Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류








Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46 I). m. IJ-78. 2000


The genus Ethmia is cosmopolitan . more thala 40 species are known frona the solith-easteria Palaearctic. The genus is richly represente i in China. where 3 lare known: by comparison it have been recorded frona India. 6 froni Nepai. 9from Japan, only one frona Korea. J frona the Philippines and id frona Australia. The major works dealing with the Taiwanese fauna and the taxonomy of the easteria Asian Pacific and Himalayan Sino Tibetan) Ethmi inae are as follows sin

In the last few years severat Hungari an lepidopteri sis worked intensive ly in large regions of Sotitheast Asia. including the is land of Taiwan. Due to these expeditions , a large material of Ethmi inae containing more than 300 individuals hasbeen collected during the last three yearS. As a result of the investigations made on the materiai mentioned above. an don the collection os Britisti Museum Natural History) B MN H). London, asweli as the furvey of the literature clata, the presence of id Ethmia species in Tai-

Resulis of the joint project of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Budapest and the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. Taipei, entilled with 'Biodiversi ty studies on the Lepidoptera latina os Taiwan taxonomy. fauna genetics and inventory of selected lepidopteran families '. NO. 2.


wan have been ascena ined: three of them are new to science. The description of the new species and hi therio unpubiis hed sex es of two species are gi ven in the


sterigma and ostium than in E. miaculiatia. Description Fig. 25): Wingspan 25-2J in m. Antenna silis orna. with flightly dilated hasal

ptates On each fide. Labis rudimentary. dorsal part of anellus scieroti Zed. more or leSS rectangular. Valva with bri siles: costat margin with well-developed triangular, scieroti Zed basal plate. Cucullus quadratic, with triangular apical iobe and potiated outer extension, ventral sursace covered withstrong hristies. Sacculus with shon. characteristic sold at base: vinculum without developed saccus. AedeagUS gun-Sha ped. cornuti long sine. bri sile- like. Female genitalia: Ovi positor Strongly scieroti Zed, anterior apophyses stiori, thic k. Ant mmmembranous. with a scieroti Zed caudat ring. Ductus bursae thin. twice as long as abdomen: signum dentate har sensu PO EI L l973, mean ing a shallow crease Willi numerous, more Or leSS equal


Remai ks: This species-group contains also an unde scribed species DomNepat: this Nepale se species is considerably larger than iis relatives with the wingspan about one and half times larger than those of E. maculam and E. Guto


Female genitalia Fig. 3): Ovi positor Strongly scieroti Zed. papillae anales conical, SetOSe posterior apophyses thin, longer than papillae. anterior apophyses wedge-Shaped, acute. Antrum vitii scieroti Zed ventral hal Dring and smali. quadrati c. mediat ly twisted mediat plate. Ductus bursae long. tubular. helicoid with a sew coiis; membranous willi rather strong scobination. Corpus bursaei ather big. spherical, signum Very large . tritobate, covered with more or less equat ieeth. Distribution: India: Daiseeling. Assam. Murseong. Burma: Vietnam Taiwan. Type materiai examin edo Lectotypeo se male. HyPOnsmeum lineatoriotellia MOORE see SATT-

Remai ks: E. linea tonstella can eas ity be confused with certa in Lithosiidae


Ceylon: China: Ytinnan. Lungian. Jiansu: Bhutan: Nepai. respective ly). The externat appearance and sonae seatures of the genitalia os both sexes of E. o inari anci . hOweVer. differ rather Strongly frOm any population Of E. GSSamen SiS, with iis area restricted to sonae paris of Japan and Taiwan. The morphological differen cesdiscus sed below are considered here specific ones; dis playing no intermediate

in E. O inclinaria. the cucullus is smaller, narrower the distat third of the aedea-gUS narrower, more tapering and the scieroti Zed ring of the carina is considerablylarger, stronger than in L. GSSameriSiS. The main differe iaces in the se male genitalia are as follows: the Sth segment is generalty narrower in E. D inciri cinia, ille anterior apophyses are much Shorter, wenker and the antrum is significantly shoi ter than that of E. GSSamensiS. iis distat part Strongly broaden ed.

Actia mol. huris . 46. 2000


basal plate of anellus rounded. smali. weak. postero- laterat arms Stronger, elongate. ValVa ratherhroad, ventral furface hairy. basal part of valva with more or less triangular costat area. Cucullus smali. narrow triangular with apex finely rounded, distat process long . twisted. Sacculus large, scie-roti Zed. denset y hairy. Dorsat margin of aedeagus convex. narro , distat third tapering . carina withstrongly scieroti Zed ring. vesica without cornuti. Female genitalia Fig. 5): Ovi positor Strongly scieroti Zed. papillae analeS Conical, SetOSC, with apex fine ly rounded, posterior apophyses flender. as long as papillae. 8th segment scieroti Zed narrow, anterior apophySeS Shori, wenk, broad ly triangular. Antrum s hori. scieroti Zed, distat partstrongly broade ned. Ductus bursae long tubular, membranous, heli coid with severat coiis. Corpus bursae Spherical, with smali. rounded appendix, Signum large, covered with more or less equal

represent two distinci species, the morphological differe iaces bet ween them arediscus sed under the di agnosis of the preceding Specie S. E. GSSamen SiS do notoc cur in Taiwan, formerly publis hed data reser to E. Ohinia Naria.