, and have moved great ind8 and tormenis, and drowne many hips and lain many men.
been in a ity, and have moved strifes and debates in a wedding, and have hed muchalood, and have flain the hvsband, and am come to teli thee. AndSatan asked: In hat time ast thou done hisdAnd e saidci In te days. Andae aid mastilio done o more in that timet And commande them that were bout in to beat imalso. The came the fourth and aid: I have been in the wildernes fori years, and have laboured about a monti, and nneth at the ast Iliave thriven, and ad him si ii in the in of the flesti. And when Satan heard that he ros Domitis eat and issed him, and too his crow offlis head and se itis his ead, and made imo sit withaim, and said Thou has done a great thing, and has laboured more than ali the thers. Andiliis may be the anne of the visio that S. Gregoryleaveth. When acti ad said, ne starte ut in the id die of them ali, and aid he had moved AndreW against the nun and had moved the fourthpar of his flesti against her in temptation, and theret that esterda he drew o much his indinher that in the hou of venson he gave o her in
1t, that he would sin illi her Then the master Thecommande hi that he hould perfor that he Zalta
have a singula victor an rewar amon ali hexfossothers. And the commandedae that the shouldgo oo who that was that a in the templeri and
covete that, and orgat o mahe the sign of thecro88, and bit it gluttonously, and non fel domnand was avished os a devit. And there came tolle S. Equicius, and the devitaegan to cry and tosay What have I dones I sat pon a letluce and she came an bit me. An anon the devii issued ut by the command ment of the hol manis God. It is rea in the Histor Scholastic that thepaynim ha paintedin a at the arnis of Serapis, and Theodosius id do ut them ut, and made tobe ainted in the fame place the signis the rosS. And when the paynim an priesis of the dot saWthat, non thesdid them to e baptiZed saying that
re follo eth the se of S. Joh Chrysostom. Jolin Chrysostom,as of Antioch, and was borno nobi hindred, of hom the life the lineage,
the conversation, and the persecution is more
plaint contained in the History ripartite. Whenhe had been in the stud of philosophy, he est itan gave himself to the service of God, and was made a priest. An for the love of hastit hemas reputed id for e entended more to theburning love of God than to the uterWard debonairty, and for the righteousnes of his life heentende mos to the things to come, and was deemed proud of them that ne hi not. Hewas nobi in eaching, he was is in Xpounding, and right good in refraining of ain manners. Arcadius and Honorius reigned then in theempire, and Damasus sat then in the se of Rome. And when Chrysostom a made istio o Constantinople, helegan to correct hastily the life fclerks, and theres ore at the were move and stirred to hate hina, and eschewed in as he hadbeen a ad man, and spake evi of him. Andbecause he would o bi them to in and eat with him, ne ould no eat illi them, the said that he did taecause e te his meat o foul, and the ther aid that he dixit for the excellence and noblesse of his meais And the truth Was ecausethat his stomach was sit ore and grieved, here- fore e schewed the great dinners and the easis. An the eopte iove him much so the good Sermons that he made to them, and et litti by