Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 411페이지


분류: 미분류


Actia Mologicia Academicie Scientiarum Hungaricae 46 ψ). ρρ. III 82. 2000


The so called Ρwinter fauna'' is one of the most characteristic faunal types of the Himalay an Sino Tibetan Noctu idae fauna sand also to so me other lepido-pteran families, e .g. Thyatiridae. Saturnii lae, Geometridae, etc.). This faunal type represenis One of the most imponant groups of the arboreal Noctu idae adapted tothe notetheria temperate Zone, mostly in the Palaearctic region but also in North America . The species richness and the distribution patieria of the Ρwinter fauna are rather heterogeneotis in the Holarctic regio n. the Himalayan sub region is very ricli frona illis poliat of vlew, while vast areas in Central and western Asia and in the largest part of North America harbour only a few genera and species. There aresOme smaller, secondary centres of Spectation in the western Palaearctic se. g. in the Mediterranean range and in Asia Minor) and in the northeria Pacific region, butthe core area of this faunal type covers the mountainous territori es of the solitheria Hi malayas, the easteria Tibetan massis and the nonhern and central paris os Indocti in n. Frona taxonomic potnt of vie w this faunal type comprises mostly two large

tribes of the subfami ly Haden inae sensu lato, Orthosii ni and Xylenini sthis laiter

Resulis of the Lepidopterological Rescarch Project of the Himalayan wil dii se Foundation and the Hungarian Natural History Muscum for the exploration os the fauna of the Deosai NationalPark and the Northeria Areas of Pakistan, No. 2.


tribe has long been placed in to the subfami ly Cuculli in ae). On the other hanil, numerotis representatives of other tri sine and quadrisine tribes and subfamilies can beso unil osten exclusive ly, in this period of the year, 'associat ing to this faunal complex V, though the majority of species of these taxonomic units is typical of the

warmer, more humid aspectS e. g. characteristic groups of the sub families Plusi inae, Ipimorphinae, Amphipyrinae, etc.). The impotiance and the real diversi ty of the winter fauna became evident Only in the Very last years. The intensification of the faunistic exploration of the wide sense Himalay an region stat ted only at the secolad part of the si xties of this century. The researchwas focused mostly on the Nepat Himalaya. The most extensive expedition materials have been collected during the last decade, covering large areas of the westernand solitheria ranges of the Himalay an chain Pakistan, India, Nepal), then orth- easteria confines of Indochina, e specialty of Thalland and Vietnam, and also of Taiwan. the fauna of which shows very clo se connections with those of the continental massis s of the region under discussion. The taxonomic resulis of the studies on the new materials and the revisions of the formet ly described taxa have been continuo us ly publis hed since the beginning of the eighties. mostly by Japane se German and Hungari an speciali sis, the most imponant works are lis ted in the refer-

The present paper deals with the systematic sui vey os sonae central and eas tern-sΟuth-eastern Asian species-gi Oups of two characteristic genera of the winter

Noctu idae. Agrochoici HUBNER. l82l s. l.) and Oinci Gglaea HACKER et RONKAY l 906. including the descriptions of si x new species. The majori ty of the new taxawas discovered during the last year in the coui se of expeditions to Pal istan. Thesield work was carrieci out in an effective and successi ut cooperation with the Hi malay an wil illi se Foundation H F). based on the mutuat undet standing of thea inas and requirements of the colintei paris. The leaders of the H F gave tis noton ly permissions and guidelines for the studies in the Deosai Nationat Park; butthey also hel ped his to keep in minit the importance and the possibi e use of the taxonomic- faunistical research in the nature conservation management unci Vice Versa.

This altitude gave opportuni ty to gather systematical information abolit the Noctu idae satina of the Northeria Territori es os Pakistan, resulting in the disco very of numero us new noctu id species in the formeri y less explored areas. This article is the seconii pan os the series containing the resulis of the joint projec t.




The overwhelm ing majori ty of the Central Asian Agrochoici s. l. species be- long to two large species groups of characteri stic externat appearance, the A. Statiria and the A. traseeroideS STAUDIN GER l882) species-groups. The colourationand the wing patieria of the members of the two groups are rather dissimilar see Figs l-l β) the configuration of the genitalia of both sex es ShOw, however theirclo se relations hip Figs 25 3β). The distribution patierias of the laxa of the twogi Oups are also OVerlapping in Severat cases, reflecting the preSum ably similar processes of spectation, due to the effecis and conditions of the Same geographic regions and Age S. The A. Statii Π-group comprises four medium- large species with flenderbody, long, narrow, acute fore ing and Smali, more or less rounded hind wing. Theeye S are rather Smali, globular, palpi Very Sh Ort, porrect Or Stigthly upturned, with scarce, long Ventral hair- scales: the frons is smooth, Stightly prominent. The anten nae os both sex es are fili forna. those of the males ciliate with long fasciculate cilia those os females with a law, scarce, shori cilia. The fore ing patieria is most ostentypical of the genus, the cros stines may become obsolescent, especialty in A. miliariuS Sp. n. . the ground colour is always grey or greyish. The male abdomen is flender, relative ly Sh Ort, abdominal coremata present or reduced: the abdomen of the female is stronger. thic ker, the tip of the long ovipositor is hunging out frona theabdomen.

The ground plan of the male genital capsula is very uniform, being commonalso with that of the A. tr eroideX-group the externalty Osten strongly different Species may have very Similar clas ping apparatus. On the other hand the configia ration of the vesica and the structure of the bursa copulatrix show conspicuous differen ces between the closely related taxa, the lineages with in the group can east lybe recogniZed by the se features. The main characteristi cs are Is inllowS uncus medium-long, Stender, tegumen wenk, broad, with large, quadrangular penicular


long. Clavi smali, rounded, halse long Stender, S-Shaped. Aede agus large, thick cylindrical, arcuate, Vesica Very long broadly tubular, bas atly colle l. recurved venti ally: its walls weakly membranous, finely scobinate. Basai and subterminaldiveiticula large, mediat cornuti sie id long, narro , consisting Of Shoii spinules, terminal cornutus relative ly long, stra ight, thorn- like. The fe male genitalia is characteri Zed by the very long, narrow, rather weal ovi positor, the smali, falcis orna or lyris orna ostiat plate, the medium- long broad lytubular or trapeZoidal ductus bursae, the large, osten more or less bilobate bursa with large, Spaci ous, partly heavi ly scieroti Zed cervix bursae and elliptical ordisCoidat, membranous corpus bursae, having a single rounded or elliptical


The differen ces bet ween the genitalia of the A. Stestiria And A. tria eroide V spe-Ci CS-gi Oups cala be summari Zed in the following table


apex without acute dorsal processCorona situaled along or near ventrat marginos cucullus costat plate longer, more fersnte harpe longer, more Stender, S-shapedVCSica with long. narrow mediat si old of shori spinules

cucullus dilate l. hroader than mediat part os

vesica with considerably shorter mediat fiet dos stronger cornuti, si iting on s mali diverticu Jum FE MALE ostium bursae with fine, falcate or lyris ornasCleroti Zed plate ductus bursae broader, Stronger attenedCerVix bursae siluated at proximat enit os hursa. with rounded. heavi ly scieroti Zed plate Corpus bursae with rounded or elliptical

signum ostium bursae calyculate or cup-Shaped, withrather weak scieroti Zation

corpus bursae without signum


The A. Statira-group contains two lineages, both represented by allopatrictwin species. The A. Stati m-line A. Sintiria and A. zoltant S) can be characteri Zed by the reduced crossi ines of the forewing and by the se mi globular, appendix - like cervix bursae sit uated at the fundus bursae. The species of the A. UectabiliS- time A. UectabiliS and A. griSEOVGriegesta) have weli define l. cros stines on the forewing defined with whitish grey, Smallei not conspicuous ly prominent cervix bursae, sit uated at mi id te of the larger, more discol dat corpus bursae. Bionomics and distribution. The species are restricted to deep rOcky gorges

and stream valleys, inhabiting shrubby and gallery forest patches along brooks andri vers at medium hi gh and relative ly high altitudes 2000-3500 m). The species areunt voltine, the imagines are on wing late in autumn bet ween Septembei October, depending on the elevation of the locali ty and the climate of the actuat year. The specie S-group consists of Stenochorous species of allopatric distribution the range of the group extending frona the north-we Stern Himalayas to the westernHindukush, the His sar Mis and to the easteria part of the Tien Shan massis.

however, eas ity distinguishable by their externat and genital features. The forewings of the new species are almost unicolorous, dark bluisti grey, the cros stines are part ly or sully reduced excepi most paris of subterminal line, the out lines of the stigmata are sine, osten obsolescent, sonaetimes defined with whitis h. A Xtatira hasso mewhat more acute fore ings willi more variegated patieria, consisting of moresharply defined crossi ines and stigmata see Figs l-6). The most conspicuous differe iace bet ween the male genitalia can he found in the mediat pari of the vesica, whicli is s horter in A. milianus, and the cornuti fie id ison ly abo ut hals as long as in A. Stati m. In addition. the fultura inferior of the new


species has broader apical pari, the clavi are S maller and the harpe is s horter, tessS-s haped. The se male genitalia of A. rsitani S have more calyculate ostium bursae with broader scieroti Zed plate than iliat of A. Statira, iis bursa is more bilobate, generat ly less scieroti Zed, with the heavi ly scieroti Zed lamina projecting more proximal ly.

weli discerni ble, transverse lines absent or represented by shori costat streaks. Female. Similar tomate, antenna filis orna. abdomen thic ker, sore ings Somewhat bronder, wing patiern more prominent. stigmata and subterminal line more sharply desine l. hind wing also darker with stronger sub marginal line. Male genitalia Fig. 2P): Uncus medium-long, Stender, tegumen wenk, hi Oad, with large, quAdrangular penicular lobes. sultura in serior subdelloidal. with rather broad. apicatly slightly dilated ul)per dorsal) pari, vinculum long. stender. V-Shapcd. ValVa elongate. narro , Stightly arcuate, costa scieroti Zed, with long. acute mediat extension and Strongly serrate Subapical plate. Cucullus narrow po in ted. corona long. Clavi smali. rounded. harpe relative ly long Stender, S-s haped. Acile agus large thic k, cylindrica l. arcuate, Vesica very long. broad ly tubular, basalty colle l. recurved ventrally: iis walls weakly membra notis. sine ly scobinate. Basai and subterminal diverticula large . mediat cornuti sic id long narrow consisting os Shori Spintiles, terminal cornutus relatively long strat glit, thorn- like. Female genitalia Fig. 28) Ovi positor very long . narro . rather wenk, papillae Anales smnit, conical, gon apophyses very long sine. Ostium bursae calyculate, ostiat plate broad ly salcate. ductushursae medium- long broad ly tubular, si attened, partly scieroti Zed. Bursa copulatrix large, more orless hilobate, cervix bursae large, Spaci ous, proximo- laterat part heavi ly Scleroti Zed. corpus bursae elliptical, membranous, willi elongate-elliptica l. rather Strong Signum. Bionomics and distribution. The now species is found only in the high upper part of the Bubinvalley. in a deop. Stream valley with patches os gallery foresis and shrubby mixed soresis. surro unded by Steep. dry. rocky wali S. An uni volt ine, late autumnal species. the ii si adulls were observcd at thec nil os September. the puak of the 1 ight was at the mi d-October os the fame year. Ali specimens were collected at light. non e os them appe arcit around the fugar baiis. Elymology. The new species is dedicated to Pros. Dr ZOLTAN S. VARGA. cxpcri os the tri si ne Noctu illac satina os Central Asia.