장음표시 사용
Cimon the soni Miltiades, a marriedri his ownsister, Elpinice by name . He Says that he illiso sus- se the nam os the tyrant to e protecteda his i. o. the spe alter's popularity. Hi duite a ambas Sador ares salthsuli executed by Dion, that he tyrant' most cruel nam is protecteda his popularity. I cannotae donised that Dionysius is much influencsed by the adviceos Dion How o are there Pr. Intr. 4TT), Wh --
and Oxecuto iis duties illi fidelity. Though Dionysius was much influencedi Dion' advice, et in his matter, his Own private se eling a Stronger.
partici Τ-7. Oe Cicero se that Other partici '-8. DOes Cicero us haud secus r 2 l. Under hat circumstances is ep. son os Connectin Sentences by qui quidem J-2. What ood sollows this qui quidem Z-3. When is the indicativo us edas ter qui quidem' . What Orce may qui e considere dio havo when the subjunctive is used Τ-5. What is audire aliquem J-6. Explain venia in veniam dare. Them. 10, IJ, 3. -T. Explain magna ambitione perducere'.
precedin assertion. 2. The indicative o the subjunctive. 3. Whon tho sollowin claus is a simple historica Statement, and when iis ein actuali a suci is to e strongi potnted ut Thorelative is then early - is, so that qui urdem and accord- inglyrae. 4. That o an ut consequentio se is much o, that. 5. It is the verbum proprium for attendin a person'δlecture or studyin unde him, When the pupi is grown p. 7. Wit statem Pomp.
Ambit a dicitur de quacunque re ad captandam gratiam instituta. Magna Gmbitione, i. e. magno comitatu ac pompa ad favorem honoremque captandum. Forcellinus.
3 1. What awhWardnes is here in quippe quem venumdari jussisset lf4 1. Distinguisti et eo interim, interea. Pr.
Intr. i. p. 195, note T. J-2. What i gravis morbus y-3. Explain the construction quo quum gravi confictaretur. 4. What reposition are Sed aster quaerere, to gOVernthe case of the person l-5. Give inStance si eae and de . -6. ive an instanc Os quaerere a rom Cicero.-T. Si
5 1. When is et sed here e liould se ut ' Pr. Intr. ii. 233. J-2. What is sopor in soporem dare '
3I Q. Tho change of tho subject Plato boin the nom. os thomincipat sentenco. 4I 2. A severe riungerous disorder. 3. - quum es, et quidem gravi confictaretur M. Quaerere eae, ais de aliquo. 5. 1 Quaesivi eae Phania Cic. Liscum retinet; quoerit e Solo,&e Caes. 2 quaerebat paullo ante de me Cic. 6. Quaero nunc a te, Hortensi, C. 8. es belo 8, 2J Dat 5, 3. Hann. 9, 2 Mam 2, 1. . es Att. 10, 2. 10. No.
11. Commonendum putavi, ne quo per iculi te proprio eaeistimares esse : in magno omnes, Sed tamen in communi Sumus ad Fam 4, 15, 2. 12. - Aperirent, declararent, aumann
Brem minks eratiould read, quippe qui eum venumdari jussisset. In carcerem conjici. Verr. 2, 3, 83. Quaero abs te nunc Hortensi cum trisne tandem istius f-rum collaturus es V AEloig.
Dion asked the physicians Whether perchance Dionysius Was in great anger. Dion converses it Dionysius about a divisionis the Lingdom, saying that he thoughi the fons os Aristomache Should have a hare. Dionysius the ounge di no tolerato his, ut compelle the
is ron in confiniti Simultas to politica enis in . . How should it probablyrae desine d/-3. What is probabiniis derivation l-4. oes aliquamdiu mean Or Ome considerable time l-5. What is the in is arcesseret y-
CH. III. 1 I. it. 17 I, se numquam cum sorore fuisse insimultate. 2. A the reciprocaliatred that arises stom cominginto collision, hether in publicis privato liso thus in Atticus' caseit Was a sistermearly os his OK age quam prope Equalem habebat. 3. Simul not simulare A. es. 5. Arcessire accordingio reunda though SS. an edition var much. 6. It is a caulative stom accedo, as incesso hom incedo. 7. es accord- in to Dodorlein, ritg, c. 8. Qui vellet quippe qui vellet giving the motide that induced Dionysius to end for Plato. 2 1. Accordin to Bremi, Daline, and Jaumann se porro Ormoeterea anc moreover I. Absoluto power in tho abstract.
Schult says, fiatred, speetalinas manifestin iis is in politica hostilltyi does not carry illi it an notion om secret se aling, ut is ather tot dorived rom simul than Dona simulare.
2 I. Explain aliquid magnae est invidia alicui.-2.
EXplain omnia quae moveri poterant Dionis.-3. I imponere in aliqua re ver Oundl-4. In Sic enim existimari volebat, id e non odio hominis, Sed suae Salutis fecisse cauSa, lint ord appear t u Superfluouit Pr. Intr.
p9Stquam o poStea quam ' Pr. Intr. 14.J-2. What partis spe ech is nuptum f4 What ornis are used in Latin inste ad O et nemo, et nullus, et numquam Pr. Intr. 80. J J I. Explain usque eo.-2. Give an inStanee susque eo followed by uti ne .-3. Can Ou produce any
Cu. IV. II Q. Timere inter se. 2. Seu the sui constructionaeing timere se inter e δ. 3. Neque solum colent interae ac diligent, sed, c Cic. de Amic. 22 quum inter se compleri in terram eae equis decidissent, ep. Eum 4, 2 inter se ludere inter se adspicere, e. 4. It prope meaning is to ake into possession e fore another person: hen applied i personii iselthe to anticipate or as here to remove him ut of the way; ordestroy him e fore hecisis his guard, c. 2 1. I bring much odium pon him mahes hi ver un- Popular g c. u. - Omnia Dioni8, quin moveri poterant: l. Dion s moveabies I. Seo Cim. 4, IJ, 6. 5 1. Literalty up to thither se prio Such aloint, to suetia degreo. 2. Quod ubi iste audivit, Sque eo Si commotus, ut, c. Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 18. 3. Chabr. 1 3 hoc usque eo tota Graecia fama celebratum St, ut Chabria3-voluerit.
'an donies this, urseli vol. iii 397 thoughi allows that a novimus nos se novi te et tu novisti me, o novimus nos inter nos is mund pleonasti livibu nesve noverunt se unless moverunt se ipsis nor noverunt se inter se.
2 l. ConStrue multorum annorum tyranniS.-2. Givea simila instance rom his hapter.-3. Xplain tyranniS.-4. OVern magnarum opum in magnarum opum
Cu. V. 2I 2 Quinquaginta annorum imperium. 6, Demigrationis societatem, ill 1, 2 tantum abfuit a societate sceleris, Timol. 1, 3 quam diraciles plerisque identur calamitatum societates, Cic. de Amic. 17 64. 3 3. Percellere is to givo any thin sueti a loW, that the consequences of it remui for a long time percutere denotes a suddenan violent low, tho effect of hicli are mos formidabio at irest, an graduult decreaso: ence percellere is osten use ncari in thu
Γ5 l. For halcis iis ipsis sed '-2. Givo in i stanc sto Caesar of the person by hos mean S,&α bein put in the abl.-3. What is spiritus in thopluralΤ-4. What then is regios spiritus y-5. What verbaesides reprimere is uSed os crushing c. the spiriti 6 1. What is the meaning os vellet here l-2. hyis obtineret in the Subj l
O tho hirdia aster Dion ad arrive a Corinth,
5 1. For eorum ipsorum opera, auzilio; or, per OS USOS Seo Z.4 455. Note. 2. Militibus ossam perducit B. G. 1, 8, 1. 3. It generali means an ver-confident prou spirit: noratis-spiritus tribunicios Cic. p. Cluent. 39, 109. 4. Tli tyrant' proud spirit. 5. Frangere: as Liv. I, 3I, fracti simul cum corpore sunt spiritus illi feroces. So 26, 24 quo
rum e vim ac spiritu SH egi SSe.
2I Q. In filio suam vim exercuit rapis notflium y 2. What do es the in it abi describe ἶ-3. Explain
Pr. Intr. ii. 233. J-2. When are et que, used sor qui Tn.J-3. What is the derivation Os rhapsodia' . Vne rhapsodia is sed ithout an mentio of thopoem, hic o Homer' epic Oem i me antl-5. Quot the verse allude to .-6. Whycis omnia in Sua poteState Sse velle belle than me omnia-velle I 5 1. What is obsequium here a oppOSed O acerbitas '-2. What is intersciendum curare '
Heraclidos didio endure this, but o up a pari finhe state. Dion didiso endure this, ut attempte toe Xere1 Se his authorit against Heraclides Dion having
task, and a Stronger than adorsus. The phras Oppugnare adorior, hic is in phras in Thrasyb. 2, 5, occum Dur times in Livy. B. 2 I. That would impi authorii or influence Xerelae againgthim, inste ad os meret in his case, it referen ce to im . . The personis object wit referene to hicli the actio is completed. 3. The sui expression ouldae reduae isset in matrimonium Soluet. Dom. ob reductam in matrimonium uetorem . . last, it position by hic it is not ni made emphatio iself, ut also add emphasiario gravissimum ulnusu 2 that parens denotes thenatura relationis a parent to a son pater rathe the civi relation, Wit referenco to tho right os a fallier. 4I G. 4mm Wὁήν. 4. The Iliad.
rit o in amicis Ideses Sali Cat. 9, 2 has his excellent remari me
fit, ubi Verbum ita comparatum est, ni et per in praepositionem accν sativo junditiam cum objecto siliquo arcte coalescat, quae ut aris est ratio et ubSolute cogitari possit, ita ut vim suam non in objectum etferat, sed per se generali sensu positum addito ablativo cum in prapositione accuratius de niatur, qui squo res illa signiscetur, in qua absoluta ejus actio versatur, vel quo actioni causam aut originem praebuit. Talem verbi cum ablativo conjuncti rationem si e licaveris formul quod attinet ad vim constructionis plane fueris RSSecutuS. Nullumque locum non Tpedies.-Ρrobabi Han explain the relationos in it the abi belle than by quod attinet ad Whic is too generia thusi denotes, 'rem in qua aliquis versatur Vendo aut quam quis Mena PMisa Tum iii. p. 269.
Uxercise his authorit in the case Os hi Son receives the Severe St ound a usband can receive by thedoathis his isse Dion id not endure this, ut attempte to crusti by severit the party hicli ho oughtto have Ona conciliation. CH. VII. 2 1. Quum quotidiani maximisereri,
sumttι O Would yO ConStrue quotidianus y-2. X-plain the principio hich quotidianus here illustrate S. 3. ive instances. -4. What dOe manu porrigere mean by implication l-5. Is manus porrigere used by another Writer in his sense J-6. Some SS. omit tho in audre ad nisi amicorum possesSiones; hat dissererice Ouid this mali l T. Give the derivation Os porrigere.-8. Explain amittere optimateS. 3 l. What is male audire'-2. Over audiendi Pr. Intr. 183. J-3. an O produce an Xample roma pro Se rite O the goiden ages
denotin time are place With an emphati force here e liouldus adverbs. 3. Seras conditiones pari tentantem, O sero Suet. Oct. 17 and in this very lis of Corn. ep. celeri rumore dilato 10, 1J sor celeriter. 4. To appropriat them to himself to taliethem ama by violenem the antecedens, i. e. the preeedin actionos stret ching ut the and beiug Sed for the consequens, tho fina actio of taking the properi uWay . . es by Curi., who, however has ad uot in jam etiam ad pecora nostra avaras et instabiles manus porrigis T 8, 19. 6. The nisi amicorum possessiones oui then e connected with the principat sentence, neque-suppetebat is in is expressed, it is connected with tho verbo the neceSSOr Sentence, porrigeret. 7. Pro sortii, sorWardes regere, to direct ri. amrttere favorem optimatum.
expres homo Sine ulla religione ac de J-T. The generalrule so the se of ac is that it add a Stronger notion to preceding one : is notbides es than religio I S. Adit ad Dionem is the ad alWays repente aster adire '-9. Give an instance rom Cicero of the repetitionis the ad.
2 l. Is the right re ad in probabi in magno peri
Wh is aliquis, no quis, Sed aster nisi '-3. Illi inimicum ocis inimicus alWay solioWed by the dat. Τ-4. Quem si invenisset idoneum-cogniturum fessel; his is in oblique narration, ho Ahould it taud in direct narration Τ-5. Dissidenti: hat is undorstood l 3 l. Is partes excipere a Sunt OnStructioni-2. Conjurationem confirmat What i the meanin os confr-mat herest 4 l. Explain elata.-2. What is understoo aster
τersus. 4. Callidus denotes theriaci and 8kill acquired by porsona experienee ad fraudem acutus relates totis natura disposition. . A man without a conscience. 7. es : ut theraeingwithou any descis a stronger notion in the descendin scule os Wiehodness it is a Mors thing. 8. O. 9. Ad me adire quosdam memini,-qui dicerent, in ad Fam 3, 10 the construetion,ith ad A the usualisne, to expres the imple notion of goin to
2 1. Magno periculo esse: to e in anger' is, in periculo esse, ver Sari, c. but the in is usuali omitte when pericvlo has an adjectivo agreein with t. 2. It means ome ne definito person, though,ithout mentioning the individual quis is tho indefinito any. aer. Intr. 392, and note . . No wo have inimici ejus
below. 4. Si hunc inveneris-cognosces. 5. Dissidenti Sc. a Dione. 3 1. No partes suscipis re solio usual construction, ut eaecipere is uiso Sed CeaSionalty Where suscipere solio usual form thus suscipere simultates, inimicitias, es commonlyexcipere: Susciperes labores an excipere. 2. Firmiorem facit strengthenS.f4I q. - nuntiata Pausan. 4, 6. 2. Eum. 5 1 That tho sed states omething greater and stronger iliai
44 How is notitia used in propter notitiam
tahes tho placo os What has been holly rejected. r. Intr. ii 504. Se Thras 1, 5J. 2. o but it has Suffcient authorit e. g. conata perscere, Caes. B. G. I, 3. Cu. IX II Q. The sestiva o Proserpina, Wh Was WorShippedin Sicil With great honore. 2. In the senso in hicli Dis heroused os a religious assembly, a festivat, tris rare in the goiden age. 3. In the uppe par of the ouse, o in the oom that looked into the atrium. 4. - Conscii conjurationis p . . conjurati. 2 1 ornare Dequonti mean to furnis or equi any thing ;to suppi it with ut that was necessary to ut it in a completestate. 2. To an a sitim to ut into u Ahimiis sui complement os figlitin men. 3. Per causam Xercendorum re milum, B C. 3, 24. 4. A place os refuge. 5. Usuch a placeraliouldae required he hould ait. 4J In a passive sense in consequenco of theirioin known te