장음표시 사용
According to our resulis; partialty res using both the fit si and seconit hypotheses, we can state that On the studi ed area, in the autumia migration period thereis a differe iace in the hori Zontal distribution patieria of the Sedge Warbier and Marsh Warbier species. In the natching period both species prefer the externat shoreward reedy areas haVing a more heterogeneous Vegetation Structure and occupy a nesting territory there CSORGO l99β. BALDI & KIS BENEDEM t 999). Howe Ver, according to Our result in the autumia migration period the young and old Sedge Warblers as weli as the young Marsh Warblers are groti ping in thereed areas toward the open water sui face while the old Marsh Warblers do notexhibit edge preference in the migration period. In the seconil half of August an din September. the Sedge Warbies Dona the area of the Ballic Sea are intermittingtheir migration in a large number in the reed heit of the Lake Sumony GYURACZ& CSORGO l99 l. l 994). By this period in the stioreward part of the reed - due tothe drier microclimate - the mod base is decreasing and the invertebrates that serve as nutrient for the birds are mund in larger number in the reeds being more close to the open water sui face VASARHELYI l 995). Therefore. the young ando id birds migrating later prefer the beli close to the Open water Sul face, abound-
erence sit in cannot be observed. The Sedge Warblers were grouping similar tothe patieria observed in the halching period. However. the spatiat distribution of the age grOUps waS not analysed. At Sumony, the edge preference of the old specimens of the Marsh Warblers cannot be demonstrated hec ause a significant partos the old birds is at ready gone by then and later this species can he mund on the area in a s mali number only GYURACZ l 994). Regarding the vertical distribution we can sustain both of our hypotheses, that we cannot observe differences concerning the Species or the age grou pS. The majority of the specimens is groti ping in the upper part of the reed and this pat-teria is similar to the one observed in other European meds BERTHOLD 9 SCHLENRER l9J5. ORMEROD l 990. PAMBOUR l 990). This patiem is attributed according to niche and ecomorphological studies - to the competition of the hird species inhabiting the reed s. In the lower part of the reed, other species, Such asthe Savis's Warbier Locustella luscinioides) and the Moustached Warbier A. melano 'ogon) that Ped there in a larger number. The investigation of mod dispersion, vegetation structure, infra- and inter- specific competition in the reed hed habitat is required to beller undet stand thes patiat distribution of Sed ge Warblers and Marsh Warblers during migration.
MAHUNKA, S. and L. MAHUNKA-ΡΑΡΡThe authors had the opportunity for years to study the Oribalid Species described by Berlese currently deposited in the Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria at Florence. The resulis of this series of studies are summari Zed in this Volume. The volume begins with an esSay- like Introduction heavily re-lying on subjectiVe opinions discussing the generat questions of Oribaiology. The following section lisis Berlese's species placed in the modern SyStem hel ping the speciali sis with morphological notes and many drawings: here also the condition of the specimensis discussed and lectotypes are de Signated. The third, large section is the catalogue proper. wherein ali the species are listed in the syStematic order together with their combination and Synonymic names. Here orae may find ali the literature data, usu atly miSSing Dom ordinary Works, with reference to Description and Taxonomy, Distribution, with special emphasis ora Catalogues whose referenceS are partly unreliable. Where it was deemed neceSsary fui ther information are added under the head ingos Remai ks. The Volume closes with a Very detailed list of lit
Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungariciae 46 I); ρρ. J J2, 2000
the fauna of Mongotia. The thirty bracon id species have been collected in 32 localities. Collecting data are presented for every species in an abbreviated form i. e. only the locality numbers ''No. V) are given after the respective species: the fuit data of the collecting localities are listed under the chapter titie 'List of the collecting data . in this respect see also Z. KASZAB's si x reporis of his collectingtrips to Mongotia sin Folia ent. hung. l 963-l 968 vols l6-2 l). The non-ΚΑ- STAB's collecting data of Mongolia are presented according to the fuit data of the labeis attached to the respective specimens. The bracon id material here discus sedis deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum Departinent of Zoology), BudapeSt.
Abbreviations applied in the descriptions: Alar venations fastor VAN ACHTERBERG l 993 β)
Subsequently thirty bracon id species are reported frona Mongotia whicli he- long to seven subfamilies. Frona among them sive species are new to science their descriptions are presented under the titie 'Descriptions of the newspecies ) and se Venteen species are new to the fauna of Mongolia. Besides theobligatory faunistic data Zoogeographic and or taxonomic notes are added where necessary. As indicated hefore the faunistic data are gi ven in an abbreviated formciting only the collecting locali ty numbers, the resolution of the respecti Ve num-hers see in the chapter ent illed 'List of the collecting data . DORYCTINAE