The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


In that time, the of ita require a doctor ofhetori of Symmachus the resectis Rome thati might read rhetori at itan And that timelimbrose servanti God, as bisho of that ity,ίn Augustin a sent at the prayer of them, Milan. An his mollier might no rest, butlid much ain to come o him, and Dun him thatae either a very anichean, ne Ver catholic. An then it happed that Augustin egan to haunt Mithra Ambrose, and of hear his predications,ind was much ententive to ear i anything ere; aid against the anichean or ther heresies. O a timerit happed that S. Ambrose disputedon against the error anichean, an condemned by ope and evident reasons and by authorities, io that this error as ali ut ut of the ear of



frona heaven onaigh, ab ing Pammeat os reat-nes increased and thou hali eat me, thou halino change me in the a meat of th festi, ut

thou shali e changed in me. An as hereliearseth there the lis of Jesu Christ pleased hi much well, ut he doubted et to go in such distresses, ut ou Lord anon ut in his ind that he hould go to Simplician, in hom ali divine

grace hone, o to refrain his destres, an for tosa to him ha manne mas convenable o live,

for o go in the way o God in hicli that therment. For at that was done displeased him avethe weetnes of God and the beaut of the ouse

t exhortaim, and S. Augustin Xhorted himselfand said: How many children and maidens serve in the church o God to ur ord an maystno thou do that the do in thenaseives an notin thei God Where re arryest thou Cast thyset on him and he hali receive the andreward thee. And among these ord Victorincam to his ind. Then Simplician was much glad, and old o im o Victorin Was et a paynim, an deserve to have a reat mage tollis thenes in the mari et o Rome, and o heositimes aid that he was a christia man. To


aeaven, and e With ur connin and doctrines

in departes no ne oest ut of the way, and mnethe we come to thee. Ah l Lord, e said,

at me move me, Change me, and enlumine me,


thee Thou has calle and cried and hastarohenna dea ess Thou has enlumined cleared, and has put Way y lindness. Thou has replenished me illi fragrant dour an I astem to come to thee. I have aste thee, and amhungry an destre thee. Thou has touched me, and nam burn in the voice of louing thysseace. An a he wept thus bitterly he eard a voice saying Tahe and read, and non e pene thebook of the apostle, and cast his yes o the frstchapter an read Clothe eoo in ur ordJesu Christ. An anon ali the doubis of dariness,ere extinc in him. An in the meantinae hebegan tot so greatly tormented illi toothache, that almost, he aith, he was rought to belleve the opinion o Cornelius the philosopher, hicli pulteth that the fovereign ea of the ou is in Wisdom, and the fovereign ea of theiod is in suffering no at ne sorrow. An his ain aes great and vehement that he had os his speech, Where re a he writeth in the book of his Con. fessions, he wrote in tables of a that ali mershould prans o him that ou Lord should assuagellis ain, an he himselfaneeled down illi th other, and suddent he fel himself,hole. Ancthenae signised by letters to the oly man, S

an pronouncer of the ospei and of callin omen. And when Augusti understood tot at


lle eginning, and supposed ali the remnant to Theae thermis than it a to read he deferre to EU F . ea them illae ere more conning in holy ril. r hesh ''And when the da o Easter came an Austinuas hirt years old, he and his son hicli asaamed Adeodatus, a child os oble it an under-;tanding, hom he had Otte in his ouili henae a a paynim and a philosopher, illi Alipius ais friend by the merit of his mollier, and by the Ireachin o S. Ambrose received baptismo S. A brose And then, ascit is read S. Ambrose;aid Te deum laudamus, and S. Austin answered: se dominum confitemur, and so the two together 3rdaine and made his hymn an sun it unioli end. An so linesseth it Honorius in hisbook whicli is named The irror of the Church. Ria in sonae the old books the ille of thisaymn or psalm is entilled The canticle of A bros and of Augustin. An anon he was narvellousi confirmed in the Lith catholic, and largook at the liope that he had in the worid, and enounced the school that he ruled. An he;howeth in his book of Confession ho he was,om hence rit achaussed in the love o God, saying Lord, thou has throughpierced myaeari Mith thy charity, and I have orne thy ordslixe in mine entralis, and the ensamples of thynanners hicli thou has made of lach, litte1nd shining and of ead, living, and of corruptthought thou mahes fair an high understandingin heavenly things. I mounte v into the illas,eeping, and thou aves to me, singin the



voices have run in mine ars, and thy truth athdroppe in mine eari, and then ear have run

helper lio 8Weet is it suddent made to me clac the weetnesses of trusses and apes, whicli eres a froni me to leave and forsahe, and now to leave and forsake them is to me great joy. Thou hastcast them ut rom me, and thou hicli ari

An after his e too Nebridius and Evodius

and his mollier, and returne again into Africa. But hen the came to Tiberina, his sWee mollier died, and after her death Austi returnecunt his proper heritage, and ther entende WitIthem that bod withaim in fastings an in prayers He rote books, and aught them that ere nowise, and the fame an renow of him spread oves



And in that 1me was 1 Hippo a man fuit 1 reat virtves, hicli sent to Augustin that is hel ould come o him that he might ea the good f his mouili, he would renounc the worid. Andi then S. Augustinane it he went hastily thither. Ἱnd when Valerian, bisho o Hippo, ear hisenome an fame, he ordaine him a pries in iis hurch, hombei that he refuse it much and vept. An sonae reputed his ears to e made, pride, and sal to im in conis ortin him, halcit a time that he were a priest though evere orth to a reater ossice, nevertheles he

lespised him, ut he raught notris he id it to elone by the sat Augustin that hicli e couldao do himself. In that time e con-vanquished Fortunatus the riest, a Manichean whicli as aberetic, an many the heretics, hicli amelyMere rebaptiae Donatist an Manicheans allthese e con unde and overcame. The the



The found And thenae impetred of the archbishop ..' ο Carthage that he might eas an leave his Doeto bi)hoprie, and that he ould promise Augusti tob bisho of the church of Hippo, ut hen Augustin heard that he refuse it ulterly in ali

manners. Nevertheles he was constrained and so co-acte that he ook at the last the cure of

the bishopric, hicli thing, he aid that he ought noto b ordained the istio living, and aid, and wrote, o the inhibitionis the generat councit, the whicli e learne aster, that it Was ordainedin the counci of the bishops, that at the statutes of the fallier ought to e said o ordat of themthat ordained them Andri is read that he aidaster of himself ne eel our Lor so angrywith me in no thin a that Pani o worthyriobe set in the dignit of the overnance of the

ut ne ver seir, ut the were of suffcient, moderate, and competent habit. An he aid os himself I am astianae os precious lothing, and there re, hen annis ive to me I et it forclothinuma notae common the rice i common. He used always his able paring he sed alwayspottage an mortes for sic foth, and ostimes heliad flesti se guest and sic people, and e lovedhelter at his able essons and disputations hanmeat, and ad these verses ritie at his able: Quisquis amat dictis absentum rodere vitam, Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi: that is o say Whosoever oves to missa any creatur that is absent, it a b said that this table is dente to hini at all. For, o a time, μ


another man the second that he hould neve notlen his hors to im that ould ride, and thethird, that he hould go to no east. The cause of the first, est the accordio an be notis onewill, an curse hi that rought them together. The cause of the second, est the rider ah harmin his ridin and tam hi that lent hi thehorse. The cause of the hird, est at the easthe lose the manne os temperance.

He was of so great purit an humility that the right litile ins hicli, reput for non heconfessed them to God, as it appeareth in thebook of his Confessions and accused himself meehlyto ou Lord. Forae accused himself there, that when he was a child, homae playe at the ballwhen e liould go to school. Also of that hewould not lear of his ather an mollier and of his masters, ut by constraint. Also, hen emas a child, of that he ea gladi the fabies of Eneas and complaine Dido,hicli dies ruove. Also of that he had stolen mea fio the tableout of the elyer of his fallier an mollier that



fuit belly the I go in the way in hicli the

wel that the cause of eatin and drinhing e cause of health, sh adjoineth illi her a perilous chamberer, that is oyousty Whicli ensercelli heros to peristi, o that by the cause i is sit cause of that I ould do for ealth. Drunkennes isse froni me beseech thee, Lord, have mercyon me, that it approach not me. And Lord, who is he, ut omelime he suavished ut of his meatsi Who that it e that is not, certaininis much perfeci it m no I for I am a sinful man. Algo he hel himself suspectis melling, sayinget Ofinlawfulcimellinc intermit me not vermUCh, but When the be present, I require them Ot, and DPhave them I refuse them not, nores ovet them no a me eemeth, lienes ac them Iciliatino b deceived Noman, aithae, ought to esure in his life forcit is calle ali temptation, thatis to it that he may be ad of the wors the better, and not of the belle the worse Andae confesse him ais of hearing saying The deligitis and voluptuosities of mine ear have bowedand subdue me, ut thou has unbound and delivere me, for hen it happe me that the