Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Diagnosis: The members of the E. laPidella species-group are Very similar externalty the identification requires the study of the genitalia. Another confusing moment is that there are three species described by their female sex only E. Octanoma MEYRICK based on one is male Dom Taiwano Kosem po ssee below) E. nobilis DIA ONOFF. t 969. three Dinale types, and E. mPOSita DIA KONOFF l 969. a single female specimen: both Dom the Philippine I fland s. The taxonomicrelegation of the se three species is as yet problemati c. further investigations sandmaterial) are required to clarisy the problem. E. octanoma can be distinguis hed

frona E. laoidelia both by the features of the wing patiern and the genitalia. Theclark marking of E. lapidellia is represented by eight fairly visibie spois while E.

Octanoma is marked with si x spois only. E. lapidella has four spois in the apical part of the forewing. E. Octanoma has only three. The hin dwing of E. Octansmais much brighter than that of E. layidella. The male genitalia of E. Octanoma differ Dom those of E. lapidella by their elongate, crook-shaped cucullus, and thelonger narrow, basal proces S labium). Antrum of E. mPOSita is similar in type to

lliat of E. lapidella by their upturned laterat margins but it is tess scieroti Zed shori, flattened: in addition. the signum is lacking, similarly to tho se of E. nobilis


srom China. Bionomics: Altogether more than 40 specimens were collected in the solitheria part of Tai-wan in IV VI and XI. generalty at lower altitudes.

Diagno sis: see the preceding Specie S.


mediat incision: anterior and posterior paris of gnathos well-developed, posterior part dentate, anterior part wide, covered with smal l waris. Labis membranous, rather shori. broad at base, tapering apical ly. Valva elongate. apicatly acute, covered with hairs, ventrat margin with long acute wedge-s haped iobe at distat end of sacculus. Costa forming long scieroti Zed triangular plate: dorsalmargin os ae leagus convex, carina with smali. scieroti Zed ventral tooth, without cornuti. Female genitalia Fig. l 3): Ovi positor scieroti Zed, papillae analeS SUbconical, Seiose, poSterior apophyses thin, as long as papillae anales. anterior apophyses sit Ort. broad ly triangular, fine lypointed. Ductus bursae long . tubular: corpus bursae rather long spherical: Signum absent.

been examinecl.


Remarks: A sexu atly dimorphic species: the male is sinalter in si Ze and the antenna has strongly dilated basal segments. The individual variation of the wing patiern is rather Small. E. mitrocha was pro Ved to be the common est Ethmia in


Bionomics: The specimens were collected at the late spring arly Summer period April-June), at low altitude, the collecting habitats are subtropical forests.

and scieroti ration of the antrum.

rings, hindleg Orange-yellow with hlack rings on tarsus. Abdomen orange-yellow. tergites withs mali. rounded dois, sternites With pairs of rounded clois ora each segment. Male genitalia: Uncus bifurcate with deep mediat incision: anterior part os gnathos withwide, head - like apical pari, covered with more or less equat ieeth: labis long singer-Shaped. hairy. Valva elongate, Ventralty curved. saccular and apical paris coVered denset y with strong hairs, costa os valva long . cucullus scieroti Zed. elongate, apicatly rounded. denset y hairy, ventrat margin withs mali, scierotZed process at base of cucullus. Aedeagus gun-Shaped, carina with narrow, Stronglyscleroti Zed ring. Female genitalia Fig. l6): Ovi positor Strongly scieroti Zed, papillae anales conical, Seto se posterior apophyses thin, One and half timeS longer than papillae, anterior apophySeS very shon, innated. sused with laterat margins of lamella postvaginalis. Lamella postvaginalis strongly scieroti Zed. with acute anterior extension. basal part with in aled, scobinate emergeiace: ventral sursaceco vered with large, nat scales. Antrum with sine. scieroti Zed hal Dring. ventral and dorsal sursaces with scieroti Zed. dentate plates. Ductus bursae very long tubular, membranous, heli coid with se V-


Diagno sis: See the prece ling Specie S.

Diagno sis: See the di agnosis of E. PrGECltaria.