The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


himself to Albigem I neve en rce me so much The Lila frona mine infanc a foro esche a wellini VS COUrage and enhance head an callin against 'x'him the at o God. An everri hau dreadedili sure things, and have entended with ait mylearito the monaster an to hospitalit an have received gladi ali comer fave heretios, an have Washed their feet Isidore aith thus in the book of Etymology Jerome was Wise in three languages, hos interpretation is ahe tofore ther, o it is more oldin and clea by ord and it is interpreted os a very christian. It is ritie also ofJerome in the dialoguem Severus, disciple of S. Μartin, hicli as in his time: erome ithout the merit of the faith and dowr o viriue is notoni instruct in letters of Latin, ut in Greehand HebreW so that non ought to e comparedio im in very science, the whicli ad arperpetua against the wiche men. The hereticshated him for he est neve to impug against them, the cierk hate him for e reprove their

him a heretic ere mad He Was ali in tessons, ali in books, he neve rested da ne night ut alWays read or rote. Haec Severus And likeas it appeareth by these Words, and also hewitnesseth himself, e suffere many persecutorsan detractors, hicli persecutions e sus red


ao THE GOLDEN LEGENDThetis o miscreant should ursu an persecute me sor

R mgὲψ inat the reproo of the worid aris more fervently against me so thates might deserve to e pratsedo our ord, and that I may hope the reward of his promise Temptation is destrous and agreeablewhos merit in resistin is to e ope reward of Christ in heaven. Ne the cursing ne maledictionis no grievous hicli is changed into divine laud

the devit. γ S. Remigiu3. S. Remigius converte to the faith the ingand the eoplem France. The Ling ad a ise


the sirst, ut anon after, he was ich so that they

in his name, and i thou adst a thousand and didst them tote baptiged, at should peristi et nevertheles the child revive and was hole, sothat he eigne after his ather, and the faithfulqueen enforced heroo bring he hvsban to thes aith, butae refused i in ali manners. It is sal in that ther east hicli is aster the Epiphany, o the in Was converted to the faith. An the foresaid in Clovis, he hewas christened sal that he would give to S. Remigius for to endo his hurch, as naucli landas hemight go bout hilst e lept at id-day,

and socii a done But there as a man hichlia a mill within the circuit hicli S. Remigius had losed And as S. Remigius en about it themilne putaim ut illi great indignation and great despite. And S. Remigius sal to hini: Friend, have no disdain and let it notae oo ardis, have also his mill illi that ther. Never-theles the liner put im ut, and non thewheel of the milliegan to turn contrary, and thenthe mi iner crie after . Remigius and said: Servant of God come and et us have the mill


oi S neither e mine nor hine and non the arthmigiR opene an fruallowed in ali the mili. An S. Remigius kne by the spirit os prophec and by the wil o God that a reat


Andrit is to e norun that the eas of S. Remigius that is hallowed in January, is the easto his tesse death an disposition, and this is the eas of the translatio of his tessed ody. For lien, after his death, the oly bod should have been brought to the church of S. Timothy

in that hvrch, hereas no relic rest. And

miracles ere there hoWed, o that the enlargedan made the churcii more ample and large.


on the fame day, it a translated into a feretre or


21 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThetis and do ted the ire of the hin and of the princes, o S and there re he required of the in licenc foru*gi' to enter into religion, and the in grante it tollim Then the king di hold his rother Theodori in guard that he hould machine nothingagainst the reaim. And by the olines and providence of the good bisho Logier ait thepeopte ere in o and in eace. And goon after, the hingaein impatred by evil

fled his persecutor in suci, anne that he went tolli monaster of Luxen, here, eruing uri ord,

in hicli Ebro inus there a hid in the habit os a monk, and also serve him in great charity. Anda hil after the in died, and Theodori Wasenhanced into the eign. For hicli hin theblessed S. Logier, moved by the weeping and ears of the eople, an constraine by the command-ment of his abbot, returned unt his se in hisci ty. ut Ebro inus anon renounced his religion, and was ordained steward of the hing. An howbeii

that he was evit tofore, et he was Worse after,


then more tormente With malice of nvy, andenserce to quench the fame of the oly aint. But after the saying tofore of the ain he

time o Constantine the fourth. Here folio eth the se of S. Francis, sint hegisner of the friar minor, and frs of his name. Francis as rst named Jolin, ut after hisname a Changed and was calle Francis Thecause of changing of his nam Was mani ld. First, for the reason of his marvellous changing, forcit is known that he received of God by miracle the French longue, an it is aid in his legend that when he was replenishe of the grace of God, and of the ardour of the oly Ghost e pronouncedisu burning ord in French. Secondly, by the reason to publisti his ossice, hereo is aid in his legend that the divine providen ce gaveto him that name, ecause of his singula an in- accustomediame, the opinion of his myster might be norun throughout at the worid. Third ly,

b reason of his ossice in effeci, hercupo Was


and of perfectio of ork. And it is aid that

Some signf that ere orne in Rome tofore theconsuis, hicli ere in terror of the eople and in orship were calle Franciscas.

γ S. Francis. Francis, servant an friendi Almight God,

was bor in the cit of Assisi, and was ad amercliant uni the wenty-fifth ear of his age, and wasted his time by living ainly, hom uri ordcorrected by the courge of sichness, and suddenlychanged hi into nother man, o that he eganto hine by the spiritis prophecy. Formn a timehe withither men os Perugia Was ahen pri8Οner, and were put in a cruei prison, where ali the thers walleland 8orrowed, and he only a gla and enjoyed.

tion, and he ook of ali his lothes and cla him


216 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThetis of ein know of people letted him. The old VS enem the devit enforce him to et hi of his

O a time e me a leper hom naturali menabhor, ut e remembered in of the word that was aid of God, and an to him and isse him, and non the laga vanished Way, here re hewen to the habitatio of the agar an hissed devovit thei hands, and gave to them money, andiet them havem need of such as hemigii do. O a time e entered into the church of S. Damian or o mahe his prayers, and the mage of Jesu Christ pali unt hi and said Francis, go

an repat my hous whicli is ali destroyed asthou seest. And rom that hou the ou of him liquefied, and the passion o Jesu Christ Wasmarvellousi infixed in his heart. And thenie didgreat ain, and was bus in repatring the church, an sold ali that he had, and gave the moneythereo to a priest, and e durs no receive it forsear of his parent and in Then he, castin ita a tofore the ries a dust, ettin no thereby, wheres ore he was ahenis his ather and bound, and e restore t hi his money, and resignedalso his lothes, and so akedae flexi ou Lord,

instea of his ather, an prayed in that like as