장음표시 사용
male specimen at hand de Viating in a few respecis Dom the two semales reported Do in Mongotia.
l. 6 times as broad as long. - Described Dom Armenia. New to the latina os Mongotia. Syniat is Sinautice Sp. n. mr description See p. 49.
EUPHORINAE Periste nus kas Euhi Sp. n. s
high, denset y and inely punctate, setose. Clypeus 2.l times as wide helow as high mediat ly. itflower margin convex and Ginely crenulate, otherwi se clypeus Sinooth and shiny. Intertentorial lineclearly twice tentorial-Οcular line. Frons macropunctate, vertex and temple polished with a law
Etymology. - The Species name 'firmidens ' refers to the unusualty strong first tooth of themandi ble. Description of the male holotype. - Body l. 8 mira long. Antenna sonae hat longer than hoclyand with 20 antennomeres. First flagellomere 2.2 times, second flagellomere l. 8 times as long asbroad, further flagellomeres faintly attenuating so that penultimate flagellomere twice as long asbroad. - Head in dorsal vlew Fig. P) transverse, l. 8 times as broad as long. eye 0. 8 times as longas temple. temple Somewhat hulging, i. e. head belween temples a bit bro ader than hetween eyes. Head l. 4 times as broad as meso scutum belween tegulae. Ocelli Smali and almost round . OOL
su ture s hori, restricted to middie of mesopleuron, narrow and Subcrenulate. Hind margin os meso- pleuron Smooth. Propodeum along medio-longitudinat weak carina rugulose, anteriori y crossing as hori transverse carina, anteriorly frona transverse carina a distinct medio- longitudinat carina: lat
nomeres, penultimate flagellomere three times as long as broad. Ovi positor